Be My Strength



1"KARA!"      4


Both DX and Lyle yelled out when they got separated from the most important person in their life. They watched as the Mercedes landed just a few meters away from where they were standing. If they did not move in time, they would have been pancake by now!     

They watched in horror as the Mercedes bounced up from the ground before it hit the tall wall and bounced off it. The wall was sturdy enough to withstand the impact and thus, it did not crumble.     

Luckily, no one was hit by the Mercedes.     

Unluckily, the driver was inside the car.     

Before DX and Lyle could even do anything else, the huge trailer earlier had crashed right into the huge wall of the entrance. DX shielded Lyle from the gravels and rubbles that were flying towards them.     

He was hit in the back by a couple of the rubbles but it was better than having Lyle withstood the pain. When he turned back, he watched in horror as a huge part of the wall fell down on the huge trailer, crushing the part of the driver's seat. It was almost in slow motion as he watched everyone scrambled and pushing as they tried to get to safety.     

They then heard someone screaming, "NOOO!!!"     

DX tried to take a good look. He could not see anyone else.     

Suddenly, he heard someone else screaming, "Someone is under the wall!"     

Everyone was panicking as they grabbed their children and fled the scene. There was blood everywhere and people were shouting and screaming.     

The moving crowd was pushing DX further away from the trailer. With Lyle behind him, he tried his best to cut through the people.     

"NO! KARA! JACK!" yelled DX. He held onto his son's hand tightly as they both yelled for Kai Xin and Jack.     

"Jack!" yelled Lyle as he started crying. Bad thoughts ran through his mind and he kept thinking that it might be his brother and his mother underneath the fallen part of the wall.     

Both of them were frantic at the thought that was in their mind. They prayed that nothing bad had happened as they kept pushing past the crowd. They could tell that Kai Xin and Jack were obviously not under the flying Mercedes but they might be injured when the crowd pushed around.     

Kai Xin was pregnant and with Jack being young, they would be unable to stop the people from pushing them.     

As DX and Lyle cut through the crowds, they heard a lot of crying and shouting.     



DX panicked. He was out of his mind. From where he was at, he could not see what was happening on the other side of the faller trailer. He yelled for his guards to handle the situation on the other side. However, all of his guards were trapped on his side of the trailer.     

They were busy trying to get the children out of the way so that they could tend to the injured.     

DX was worried about Kai Xin and he was about to climb the trailer when he heard her.     

"DU XIAN!!!!"     

When DX heard his name, he quickly looked up and through the driver's window, he saw Kai Xin yelling at him from the other side of the trailer. The moment he saw her standing there, unharmed, he could finally breathe again. There were some cuts on her face but otherwise, she appeared fine.     

"JACK IS HERE! HE'S FINE!" yelled Kai Xin as she waved at him. She managed to pull Jack away to safety and thankfully, he had only suffered from some bruises.     

However, when she glanced at the driver of the trailer, she gulped. With the way he was thrown across the windshield and pressed down by the part of the wall, he was definitely dead. She placed a hand over Jack's eyes and whispered, "Don't look."     

When DX saw her, he yelled back, "I'LL BE THERE RIGHT AWAY!"     

Kai Xin shook her head and yelled, "NO! TAKE CARE OF LYLE FIRST! WE'RE FINE!"     

DX glanced down at Lyle and noticed that he was bleeding from his forehead. When he glanced at Lyle earlier, he had not noticed it. Even Lyle did not notice it and when he touched his forehead, that was when he realized that he was bleeding.     

"It must be from the stones that were kicked up by the trailer…" said Lyle. He then shook his head and said in a serious tone, "I'm fine…"     

DX took a good look at the cut. It was a pretty deep cut and he immediately took out a handkerchief. He folded the handkerchief before pressing it against Lyle's wound.     

With a worried tone, he said, "Hold it yourself. Don't remove it until the bleeding stops."     

Lyle nodded and took over the handkerchief. After that, DX added, "We'll check it out the moment we get Mummy and Jack. If you feel dizzy, even if it's a little bit, tell me immediately, alright?"     

Lyle nodded, "Yeah…"     

DX then checked Lyle from top to bottom to make sure that he was completely fine.     

When they looked over to where Kai Xin was standing earlier, she was gone and so was Jack.     

