Be My Strength



3[ This chapter is the naughty scene that I skipped before ]       4

After dinner, Ghost chatted with DX about the management of the company. He did not want to hold onto Luo Corporation but the company was built by his grandfather's tears and sweat. That was why he did not want to give it up completely.      

Given the state that the company was currently in, it would not be long before Luo Corporation collapsed completely.      

If possible, he wanted to save it by selling it to DX and let it be part of Du Conglomerate. The Luo Family would release all management rights and it would fully be under the management of Du Conglomerate.      

While they were discussing the terms and conditions, everyone else got bored and went to do their respective work. Even Kai Xin went to the living room to do some light exercises.      

Only Little Monkey remained in the dining room with the two of them. The moment she woke up, she had been crying for her daddy and every time DX tried to pass her to someone, she would cry. The sound of her crying was so heart wrenching; it was as if it was the cruelest thing that her father could do to her.      

Thus, while they were discussing, DX had been gently cradling her in his arms.      

Once they were done with their discussion, Ghost went back to Callum's room. When he opened the door without knocking, the first thing he saw was Callum walking out of the bathroom with a slight limp.      

Callum was drying his hair while he was walking out of the bathroom. When he saw Ghost, he grinned and asked, "Oh, you're back. How's the discussion with my brother?"      

Ghost shrugged, "It went well…"     

He then closed the door behind him and said, "Get on the bed."     

Callum stopped at his track. He swallowed nervously and the nervous expression on his face showed that he was pondering whether he should stay or run.      

When Ghost saw his facial expression, he chuckled. "I'm not going to attack you tonight."     

He took out a small tube ointment from his pocket and waved it around as he continued, "I took this from Old Mo's medical kit earlier. I didn't tell him anything, so your reputation is still intact. I told him I accidentally got a deep paper cut. Go lie down on the bed so that I can apply it for you…"     

Callum hesitated for a moment before he did as he was told, taking off his pants beforehand. When he saw Ghost coming toward him, he got nervous again and immediately covered his backside with his hand. With a pleading gaze, he looked at Ghost and begged, "No more… How about next week?"      

Ghost smirked before he slapped the man's hand away. He then took out a Q-tip that he had prepared beforehand and spread Callum's butt cheeks before he applied the ointment on his bruised "chrysanthemum".      

"Ah! It hurts!" Callum squirmed when Ghost put the ointment on him.      

"You're complaining about it now, but who was the one who wanted to do it on me?" Ghost pointed it out to him while he gently made sure that he put the ointment evenly. Once he was done, he patted Callum's butt and said, "All done. Eat more fiber for the next couple of days."      

Callum flipped over and lay on his back to his bed, revealing his fully naked body and his semi-limped manhood. As he lay there with his hands folded behind his head, he asked in a teasing manner, "How about some nice service for your poor boy here? I did hurt myself for you."     

Ghost glanced at the man's manhood and smirked, "Do it yourself. I'm tired after so many rounds last night."      

He took off his own shirt and revealed the multiple love bites that were hidden underneath earlier. Callum narrowed his eyes as he stared with scorching gaze at the mark he left behind. From Ghost's collarbone all the way to his navel… and lower.     

His gaze caused Ghost's desire to rise as well and the latter growl disapprovingly at what Callum was trying to do.      

"You look pretty with all those marks," Callum remarked as he nodded approvingly at his own doing.      

"Shut up." Ghost hissed as he leaned on the bed and kissed Callum on the mouth. Callum grabbed the man's head and flipped over so that he was straddling Ghost now. Their kiss was intense and without inhibition as their tongues danced around with each other while. Occasionally, the sound of them sucking on their partner's lips could be heard from every corner of the room.      

Callum's hand did quick work on Ghost's pants. Once it was unbuttoned, his hand went in and grabbed Ghost's already-hardening member. Ghost did the same. While he continued to kiss Callum, he slipped his hands into Callum's pants and played with his member with the intention to bring it to its hardest state.     

When he grabbed it, he could feel the heat that was being emanated from Callum. His own member grew harder and bigger in Callum's hand. As he stared into Callum's eyes, he wondered what it was like to suck him off again.      

"Nnn…" Ghost moaned when he felt Callum's hand gripping him harder and pumping him. The naughty guy's other hand was at the back of Ghost's neck and was acting as a support while their tongues continued to tangle with each other.     

When they parted slightly to catch a breath, Ghost murmured in a low voice, "I'm sorry…"      

"What for?" Callum panted softly. He was so close to Ghost that the latter could feel the air when Callum breathed out.     

Ghost swallowed. He watched as Callum moving himself front and back while he rubbed their hardened members together. Ghost hissed when he felt him getting closer to cl*max. He immediately grabbed Callum's thighs and made him stop moving. Once he finally had a break to catch his breath, he murmured, "I'm sorry... for hurting you last night."      

Callum chuckled. As he slowly milked Callum to keep him at a constant hardened state, he leaned forward and placed a kiss on Ghost's forehead.      

"My dear Guang Ying… Don't you know what we Shenlong boys like the most?"      


