The Doctor Who Loves Me

At Any Cost

At Any Cost

2Josh finally met Shane's father and her other brother Min. Min was a more approachable person than Jun, since he rather talked too much, asking him a lot of questions. But Shane's father was like Jun, the quiet type.      2

It had been a few days already since he arrived at Shane's house, but her father never talked to him yet, until tonight when Jun told him that his father-in-law was waiting for him in his study room, so Josh went there immediately after excusing himself from Shane and Jun, who were with him in the living room.     

He knocked and opened the door when he heard Shane's father say, "Come in."     

"Please sit." Shane's father instructed, then he gave a glass to Josh.     

Josh gulped, seeing him opening a bottle of hard drink.     

"Do you drink Josh?" Shane's father asked.     

"Yes, father." Josh answered, trying to hide his nervousness. This was the first time Shane's father talked to him because he would only nod or glance at him most of the time.     

He even asked Shane if her father was angry because of the unexpected wedding or did not like him or his background, but Shane only laughed at him saying it was her father's character since he was a man of few words.     

"Sorry if I did not give you a proper welcome son. You see, I had to work out a lot of things and make sure your stay here should be safe enough." Shane's father explained while he sat opposite Josh and poured a drink in Josh's glass, then handed the bottle to Josh.     

Josh quickly grabbed the bottle and poured in his father-in-law's glass. He was very nervous thinking about the reason he was called for a one-to-one drink with Shane's father. He only hoped he would not scold or reprimand him for marrying his precious daughter without permission. He was also afraid that if his father-in-law had called him for a few drinks then he wished he could last long and would not disappoint Shane's father by blacking out so early.     

"I understand, father," Josh replied meekly and raised his glass. When Shane's father raised him, he drank it in one gulp, keeping up with Shane's father.     

For a couple of minutes, they kept repeating the same action of pouring in each other's glass and drinking together in utter silence. Josh felt a kind of pressure building upon him. He would go crazy soon if he would not talk, so he opened his mouth to start some kind of conversation, but halted when Shane's father suddenly spoke.     

"Shane is our only girl. As a woman, she may feel like she is lacking a lot since she grew up with boys in her surroundings. Most thought she is a tomboy but for us, especially me, she is our precious princess. She is very precious to me in my heart, I love her dearly but I failed her as a father…" Shane's father started pouring his heart out in a very regretful tone, before pouring another peg in Josh's glass.     

Josh then filled his father-in-law's empty glass that he again drank in one gulp before continuing, "As a father, I love all my children equally, but I came to the point where I had to choose between my three sons or my only daughter and I… like a coward... chose my three sons…"     

Josh could notice the cracked voice of his father-in-law whose eyes welled up and had started crying in front of him. Josh felt that burden he had been holding in his heart, so he pulled his chair over and sat just beside him.     

He consciously pulled his father-in-law in a warm embrace. He could understand how hard it must have been for him as a father and he doubted if he could tell this to his sons and more so to Shane.     

He stroked his back and gently patted him there while he said, "You only did what you thought was best for your family father. Shane surely understands you. She must have been hurt at first, but she definitely understands your dilemma. I'm sure about it, father. Please lift up and throw away that burden already since Shane is fine and I assure you that I will take good care of my wife forever.���     

His father-in-law gently pushed him, then smiled and nodded at Josh while he wiped his tears. "I'm sorry… I guess the alcohol already took effect, and I became too emotional. I'm really glad that Shane is lucky enough to be able to find such a responsible and reliable husband as you are Josh. I just hope that no matter what happened… No, I beg you to please stay with her always no matter what…"     

Shane's father grabbed his hands and squeezed it. With pleading eyes he repeated, "I beg you to please take good care of my Shane and don't let any harm come on her way. Please protect her."     

"Yes, father, I will please don't worry. Shane is my responsibility and I will always look after her at any cost." Josh answered.     

Meanwhile, Shane was busy checking her mobile phone while she sat with her brothers in the living room who were watching the evening news.     

"How does it feel to work again for the Yue facilities sis?" Min suddenly asked.     

"Nothing special, just the same routine, but it feels good because of the high pay." Shane nonchalantly commented. None of her family members knew that she had come back there as a spy of the military this time. She was already in action as per her new role and every day she went inside the Yue facilities were precious.     

"You are lucky that Mr. Long has been given a task abroad by Prince Yun." Jun commented. Indeed, she was lucky that no one was pestering her while she could concentrate on her mission in hacking those bastards' facilities.      

That Yun seemed to prepare for a war, mobilizing all the armed men in the Clan for a confidential mission that she had already relayed to Zach. She was yet to find out where those men were being dispatched.     

"What do you think they are talking about?" Min suddenly asked Shane referring to Josh who went to their father in his study room.     

"What else? Maybe some formal stuff between father-in-law and son-in-law? I wonder though, what's keeping them up for so long? Father hates talking, right?" Shane mumbled and grabbed a chip on the table to eat.     

"Yeah, I think thirty minutes have already passed since I called bro-in-law, right?" Min added.     

"Maybe it's some serious talk they are indulged into." Jun interrupted.     

"Hmm, I'll go and check," Shane mumbled and stood up.     

"Wait, I'll go with you and see as well." Min said and quickly followed Shane. For some reason, Jun also stood up and followed behind Min.     

They heard shouting with a rhyme from outside the door.      

"Are they singing?" Min asked in disbelief, looking at Jun beside him.     

"Let's see." Shane whispered and silently opened the door to have a peak. Then followed Min whose head was above Shane then next was Jun whose head was above Min.     

All of their eyes widened, seeing their father singing in an acapella using the empty bottle as his microphone while Josh banged the table as if playing a drum in accompaniment to their father's singing.     

Shane blissfully smiled and whispered, "My husband is working hard. I should reward him for that."     

Min and Jun left instead since they could no longer bear to watch their always serious father who was a man of few words acting like that with his son-in-law when drunk.      

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *     

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