The Doctor Who Loves Me

Curse Or A Gift

Curse Or A Gift

2"You two! Why are you both not coming home at all?" asked Senior Yang as soon as he entered Xander's office. He was with Butler Gary, who had two paper-bags full of the herbal supplements, the same supplements he had provided the couple within their home.     4

"I want to make sure that the two of you do not skip drinking this at work. Butler Gary, go and put all these in Xander's fridge," he instructed Butler Gary before he sat comfortably on Xander's couch.     

Then he added, "Also, Butler Gary don't forget to give instructions to secretary Ness, assistant Ron and that new assistant of Yera about these herbal supplements. They should not skip taking it."     

"Where is my daughter-in-law?" asked Senior Yang afterward as he shifted his gaze at his son. He could not believe how workaholic the couple was! How about his future grandchildren?! If the couple would continue to go on like this, he was afraid it would take a long time to fulfill the dreams of his becoming a grandfather.     

"I will send her a message that you're here. I'm sure she will come running here to meet you dad…" Xander replied as he sat in front of his dad while he tried to call Yera but ended up sending her a message because the latter was not answering.      

He was amused and happy at the same time to see how diligent his father was. Moreover, he was more happy because he supported his father's aggressive act like this.     

"Son, are you sure you did things right during the honeymoon? I mean you're a doctor so you should have the knowledge with correct timings. I even made sure that those dates were the exact dates Yera is fertile." commented Senior Yang with a sigh. He had Yera's menstrual cycle checked and arranged the booking dates according to Yera's fertile days.     

Xander coughed, followed by a gulp… He and his father's relationship was much more than of a father and son because his father was his best friend too, he would not hide anything from him, his father was his number one buddy. He knew everything except for only one thing - the contract between him and Yera.     

If his father found out about the contract, he would be doomed…     

"Son, Yera is the only woman for you and your only cure if I must say. I know you love her too because I can see it in your eyes so seize this opportunity and make your old man happy. You know I only want one thing from you and nothing more." Senior Yang reiterated.     

It was true, Xander's father never asked him for anything. He was always supportive of him since he was young. Whatever goals he pursued, he would always be there to cheer and encourage him. However, he was persistent in asking him about grandchildren, saying he was getting old and it was his only wish, more precisely, only request from him.     

Of course, his father was aware of his disorder that was why his father even jumped out of joy when he told him that his little buddy finally reacted to a woman.      

"Son?" Senior Yang waved his hand in front of his son when he noticed Xander was in deep thought.     

"Oh yeah dad, don't worry okay? Just be patient… I will work hard on it. I promise to you that I will work harder for your grandchildren. How about three boys and three girls?" said Xander smiling at his father with a wink.     

Senior Yang's face lit up at the thought that his son was successful during their honeymoon days as he said, "Yeah I would love it, son… Three grandaughters and three gandsons will be awesome. I will prepare and do some renovations in our mansion soon. I want my grandchildren to have their own indoor and outdoor playgrounds… Hmmm I should contact our architects soon…"     

Xander shook his head as he looked at his father with wonderment. His father was thinking way ahead right but he liked it, he loved it. He was lucky to have the best father in the world.     


Unknown to Yera, she was the center of bantering in the office of the Department of Surgery because of Dr. Ye who almost informed everyone that Deyna would soon become the 'darling' of Dr. CEO. They assumed that Yera would be the next apple of the eye of the Yang Hospital group heir.     

"It's because she's popular now so she captured Dr. CEO's eyes," commented Dr. Rio, bitterness was all over her tone.     

"Nah… I must say Dr. Song is the prettiest, she and Dr. Yao both are the hospital's belles. Just that they have different personalities, like cold water and fire, one is super hot and other is super cold. Dr. Yera is a bit stiff and strict while Dr. Yao is the opposite." Dr. Ye remarked. He would like to… well he was in the process of hinting at Dr. Song but then Dr. CEO declared ownership and clearly marked Dr. Deyna Song.     

Dion on the other hand, was quiet but a smugness formed in his handsome face as he recalled how Dr. Yang gave heavy and deep emphasis in the word 'darling' and he was not that dense not to get Xander's signal. He was the person who answered Yera's phone when a man with a caller ID 'My Darling' called.      

"Silly," he mumbled as he shook his head and continued to review a patient's case in his laptop. But then paused for a while as he sighed.      

Being someone with a third eye like him was simply heavy enough for him to handle… Someone else would consider it as a gift, but not him… He was not sure either if it was a curse or a gift…     

He hated seeing those things... Because he saw another one again so Dion would simply say his silent prayers to cast the evil spirit away from his sight.     

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