He leaned down and whispered to Ghost's ear, "Pain."     

Ghost's eyes widened, and Callum smirked while he sat up straight again.     

"Besides..." Callum grinned mischievously as he continued, "when I feel the pain, I can't stop thinking of what you did to me and your face when you came..."     

Hearing the naughty things that Callum was telling him, Ghost flushed. Callum then quickened his pace again. Ghost could feel it coming and he grabbed the sheets tightly in his fists.     

"Do whatever you want to me. If it's you, I don't mind it…" He glanced at his wrists which were bruised since last night and sighed. As he continued to jerk Ghost off, he said softly, "Just no handcuffs next time. I want to touch you when we are 'playing'."      

Ghost buckled as he reached his maximum state and at this moment, Callum slowed down again so that when Ghost finally came, the sensation would be stronger. When he slowed down, Ghost glared at Callum and while panting, Ghost stated, "D- Don't think that I don't know what you're planning. You wanted to use those cuffs on me!"      


Last night, he was looking for something when he opened the drawer next to Callum's bed. To his amusement, he found a pair of handcuffs and different kinds of lubricants. He guessed that Callum was planning something, and he decided to give the "idiot" a taste of his own medicine.      

While they were fooling around on bed - mostly Callum tried to seduce him by touching Ghost's body in all his erogenous zone while Ghost pretended to be indifferent - Ghost asked Callum to hold his hands out, palms up.      

"What for?"      

"I got a trick to show you."     

"Oh? This is new!" Callum exclaimed. He then sat on top of Ghost and held out his hands. It took him a few seconds to realize that the latter had swiftly cuffed both his hands together.      

"What the -"      

Callum was then flipped over onto his stomach and ended up at the bottom while Ghost sat on him. The latter took out the lubricant that he found in the same drawer and asked in a seductive tone, "What are you going to do with his?"     

Callum tried to push himself up but Ghost pinned him down by pressing the back of his shoulder down. Callum then glanced back to see what Ghost was talking about.     

"Erm… Ah… That's for me!" He tried to save himself! He was not the "wife"!     

"Tingling… warming sensation… Great for the 'backdoor game'..." Ghost read the description at the back of the lube. He then raised his brow and said, "Unless you're that confident that your d*ck can reach your own a*s, then you're lying…"      

Callum shifted his eyes before he babbled, "Erm… I use it for m*sturbation!"      

"Ha!" Ghost scoffed. As if he would believe Callum. He knew that if he was alone, Callum would prefer to m*sturbate in the shower.     

With a smug, knowing look on his face, Ghost looked at Callum before he said slowly, "You've been calling me 'your wife' for a long time now… How about letting 'your wife' shows you what it meant to be a man's husband?"      

Callum had felt fear at that time. Fear and anticipation. It had made him so hard that he almost came when Ghost moved around on him.     

"Don't worry, I've got experience…"      

"What?" Callum frowned. He thought that Ghost had the experience of being a bottom.      

"Those prostitutes that the b*tch sent were pretty creative at times…" Ghost then leaned down to his ear and whispered, "I know how to make you feel good…"      

Last night, Callum saw the gentler side of Ghost for the first time. For once, his "wife" was caring for him instead of hitting, mocking, or scolding him. Truth be told, he was a little afraid of being poked. He might call Ghost his "wife" but Ghost's member was not that far off from his and just thinking about it entering his "chrysanthemum" made him shiver.     

Furthermore, he had always been the one who did the poking. He did not know if they would fit properly.     

However, Ghost was gentle and patient with him, and they started off slowly. By the time they were completely exhausted, even though he was in some pain, Callum had a stupid grin on his face as he spooned Ghost while they slept.      


Back to the present, as Ghost looked at Callum, he sighed and said in a meek voice, "I wonder if we can do it without pain one day? As much as I enjoy hitting you, I don't really like to see you in pain."      

"My wife, I enjoy the pain. Trust me. Enough about that…" said Callum. He grinned as he slid Ghost's pants off his lower body with one pull before throwing it onto the floor. Without anymore restriction, Ghost's member stood at attention without any shame.     

Callum smiled and leaned over. As he looked at Ghost in the eyes, he licked the prec*m that had formed on the tip of Ghost's member.      

"F*ck!" Ghost grabbed onto the bed sheet to stop himself from coming. Callum's warm tongue licked from Ghost's tip and down the length before he sucked on the Ghost's left inner thigh. While his mouth continued to suck and leave its marks on Ghost, his right hands were playing and teasing with the two heavy, warm balls between Ghost's thighs.     

"Nnnn..." Ghost moaned while he enjoyed being touched all around. Even though he was used to having girls doing it for him, it felt different when Callum was licking it. He felt more into it, and he did not want to take his eyes away from Callum while the latter was servicing him.      

When Callum was happy with his artwork on Ghost's inner thighs, he then licked the length of Ghost's member before stopping at the very tip again. No matter what, today was the day where he would take his "wife" in his mouth.     

In a voice filled with uncertainty, Callum murmured, "I have never done this before… So, let me know if I'm hurting you, alright?"     

Ghost gulped but he nodded.      


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