The Doctor Who Loves Me



0At Yang Globals     4

"Scalpel," Yera uttered to the nurse before she began opening up Cali and started her surgery. It took them a few hours.     


Dion sighed as his sister successfully removed the clot.     

The room was filled with the soft instrumental music playing while Yera focussed completely on the surgery.     


Outside the operating room, Rui clasped his hand while he kept on silently praying for Cali's safety. Nanny Shine and grandpa Lua were with him, anxiously waiting.     

He looked at the clock… Three hours had passed already.     

'Oh God, please let Cali live… Oh God… please I beg you…' Rui pleaded in his silent prayer and his tears unconsciously fell from his eyes. He would give everything he had just for Cali to surpass the operation and live a healthy life.     

Two more hours passed and the door finally opened.     

Yera heaved a sigh and said, "The surgery was successful. All we have to do now is to wait for Cali to wake up."     

Rui hugged Yera tightly and said, "Thank you, Yera…" Yera patted his back and smiled.     

"Thank you..." Rui cried several times as well as grandpa Lua and Nanny Shine.     

"Please don't thank me… Cali is a fighter. We must still keep on praying and hope everything is well once Cali wakes up." Yera reminded him, and Rui could fully understand what Yera meant since there could be a possibility of some unpleasant after-effects of the brain surgery.     

Yera felt tired while she was being escorted back to Xander's office. They were in the hallway when a commotion happened. People inside the hospital were alarmed and everyone ran outside.     

Ralf who was with Yera automatically tightened the security around her with his men around her.     

Yera heard Ralf instructing his men to get the helicopter ready for flying. Ralf cursed as he looked towards the elevator and fire exit…     

The madam was pregnant with triplets and having her run up the stairs would endanger the children's safety. The situation was serious and they must escape somehow, but the condition of madam was also very important to take note of.     

As Ralf stood there and contemplated, they heard gunshots… Ralf with Yera and a few of his men headed towards the elevator.     

"What's going on?" Ralf asked the security of the hospital.     

"Sir, there are armed men who forcibly entered inside the hospital." the security from the control room reported and informed Ralf the location of the commotion.     

He sighed at the thought that they still had enough time to escape. Almost all the security of the hospital headed to the area where the armed men were reported.     

They were almost near the rooftop when Yera and the rest smelled something unusual. The last thing Yera knew was she and the rest of the men with her fell unconscious on the ground.     


Dion, who was still at Yang Globals hospital, heard about the commotion while he was inside the ICU to check Cali's vital signs. He suddenly felt nervous and left DR. Gong in charge.     

He tried to contact Ralf while he removed his scrubs, but Ralf was not answering.     

He went outside and saw security teams approaching him. "Sir, we must go to a secure place…"     

"Where is my sister? Mom and dad?" Dion worriedly asked.     

No one answered and stared at him with troubled looks, Dion was horrified with that look they gave and lost his cool.     

"I want to know what's going on!" he yelled, so Ron instructed the men to bring Dion inside the control room from the radio.     

Dion, upon hearing that, immediately ran at the control room where Ron was and asked, "What's going on?"     

Ron's face was pale, so Dion could tell it was something not good.     

"General Zach is now tailing them…" Ron whispered and looked at the screen of the replay on the CCTV footage.     

Yera and the rest inside the elevator fell unconscious on the floor. Dion's eyes widened when they saw men in civilian outfit moving her unconscious sister on a wheelchair.     

"Oh my God!" Dion gasped, and he felt his knees weakened and he almost lost it, but Ron quickly grabbed him.     

"Is bro Xander aware already?" Dion whispered.     

"We are unable to contact him, Dion. Today is a crucial day, and he is on the trial." Ron said. Dion almost forgot that it could be the last day of the trial. They were not allowed to bring mobile phones in the area.     

"How about Chad? Chad can receive and answer calls…" Dion helplessly muttered.     

"Yes, General Zach's part is on it…" Ron answered.     

"How about mom and dad?" Dion whispered, hoping his dear parents were at least safe.     

"They were already secured…" Ron confirmed, and Dion felt at least at ease.      

"Ron, my sister is pregnant," Dion uttered. He felt so weak as he tried to control the trembling of his body. His poor sister…     

"Oh God, please keep her safe…" Dion uttered as the tears began to fall from his eyes. Soon Rui entered the control room and slumped on the ground while he watched what happened.     

"It's my fault. It's all my fault." he whispered because it was him who begged Yera to take the lead on Cali's surgery. If he had not insisted on Yera to do it… Yera could still be safe at Plumeria island. He felt Dion pulled him up to sit while he whispered, "Don't blame yourself, Rui. It's no one's fault. Let's trust Zach and the military in rescuing her soon."     

In a secured room, Senior Yang and Liz were both crying hard when they heard the news that Yera was missing.     

"Our daughter… Liz, why her? Oh, God… My son's heart would ache if he finds out that his wife was captured Oh God… They should not hurt our Yera," Senior Yang sobbed.     

"No, they won't hurt her James." Liz whispered, trying her best to comfort James. They might use Yera as a bargain, since the trial was to Xander's advantage. Yun, who Liz suspected as the perpetrator, was becoming more desperate due to the losing trial and had even stooped as low as abducting the pregnant woman and attacking in the open now.     

"Despicable monsters… they must be punished…" Liz cried out.     


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