The Doctor Who Loves Me



1At Plumeria Island      4

After the wedding celebration, Lana and Chad went out on their separate ways. Lana excitedly prepared her things and changed into her swim wear and top it with a comfortable loose sleeveless and backless dress as soon as they went back to the mansion where she stayed in a room away from the others.     

Then she quickly ran to the beachfront for a dip.     

"Ohhhh! This felt so good!" Lana gasped while she dipped half of her body in the water. The clear blue crystal waters were just too good. She needed refreshing moments like this to clear her thoughts and mind.     

After quite some time of enjoying the waters, Lana decided to get out of the water and sit on the beach chair to watch the sunset. She zipped her sleeveless dress back on her body and looked at the ocean before deciding to walk back in the water for a bit more enjoyment.     

She grinned while she watched her legs and feet under the water. She could see the sand and fishes because of the clear waters.     

"Wow, so nice!" she chanted in wonder and did not notice the man watching her keenly just two meters away from her.     

"Seems like you're enjoying yourself very much in here…" Lana heard a familiar voice that made her curse, thinking she was hallucinating.     

"Aren't you cold?" she heard the voice once more and she could feel goosebumps all over her body while she slowly raised her head to see if her hunch was right.     

"What are you doing here?!" Lana hissed in horror, seeing Liam sternly looking at her with arched brows.     

"I think I should be the one asking that. This is a private property of my cousin Ryu Ken… Or are you perhaps related to Deyna? I mean Yera?" Liam asked as he stepped towards Lana.     

"Stop right there!" Lana hissed with her hand raised, signaling Liam to stop.      

"Why should I? Last time I checked, I had all the rights to come close since we're still married." Liam remarked with a mischievous grin. She was obviously still mad at him. He missed those blazing eyes of his wife like she was ready to bite him to death.     

"We have an agreement! Don't you dare take another step!" Lana threatened.     

"Hmm, did we sign that agreement, little tigress?" He scoffed with an evil grin, seeing his proud wife panicking as he moved closer to her, now only an inch away from her face.     

'Scaring me huh?' Lana mused with a raised brow followed by a devious, sly smirk. She would never lose to this man!      

"Shall I then fulfill your wildest fantasy about me, pervert?" Lana scowled as she unzipped her dress.     

"What are you doing?" Liam muttered in disbelief.     

"You started this. Isn't this exactly what you wanted? I never lose a fight..." Lana challenged.     

Liam silently cursed because he too never lost a fight!     


Author's note:     

Okay, so let me have this cameo 'a sneak peak' chapter for Lana and Liam. Follow their love story by searching then adding the novel with a title of "THE LAW OF ATTRACTION" let's see each other there and I hope you also enjoy the story of our two lawyers' hate and love relationship! See u there guys add it now to your library.     

*******Back to the story*******     

Meanwhile, Chad was with one of Regan's man and a driver to tour him around the pleasant spots of the island. He sighed and could not help recall the time he spent in Keira's wonderful island similar to this with Mara.     

Another heave of frustration, and a long sigh came out from his chest before he turned and looked at his window when his eyes caught a particular figure and a familiar face.     

"Mara…" he whispered and turned at the windshield at the back seat as they passed the woman walking on the side road with an ice cream cone in her hand.     

"Stop the car!" Chad instructed and as soon as the car stopped he jumped out of it.     

"Mara…" he called the woman out who stopped walking and looked at the sunset view and the beach from afar.     

She did not even look back at him, so Chad called once more, "Mara."     

She finally noticed him and turned around with a beautiful smile on her face.     

"Hi," the woman cheerfully greeted. Chap stood frozen near her. She looked exactly like Mara, but her aura was very different.     

She was not Mara, she could not be Mara. She was wearing a laboratory gown, so he assumed she was a doctor.     

"You called me with a different name. I guess you mistakenly thought I was her but realized I'm not," the woman whispered with eyes still fixed on the nice view of the sunset.     

"Are you a doctor working on this island? What's your name?" Chad asked in curiosity.     

The woman gave him a glance over before a seductive smile appeared on her face. "I'm Dr. Candice Yao, studly man." she muttered followed by a wink then licked her ice cream cone.     

Chad gulped. Mara would not dare do something like that. It's a very cunning and sly way of behaving.     

Then he heard her chuckle before returning her gaze to the sun.     

"Hmm, can I ask you a question, studly man?" he heard the woman speak while she continued eating her ice cream and stared at the sun.     

"What if we live in a very chaotic world where there are wars everywhere… What if you are given a chance to lead in that world? How the heck will you handle it?" Chad heard her ask without waiting for his answer whether he agreed for her to ask a question.     

Chad shook his head and then smiled while looking at the sun. "Leading a chaotic world. Hmm, only tough ones could do that… Someone who could overcome the love of power will be a perfect leader for a chaotic world… Someone who has time and patience…"     

The woman looked at Chad with a wide smile on her face and suddenly asked, "Do you think you can be that person, studly man?"     

Chad's jaw dropped as he stared at the woman who even gave him a wink before looking at her watch and cursed, "Oh crap. I'm late for an appointment with one of my patients. Here, my ice cream tastes good. I have to leave now. Nice meeting you studly man."     

Chad watched the woman run away in a rush. His mouth agape in awe. Then he stared in disbelief at her ice cream that she handed in his hand.     

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *     

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