The Doctor Who Loves Me

Lucky Man

Lucky Man

0Plumeria Island:     4

Rizie and Dion arrived at the island late in the afternoon.     

"Yera!" Rizie burst out and was about to run towards Yera, who was sitting in the garden, but was held back by her husband.     

"No running Rizie!" Dion scolded. If he was not there, Rizie would definitely run wildly unknowingly. He rolled his eyes because he had to remind Rizie for the do's and don'ts every now and then.     

Rizie grinned and whispered, "Sorry." Then, she slowly walked towards Yera.     

Yera laughed seeing how comedic and slowly Rizie walked after being reprimanded.      

"I have a very protective guardian, you see," Rizie muttered when she finally reached Yera. They hugged each other like there was no tomorrow.      

Soon, Liz and James arrived, and Rizie hugged the two of them as well.     

"Congratulations…" Dion greeted his mother and his soon father to be.     

"I should congratulate you as well for the incoming angel in our family," Senior Yang commented. They all sat down on the chairs in the garden while a helper served them snacks.     

"Well, two angels…" Liz commented with a grin. Rizie and Dion looked at each other, confused. They thought Mom Liz was saying they would have twins since it ran in Rizie's family blood.      

"Mom, there's only one sac visible in Rizie's ultrasound." Dion commented with knitted brows.     

Yera had a bashful smile while Senior Sy prou nodly declared, "Our Yera is also pregnant."     

"What?!" Rizie and Dion burst in chorus.     

Rizie held Yera's hands and with a joyous smile said, "Oh God! I'm so happy to know this, sis. God is so kind! We are both pregnant almost at the same time!!! Oh gosh, I'm too excited!"     

Dion too was smiling ear to ear hearing the great news, and suddenly butted in, "What if Sis, you're the one carrying twins or triplets. You never know. Did you get the ultrasound done?"     

Yera shook her head. She just had a blood test as confirmatory and wanted to go for an ultrasound with Xander...     

Dion's imagination was too much, and he gave her an unbelievable smirk. She couldn't imagine herself having three babies inside.     

"Didn't you notice you're getting bigger?" Dion added, looking at her stomach. Yera wanted to hit Dion's head, and her face crumpled hearing his words.     

Rizie laughed and defended, "Don't mind him Sis, it's only natural for us pregnant women to grow in size. It's better to gain weight than losing weight during pregnancy, as we're not the only one feeding now. We have a baby growing inside us. Isn't that cool? Hehe."     

"I'm sure Bro Xander must be jumping out of joy right now…" Rizie added.     

"No, I have not told him yet. I want to surprise him tomorrow as soon as he arrives." Yera responded with a timid smile.     

"Oh, right, that would be better. Anyway, let's change the topic." Rizie muttered before her head turned to give a teasing grin to the couple getting married tomorrow.     

"Mom and Dad, you both were already enjoying the honeymoon here… right? But I want to know, who among you was more eager to get married and planned the marriage in such a hurry, even before my wedding with Dion."     

Dion shook his head and smiled on the naughty teasing of his wife as well.     

"What?" Liz naively beamed.     

"It's Xander's fault, not ours. We could always delay our wedding anytime, and let the two of you have the wedding ceremony first," Liz defended.     

Yera laughed, seeing her father's face redden from embarrassment.     

Such talks by the children always made Elder Yang blush profusely, and Yera burst out in laughter.     

The family was enjoying a good conversation and a lively atmosphere with the presence of Rizie and Dion, and Yera could not help but feel incomplete without Xander around.     

'Baby, let's wait a bit more. Tomorrow, we will get to see your handsome and bubbly daddy. I'm sure he will talk to you non-stop once he finds out you're in my stomach." Yera silently whispered to her baby.     


At Yue Clan, Country V     

Josh and Shane were picked up by Shane's older brother, Jun, at the airport. He looked very… Josh couldn't find the right words to describe his expression. Stern? He didn't talk much and never smiled as Shane introduced them both at the airport.     

Shane noticed that Josh seemed restless, so she whispered, "Don't worry. He is usually like that. He's the silent type, but is actually the most loving of all. Maybe that's because he's the eldest, so he grew up to be a serious man who spends most of his time assisting my father in business. So, don't misunderstand like he doesn't like you or something. I'm sure he's happy to meet you."     

"You know I can hear you, Shane," interrupted Shane's brother while he opened up the door to the backseat for them.     

Shane giggled and said, "You missed me, right? How come you're not hugging me? You do know that I'm still mad at you, is that why you're not hugging your only sister?"      

Jun sighed and murmured, "You get inside now together with your husband."     

Shane crumpled her face and followed her brother. Josh was only quiet as he observed his wife pester her brother while they were on their way to the Yue Clan territory.     

Before they could go inside the premises of the territory, Josh and Shane underwent tight scanning, including their things. Shane showed their marriage certificate, and they had to wait further because the security was validating its authenticity.     

Shane also went further, checking at their community doctor to see the validity of their marriage consummation.     

"Nervous?" Josh heard Shane's brother asked, maybe because he kept on sighing while waiting for Shane. Jun gave him a candy. He was startled, but accepted and ate it.     

"Thank you for taking care of our little sister." Jun whispered, followed by a long sigh.     

"All of us protected her so much ever since she was a baby. She is our precious baby sister, but we all proved to be useless when she finally needed protection the most. We are glad Shane found someone like you… Please… Take care of her," Josh could hear the stuttering in Jun's voice.      

"Don't worry. Shane is my responsibility now, and I will stay with her forever no matter what it takes. I will protect her and make her happy." Josh firmly stated.     

"Thank you…" Jun repeated several times so Josh had to stop him. He could feel how depressed and weary Jun was, probably because they were unable to do something about Shane's arranged marriage with Mr. Long.     

"Your sister is a brave woman, and I am indeed a lucky man to marry her." Josh mumbled with a grin and Jun only heaved a sigh hearing that.     

Yes, Josh was a lucky man indeed having Shane, but being connected to their clan like that, he doubted he was lucky unless a reformation happened.     

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