"Kara? Jack?" thought DX. He had a bad feeling about this.     


When DX was checking on Lyle, Kai Xin did another check on Jack. As she patted him from top to bottom, she asked in a serious tone, "Are you sure you didn't get hit?"     

Jack nodded, "Just a couple of scratches from the flying rubbles. What about you?"     

He looked at her face that was scratched by the rubbles. She was bleeding from some of the scratches. When she pulled him away earlier, she had shielded him from most of the rubbles.     

Jack reached up and touched the wound on her face. When she winced, he frowned and asked, "Is it painful?"     

Kai Xin smiled and shook her head, "Not really. It just stings a little. Don't worry about it."     

She then glanced down at her arms. They were bleeding but it was not that bad. When the trailer hit the wall, it was by sheer luck that she managed to dodge most of the pieces that flew out from the impact. She was hit by some smaller ones but she felt fine.     

Placing a hand on her belly, she murmured, "Are you scared, Little Monkey?"     

There was no movement and she was about to panic. Even Jack started to worry when he saw the expression on her face. However, shortly after, she felt a strong kick. It was such a strong kick that she had to put a hand on Jack's shoulder for support.     

She sighed in relief before patting her belly. She then smiled at Jack to reassure him that everything was alright, "Little Monkey is fine too."     

However, as she glanced around and saw the number of the injured person which included children, she shook her head and grabbed Jack's hand tightly. It was supposed to be a happy occasion, but now...     

Just as she was looking around to see if there was anyone that she could help, she felt Jack tugging her hand. When she turned back to him, she saw a man dressed in black standing closely behind Jack. He was wearing a cap, and he had a knife firmly pressed against Jack's neck.     

"Who are you?" asked Kai Xin as she narrowed her eyes at him.     

"Madam President Du, I'm afraid you'd have to come with us now," said the man with a cold grin. He then glanced down at Jack and said, "I won't make a noise if I were you…"     

He pressed the knife into Jack's neck and a drop of blood trickled out.     

Feeling the pain, Jack groaned, "Urgh…"     

"Don't! I'll come with you!" said Kai Xin as she looked at the knife nervously.     

She glanced towards where she saw DX earlier. She could vaguely see him talking to Lyle. Kai Xin knew she had no choice. If she was the only one trapped here, she could make a break for it, but now?     

She could only pray silently that DX would find them in time.     

Once they were in the car that was waiting for them nearby, the man snapped, "Take off all your clothes!"     

Kai Xin and Jack gasped, "What?"     

"This is not a place for you to ask questions, Madam President Du. Do as you're told, or..."     

The man looked at Jack and sneered, "... this little young master won't survive the night… Our instruction is to get you, so whether he lives or dies is none of our business."     

Jack cursed and glared at the man as he hissed, "My dad will kill you…"     

The man laughed before he slapped Jack so hard that his head whipped back.     

"STOP THAT!" yelled Kai Xin as she pulled Jack towards her. She checked on Jack's reddened cheek and cursed softly. Jack had tears in his eyes but he refused to let them fall as he glared at the man.     

"Clothes off now!" snapped the man before he made a threatening move with his knife.     

"We'll do it!" yelled Kai Xin.     

Kai Xin was unable to fight back, not with her current condition. So, she could only do what she was told. Even though it was embarrassing and humiliating, she had to buy them as much time as possible.     

She had to protect Jack and her unborn child.     

She took off her maternity dress and gave it to the man. When she and Jack were in only their underwear, she hissed, "Is that enough?"     

The man smiled coldly, "Obviously, not. How am I to be sure that you're not hiding a tracker in your underwear? Take them off or I'd take them off of you!"     

Kai Xin turned red and she snapped, "You!"     

"Don't make me repeat myself!" said the man as he pointed the knife at them.     

Kai Xin clenched her fists and she looked at Jack and said, "Don't be scared, Jack. Close your eyes…"     

Jack nodded. He closed his eyes and murmured, "I'm not scared. Dad would definitely save us…"     

However, his voice was trembling and he was obviously afraid of the man who had just threatened him.     

Kai Xin took off her underwear and Jack did as well. Once they were done, the man took everything and threw it outside the moving car.     

When he saw the jade pendant on Kai Xin's neck, he said, "That as well…"     

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