Be My Strength

There's no tracker here!

There's no tracker here!

1Kai Xin grabbed the jade pendant and said, "There's no tracker here!"     

The man glared at her. Kai Xin had no choice but to give the jade pendant that Callum gave her to him. It upset her because it was Callum's family heirloom and he had given it to her as a gift.     

The man looked at it carefully. He was not an idiot. A jade pendant of this quality could fetch him millions of dollars.     

He passed it to his friend in the passenger seat and asked, "What do you think of this, Yang?"     

Using a torchlight, his friend shined it on the jade pendant. He took a good look at it before saying, "It's clear, Henry. This is the purest jade I've ever seen."     

Their teammate, the getaway driver, smirked, "Great! Keep it! We can sell it after we're done with this…"     

"Who sent you?" asked Kai Xin as she held Jack against her body. The boy was shivering from the cold air in the car.     

He had been sweating earlier and now with the air-conditioned being blast on cold, he started to feel unwell.     

The man named Henry smiled at her coldly as he replied, "You'll know once we were there."     

They drove in a small alley before they forced Kai Xin and Jack out from the original car.     

Their friends were waiting with three other cars and when they saw the naked Kai Xin, they smirked as they looked at her with a lewd gaze.     

Kai Xin's face turned red but she swallowed her pride down. Jack who was not ashamed of his nakedness stood in front of her to protect her modesty.     

Henry and Yang forced Kai Xin and Jack into one of the two tinted BMWs. The other car was a tinted Mercedes.     

Henry continued to sit at the backseat with them while his friend, Yang, drove. According to their plan, their getaway driver from earlier would continue to drive in a completely different direction.     

All four cars then drove out of the 4 alleys at the same time.     

Kai Xin recognized this method. It was what Mrs. Luo used to capture Ye Tian.     

"Did she managed to escape? Isn't she in Ye Xuanyuan's hand?" thought Kai Xin as she hugged Jack tightly.     

"I'm cold…" murmured Jack as he glanced up at Kai Xin. His body was shivering and it worried Kai Xin.     

She frowned and looked at Henry before she asked, "Can we have something to cover up, please? He's still a boy."     

Henry looked at her with a lewd look but his friend, Yang, who was driving, took his jacket from the passenger seat and threw it behind.     

"You can wear that."     


Yang shrugged and ignored his friend's protest, "Boss says to make sure that there's no tracker on them. There's no point making them sick."     

Kai Xin took the jacket and immediately made Jack put it on. Once zipped up, the jacket was long enough to cover Jack up to his knee. At least, it was able to protect his modesty.     

"What about you?" whispered Jack while he glared at Henry who was looking at Kai Xin. At that moment, he wished he was bigger so that he could protect Kai Xin instead of being the one who needed her protection.     

He sat up straight to block Henry's view.     

"I'm fine…" murmured Kai Xin.     

Yang glanced at the rearview mirror and when he saw Henry looking at Kai Xin with a dirty look in his eyes, he frowned.     

The driver of the 50ft trailer was high on drugs, courtesy to them forcibly fed it to him. While the driver was under the drug influence, Yang had whispered to him as well as showing him a photo of Kai Xin. With the elite school being heavily guarded, there was no way they could get near her without triggering the guards.     

The only way was to create chaos. Roadblock? As if a simple roadblock could block a 50 ft trailer. It was a good thing that today was the day that the city opened up for trailers to pass through.     

Guards? Unless they were as coldhearted as them, they would never be able to ignore the women and children who might be injured during the accident.     

His boss had planned the whole thing perfectly.     

When Yang was executing the instructions, he had no hope that she would be alive when he saw her and her family waiting in front of the wall. However, at the last minute, the driver seemed to regain some consciousness and swerved to the side, thus hitting the wall.     

If she died, the payment would be $20 million dollars. If she lived, the payment would be $40 million dollars.     

When Yang saw that the trailer had blocked the entire road, he sighed thinking that he had lost half of his potential profit.     

So, when Henry dragged her into his car where he was waiting nearby, Yang was ecstatic to see her. $40 million dollars. Even if he were to deal with drugs his whole life, he would never be able to earn even half of that.     

He glanced at her through the rearview mirror. She looked like the type that would fight to her death. Even though his boss said that he did not care whether she lives or dies, but he cared.     

So, he said, "There's a package on the floor. You can wear the dress inside."     

He had prepared everything beforehand. However, he had not expected to have a kid with them as well so he did not prepare anything for Jack.     

Kai Xin pulled out the basic maternity dress and pulled it over herself. It was better than nothing.     

With an arm wrapped around Jack's shoulders protectively, she glanced out the window. It was getting darker and she hoped that DX was able to find them as soon as possible.     


When DX realized that Kai Xin and Jack was gone, he had a feeling that this was not just a simple accident.     

"Dad, where are they?" asked Lyle. He was still holding the handkerchief against his bleeding forehead.     

"We'll find them," said DX as he gritted his teeth. He took Lyle's hand and together, they climbed across the trailer through a small gap.     

Once they were on the other side, DX took a good look before he cursed. He had hoped that he would find them crouching somewhere as they helped someone.     

His anger was boiling but he closed his eyes to calm himself down. He knew that he had to be calm. Once he counted to five, he patted around his pants until he found his phone.     

He then gave Han Ye a call to let him know and to give him some instructions. There was no time to waste.     

DX glanced at the dead guards that were trapped under the 50 ft trailer and said, "The guards I brought today... Send all of the Du Family and Shenlong Family medic over. There would be traffic, so use the choppers if you have to..."     

So that they could integrate themselves into the crowd, the guards wore plain everyday clothes. During the chaos, some of them had sacrificed themselves to save the parents and the children who would otherwise be hit by the trailer.     

One of the guards that were injured when he protected a teenage boy hopped over with a few of his colleagues. With a look of regret and pain, they apologized. One of the guards said, "We're sorry, President Du... Madam President Du... "     

As guards of the Du Family, they should have protected the members of the Du Family at all cost. However, when they saw that Kai Xin and Jack was fine earlier, instead of securing their safety and taking them away from the scene, they had stayed to help.     

DX had no time to play the blame game at the moment. It was his own fault as well. Every man that he hired was not only the best in what they were supposed to do, but they were also gentlemen. If it was a man who was injured, they would probably stick to their job.     

Unfortunately, the ones who were injured were children and women.     

How could he blame them? He would have done that same.     

DX shook his head and said, "She should be wearing a few trackers. We can track her down. Go get yourself treated."     

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