The Doctor Who Loves Me

Look At Those  Abs

Look At Those  Abs

0At Yang Mansion.     

After a week of their wedding, Rizie and Dion moved into the Yang mansion since they both believed that it was a good idea to stay there.     

"Did mom Liz call already? When are they coming back?" Yera asked Dion. It had been a few days since her in-laws left to fly at country V to bring back mom Liz's father with them.      

Rizie looked at her husband questioningly, as she also wanted to know when she could finally meet her husband's grandfather. Dion had strictly refused to allow her to travel abroad, so she had not met him yet.     

Dion's grandfather was supposed to attend their wedding, but he suddenly felt a little unwell and his family doctor forbade travelling even in their private plane. Hence he could not travel to their country to attend the wedding. Her in-laws left to look after him the very next morning after Dion's wedding.     

"Yeah… Grandpa is doing well now and mom said he can travel with them after two days." Dion answered, relieved hearing the good news.     

"Oh alright. I will have the room prepared for him. That will be fantastic when he also arrives here. I heard from mom Liz that her father is a very bubbly and funny person." Yera excitedly burst.      

She wanted all their family members to live in their mansion. She started loving it, all of them living together. Ever since she had lived with the Ken brothers and their wives before, she loved the environment of a big family.     

She was missing her in-laws already and wished they came back soon. She loved their company, especially mom Liz who was extremely adorable and fun to be with.     

"Yeah. he's like mom you see…" Dion agreed.      

As soon as Rizie was done with dinner, she got up and hurriedly pulled Yera from her seat and said, "It's time to watch…"     

Xander shook his head as he watched the two women leave him and Dion shamelessly at the dining area to watch their television series.     

"I don't get why those preggies get addicted to those dramas." He mumbled before drinking a glass of water.     

Dion sighed and muttered, "They like the actors and the story. Don't you hear them scream aloud every day whenever there's any romantic or sweet scenes?"     

Dion did not watch any of that but he felt like he had also been watching the same because Rizie kept talking about the story non stop every night, updating him about what happened in the episodes that she watched.      

Well, he also loved listening to Rizie since she was so into it as she unknowingly mimicked some actions herself that he found really cute and refreshing.     

"I hope I can watch these episodes with them as well," Xander scoffed, making Dion laugh.      

"Do you need backup bro? You really look exhausted," Dion then looked at the exhausted form of Xander and commented. Xander was obviously loaded with work since Rui was also not around and Ron was still on a vacation.     

Xander shrugged his shoulders and muttered, "Nah, I'm good. As soon as Ron arrives, I will take a grand vacation as well with Yera."     

Dion blinked his eyes and asked, "Really? But sis is pregnant? I mean look at her belly, it's bigger than normal and I think it won't be safe if she travels…"     

Xander chuckled, seeing the worried expression of Dion. He could now understand why Rizie was complaining. Dion was exaggeratedly protective.     

"Bro, are you a doctor for real? We are all doctors here. Especially your sister, Yera. She, of all people, knows her body very well, you know." Xander specified with a grin.     

"Besides, we will not go that far just to my favorite resting and relaxing place." Xander added.     

"Oh, you mean your villa?" Dion asked and Xander nodded. Dion had heard about it and his sister mentioned it was indeed a nice place for relaxing too.     

"We can't have a vacation at the same time, especially now, so I will go first and after us then you and Rizie too can go and relax there. It's safe with Rizie to go there Dion since you can travel by road." Xander recommended. The couple would surely enjoy his villa.     

He grinned, recalling how the place was very memorable for him and Yera.     

Dion shook his head as he stood up.      

"Where are you going?" Xander asked. He dared not bother Yera whenever she was watching her favorite drama.     

"At the living room and see why those two can't skip watching that drama series. What kind of freaking actors they have to get them hooked at it so badly" Dion answered plainly.     

Xander stood up as well and jokingly said, "Nah, leave them alone and join me and let's go for a drink. Let those girls scream without us or else we will only feel irritated once you watch them swoon over the male lead…"     

"Alright, maybe that's better." Dion seconded and followed Xander who directly walked into the bar since he would also discuss something with Xander about his sister's suggestion to bring Lyndon back at Life hospitals to help him if the court would approve Lyndon's release since his sister was planning to plead for Lyndon's release.     

They went out and walked in the hallway and passed by the living area.     

"Oh, my gosh!" Both men heard those words at Rizie and Yera so instead of going upstairs, curious, Xander paused and went left to the living area and Dion also followed.     

Their wives were squealing loudly, discussing the perfect body of the actors, like they were the only ones at home.     

"Look at those abs!" Rizie blurted out.     

"I know right?! It's worth drooling. Oh, if I was in her place, I would not hesitate for a single day before sleeping with him." Yera commented mischievously with a grin that made Xander's face bloated.     

He looked at Dion in disbelief while they were behind their wives who were too busy to even notice their presence.     

"Go pounce at him!" Rizie cheered Yera and Dion tried hard to suppress his laughter.     

Xander's face crumpled more and he could not help but comment, "That abs are not even that good compared to mine!"     

Hearing her husband's voice, Yera's eyes widened, and she turned her head around to see Xander looking at her with squinted eyes. Her husband's face was too wrinkled, so she chuckled and seconded, "Of course, darling. Your six pack abs are much better than his."     

"Really? Does bro have six packs? Last time I recall he had just four." Rizie naively commented, recalling it during the company outing where her bro Xander had that motorboat accident.     

Xander coughed and still sourly said to Dion, "Let's go Dion and have a drink. Let our wives drool over those not so handsome actors."     

"Well Dion doesn't have abs but a belly so he will understand," Rize scoffed in a jest and gave her husband a wink. Dion only shook his head and pulled Xander out, seeing the signal to do so from his sister.     

After the two men were gone, Rizie whispered, "Aren't you going to console bro? He looks sulky and mad."     

Yera laughed and replied, "No need… Xander's grumpiness doesn't last very long. Later on I will just kiss and make up with him, and he will smile again within seconds. Let's not talk about them and watch that..."     

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