The Doctor Who Loves Me

Epilogue (The Doctor Who Loves Me)

Epilogue (The Doctor Who Loves Me)

2"Oh goodness! Stop running you guys!" Xander yelled at his triplets.      3

Rui laughed watching his friend that could not get a hold of his triplets. They had just turned three and the toddlers were very active in playing.     

"Two girls and two boys wow…" he could not help but comment as he turned to Yera, sitting beside him, who just gave birth to another healthy boy.     

"Yeah, and you have a cute little girl…" Yera commented as she smiled at the baby Rui was holding. She and Cali gave birth at the same time last three months, since both were caesarian, both their husbands chose the same day of operation.     

Rui timidly smiled as he lovingly stared at the little baby in his arm and whispered, "I still can't believe that I'm a father now."     

"Being a parent is so rewarding despite the hardship right?" Yera commented, referring to how hard it could be to be a hands-on parent.     

They were in the Yang mansion garden where there was a small gathering of close friends and family for the wedding anniversary of their father and mom Ana.     

"Yeah, it is so rewarding… I honestly want a son soon too," Rui commented as Cali approached them with a dessert.     

Cali's eyes rounded as she complained, "I just gave birth…"     

Yera laughed and turned her gaze to her ever doting husband who was also a wonderful father. Xander almost tripped and fell following the triplets who seemed to be having fun watching their father run after them.     

Then her gaze went to Dion and Rizie. She smiled seeing the big tummy of Rizie who was carrying their second baby and it was a boy once more, another addition to their family tree. Like how her father-in-law hoped for, they were growing in numbers every year, one big happy family.     

Soon more guests arrived like Rizie's family, the Lim's together with their in-laws, Keira and Shane.     

"Wow, I can't believe brother Xander won against me… I only have twins for now because I and Zach are so busy that we can't concentrate on planning for another baby…" Keira commented as she gently took baby Xan from Yera's arms.     

"Baby Xan is so cute… Look at you…" Keira hummed as she winked at Yera's baby.     

Yera laughed and commented, "Being a field marshal is not easy…"     

"You bet… I can only support him since he's so good at it besides, he always prioritizes us… his family and makes sure to spend more time with us as well. I'm not against it seeing how he handles and balances everything well. It's just that I've been so busy lately with Gavin not around… That man dares to hide, leaving me alone as an anchor. It's so hard to find a perfect partner like him." Keira whined with pouty lips.     

Yera sighed because she liked seeing Gavin with Keira in the evening news… The two were indeed an unbeatable pair.     

"I guess he really needs time alone with his writing. Maybe he is more passionate about it now rather than being an anchor…" Yera seconded with a sad tone since she was a huge fan of Anchor Gavin Wu.     

"Yeah, he also has a lovesick dilemma so he needed time to think. Besides, he'll be very busy continuing his book about the historical romance that would be adapted into a film. He's the main scriptwriter for that as well so I can only imagine how he is wrecking his brain out right now…" Keira added with her tone holding a hint of excitement towards the project because she heard that the movie had such a huge budget that it was considered a big project for this year.     

"Oh yeah, I heard about it and that Brione would be the lead actress right but they still couldn't find a lead actor that best fits the role right?" Yera added.     

Keira had a mischievous grin and was about to answer when Xander suddenly interrupted them.     

"There's your auntie. Go to Aunt Keira come on…" Xander who was panting, instructed his two girls while he lifted his boy in his arms.     

Keira laughed and said, " I'm carrying your youngest. Hold on…"     

"Baby Xan you go back to your mommy while I play with your adorable sisters…" Keira whispered as she handed baby Xan back to Yera's arms.     

Xander, still panting, sat beside Yera with his son in his arms.     

"Geeezzz, those girls are too hyper." he mumbled before looking at the three-year-old boy in his arms and said, "How come your sisters run faster than you Ray? You're the eldest brother of those two so make sure you grow up strong and reliable to protect your sisters…"     

Then he looked at their baby boy in Yera's arms and added, "You too baby Xan… You and big bro Rey are the men in our family so make sure you both grow strong to protect your sisters…"     

Yera laughed and commented, "As if they can understand you already darling…"     

"Well I will repeat it every year for them so they will understand well…" Xander declared with a grin.     

"I think we should add one more man in the family, what do you think?" Xander teased his wife.     

"Hey… Stop exhausting my sister!" Dion who heard him interrupted.     

He handed a glass of wine to Xander and added, "Geez, I need the best surgeon in action working at the hospital but you keep on getting in the way of my sister that she can no longer hold a scalpel to keep her record as a witch doctor!"     

Xander laughed but then halted when Dion suddenly froze and just stared at him.     

"What? Stop that Dion! Don't you ever dare say that you're seeing another ghost on my back or I will definitely kill you!!!" Xander grunted.      

Dion had a third eye and he hated it whenever Dion would freeze like that because it meant he was seeing something again and that he was silently praying to rebuke that bad spirit.     

Then Dion suddenly murmured, "It says to give my sister a rest or that you'll be haunted by the patients who died because Yera did not operate on them…"     

Yera chuckled because she could sense that Dion was only playing a prank on Xander.      

"I hate you!!!" Xander cried as he heaved a long sigh of relief seeing how Dion grinned at him. 'How dare this man play a prank on me!' Xander thought annoyingly, watching as the two siblings laughed together.     

"You will handle all the surgeries because I will make your sister pregnant every year!!!" Xander chortled with flaring nostrils, making Yera and Dion bust into a fit of laughter.     

Yera felt so blessed… Looking around… Being surrounded by the people she loved… and most importantly for having the best man in her life… With a beautiful and contented smile, her eyes fixed on Xander.     

She raised her hand and caressed his cheek as she whispered, "We can have as many children as you want darling…"     

She would do anything for her man… the man who loved her unconditionally… Her husband…     

******THE END*****     

February 11, 2021     

To all my lovely and generous readers,     

Thank you for staying till the end with me. It's another wrap in my 'Hate & Love Series'. See you on our next book entitled, "The Law of Attraction", which will also end this month (February 2021) for our Main Couple's story - Volume 1 to 5 (Liam & Lana / Luo and Noah) but will continue again from Volume 6 Having a new beginning and another love story that you will surely love as well (Kenzie and Daryl / Kyle and Sarah).     

Hope to see you there as well and like here, stay with me till the end.     

Many Thanks and Best Regards,     


Pen-name: Eustoma     

Real Name: Reyna     

P.S. You can also check my other works on Webnovel by searching the following titles:     

The Law of Attraction     


Kiss Me Not     


The General Who Hates Me     


The CEO Who hates Me     



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