The Doctor Who Loves Me

Starting Point Of His Real Battle

Starting Point Of His Real Battle

4Xander was breathing heavily. Loud inhales and exhales were frequently heard inside the car by Lana and Chad.     0

"Are you nervous?" Lana asked with a creased forehead.      

"Don't be because you have me and Chad to back you up. Don't you know that I never lose any case I handle, not even a single argument with anyone, ever since I got my license as a lawyer? Trust me on this one… I will surely bring you home in one piece to be with your pregnant wife and you will have a peaceful family life ahead." Lana boastfully declared.     

Xander did not know whether to cry or laugh with Lana's encouragement.     

Chad was the one who laughed and turned his head to look at the people sitting on the back seat, Lana and Xander.     

"That's one good assurance, Lana," Chad complimented with a grin.     

Xander shook his head. This was the starting point of his real battle. He was nervous and pretty much so.      

He did not only want to avenge the brutal deaths of his mother and aunt, but also his brother who was close to him. He was also worried about his family waiting for him at plumeria island, his beautiful wife, father and of course his new mother who had been thoughtful towards him and his wife always.      

Everything together made him a little anxious, though he knew he must keep his mind at ease and attitude positive.     

Right now they were on their way to the private courtroom of Mirage Triad, the place where all the disputes between any of the three clans were heard by a judge and it was compulsory for them to abide by the decisions. Today was the commencement of the trial against Yun of Yue Clan and his crimes. He was the plaintiff and Yun was the defendant.     

They had put a lot of effort in making their case a strong one for Yun not to escape. They had met so many supporters of the original King who did not like the unethical way of working of the current leader and wanted their clan to reach the heights but ethically and not barbarically or like hooligans.      

So many people had given their statements, and some were even ready to be the witness when it came to testify Xander's claim to the throne. And to their satisfaction all the evidence they held was pointing only towards Yun, King Marcus' brother. Yun, who was also supposed to be his half grandfather.     

The courtroom of Mirage Triad was located at a secret place. Their transportation would also be handled confidentially in coordination with the Tai clan. Their car stopped at the meeting place where Xander and Lana would be handed over to Tai Clan's security, who would lead them to the courtroom.      

"See you both in the courtroom. I'm just behind you guys," Chad reassured before Xander and Lana's eyes were blindfolded to be shifted inside another car that would take them to one of the private areas of Mirage Triad where the trial would take place.     

After a couple of minutes, the car stopped. Xander and Lana were escorted inside the said courtroom under heavy security. As soon as they were inside the room, their blindfold was removed.     

Lana looked around and noticed that the room looked exactly like a real courtroom except that the security was very tight even inside the room.     

She glanced around to see who all were there and her eyebrows lifted seeing a familiar figure inside, who just like them had just been freed from the blindfold. 'So that's what he meant?' she mused with a crumpled face looking at aloofly standing Liam who was acting as if he did not even know her. 'See me soon, huh? So this is that soon?' she silently grunted.     

Xander, on the other hand, looked around while they were guided to sit in their designated places. His eyes met an old man's blazing eyes from the other side. The old man was glaring at him and Xander too gave him the same calculative, fierce stare back.      

He recognized that old man was Yun, since he already had their photos, including the photos of each Mirage Council that was seated at the side near the judge's. Each Clan had two councils, so there were six councils before them that composed the judicial system.      

Those Councils would analyze all the facts presented by each party, and in the end they would vote if the defendant was guilty as charged before the judge concluded the final verdict. If the defendant was proven guilty, a punishment would be placed according to the Mirage Laws.     

Their complaint against Yun was punishable by death, by hanging, if proven guilty.      

Xander frowned, seeing the crazy grin on that old man Yun's face. He looked so calculative and shrewd, as if he was not taking him seriously.      

'Let's see if you can still grin like that after the trial.' Xander inwardly hissed.     

"All rise…"     

The judge soon entered     

Lana had heard of this judge during her internship. He was a retired chief justice of the supreme court of that country, the one who was known for being 'fearless'. He was also famous for his very unbiased judgements, and Lana adored the man for being an upright man during his service in the country.      

She had also heard that the old man always kept receiving death threats, but he was someone who was not afraid to die in his line of service. He had that famous line of 'death's going to happen sooner or later. What matters is you do the right thing before death knocks on your door.'     

"Wow Mirage Triad is interesting," Lana could not help but whisper to herself. She presumed they would often hire the judge for hearings and for special cases like this. Good thing that they hired a good reputed and unbiased one.     

"The defendant is accused of multiple murders of the family members for gaining power in the clan…" the house speaker started and called out for the representative of the plaintiff to begin by stating their accusations.     

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