The Doctor Who Loves Me

More Time

More Time

3After lunch, the trial continued.      3

The next evidence Lana presented was the case of Xander's mother's death. She showed all the evidence they collected for another staged death that misled the investigation to cover up Yun's involvement.     

"They took the opportunity to kill late Mrs. Kanya Yang while she was looking for the lost young Yera Han at that time in the woods. There were no reports of any crime at all in that place ever since. There was no history of any gang that had the murdering history, nor these things happened later, only one such incident.      

The area was secured during that time for the event that both families attended. Ms Yera Han was kidnapped and left in the jungle to suffer, and when Mrs. Kanya Yang followed one of the culprits in the jungle to save the little girl, she was killed brutally.      

My question is... Why would someone unrelated to the child get killed at that time when everyone was busy looking for the lost child who was kidnapped and abandoned in the jungle? Unless there is an intention to do so!      

They later claimed that the perpetrator of the crime was a crazy person and he later killed himself in his ward? Your honor, the family of the killer received a good amount of his insurance. Which insurance company pays compensation to a criminal? So here comes in play the mighty power of some behind the scene enemy. They said the family was innocent… But is that true, really?"     

"Objection your honor!" Liam hindered Lana again.     

Another objection was heard inside the room, and Xander could see the grin on Yun's face while Lana pursed her lips while she squinted her eyes at Liam's direction.     

"Your honor. All the documents of transfer of the insurance of the man are legit, which proves that the money all came from the insurance company. What's the point of bringing up that issue when the case has already been closed for so many years? The perpetrator admitted his crime and killed himself to atone for it." Lana heard Liam blabbered.      

"Moreover, when the insurance was fully paid, the beneficiaries were the innocent family members of the murderer, not he himself," he added.     

He then contradicted Lana's statement, presenting enough evidence of no connection of that murderer with Yun. Though Lana saw this coming already since Xander's mother's death had no concrete evidence to pinpoint everything to Yun.      

Xander was aware of it as well, but the pain of his death was very fresh in Xander's memory still, and remembering his mother, his heart was filled with immense grief even to this day.     

"He's really good," Chad could not help but mutter while he watched the two lawyers head to head, throwing their words defending each party they were handling. But Chad felt it was too awkward knowing the two lawyers were in a relationship battling inside the courtroom in the same case from opposite parties.     

Chad even cringed suddenly imagining Liam and Lana kissing inside the courtroom after hearing the result of the trial. His imaginations ran wild, and he simply imagined a hot passionate kiss between them.     

'Yuck such gross!' Chad mumbled, abruptly erasing such a silly scene in front of his eyes.     

Xander on the other hand could not help to control his tears from falling, while he pictured his mother being stabbed several times while struggling to save Yera to fall from a cliff. His mother was said to be a good fighter, but she was helpless at that time, as she was trying to save a child on one hand while fighting the murderer on the other.     

Xander's fist balled tightly while he controlled the anger in his system. It did not matter if Yun won't be proven guilty of his mother's death as long as he would be sentenced to death for other crimes he committed and get eliminated so he could not do any more harm to anyone else especially the people he loved and his family!     

"Meeting adjourned." The judge announced while the house speaker relayed the next date for the trial to continue.     

Yun's eyes shot a deadly stare on his lawyer and whispered, "What's this?"     

Though they had a good fight towards the end of the date, still he felt that they were still left at a disadvantage in the overall proceedings of the trial.     

Liam furrowed his brows and muttered, "It's not my fault that your men are incapable of fixing loopholes! I told you to be honest with me from the start so we can do amends, but you kept me in the dark about so many things! How can I defend you properly if you will not tell me what really happened in every accusation they throw into you?      

You only give me things to defend you! Like now? I'm not even aware you stole those damn corpses, that I don't know how to support you on their claim on the ages the twins died. You asked me to handle your case, and I accepted, but you have to give your full trust on me regarding this or else I will miss little details that might be really important to defend you. If you can't trust me, then might as well get another lawyer to defend you Mr. Yun."     

Yun's facial muscle flinched. He was not stupid enough to admit all those crimes he committed to anyone else except for his brother. Why would he tell this bastard everything? All the things he did, he would bring it to his own grave without admitting to anyone about any to it.     

He asked for the best lawyer to defend him and it was said to be Liam Sy. Indeed he did not give Liam enough details about everything because he simply did not trust anyone. Yes, he asked Liam's help, knowing he was related with the Kens. The Kens who took care of Xander's wife while she had amnesia.      

"Make me win this case Attorney Sy at any cause using just all things I'm providing you with. You know what will happen if I go down in this fight… I will surely pull you down with me and trust me you won't like the end result of it…" Yun chided with a meaningful smirk. He had his own reasons on why he chose Liam to defend his case.     

"You have to cooperate with me well Mr. Yun if you want to win this case. As I've said, I'm afraid you have incompetent men and resources. In the next hearing, they will bring the accusation about Bernard Cooper's death. Are you sure you have already provided me enough details?" Liam grunted with a creased forehead.     

"Wait for me to contact you, Attorney Sy," Yun said before leaving his lawyer to the Tai clan security who started blindfolding Liam once more to bring him out of the Judicial area of Mirage Triad.     

Liam's jaw tightened. He needed more time. He shifted his gaze to Lana and Xander's direction, who were being blindfolded too. Lana turned and their eyes met.     

Liam gave her his sweetest and endearing smile before whispering, "I love you."     

Lana's eyes rounded while she read his lips. Did she read it right? But before she could react, the blindfold already covered her eyes, blocking her vision of Liam.     




Author's Note:     

Read Lana and Liam's love story by searching and adding the title "LOVING A HEARTLESS LAWYER" at APP/site... I'm sure you will love it as well.... Thanks.xoxo     

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