Be My Strength

You can deny it as much as you want

You can deny it as much as you want

1"What?" asked Callum as he looked at Ghost with a confused expression.      0

"For saving me…" murmured Ghost. His voice was so soft that Callum thought he heard wrongly when Ghost said, "I never expected someone else to save me…"     

"Well, of course. You're my wife…" said Callum with a serious tone. He then smiled and placed a hand on Ghost's head. When Ghost glanced at him, Callum said with a gentle smile, "I'd always come."     

Embarrassed by the way Callum said it, Ghost looked away. A light red tinge appeared on his cheeks as he tried to cool himself down.     

He pushed Callum away before he slowly climbed back on the bed. Once he was on his back, he turned away from Callum before saying, "I'm sorry if I caused you to worry about me."     

There was no reply, but after a while, he felt the bed dipped a little. When he turned back out of curiosity, Callum's face was just an inch away.     

"W-What do you think you're doing?" asked Ghost as he placed his right hand between their faces.     

Callum smirked. He liked that little stutter that Ghost had whenever he felt nervous. With an arrogant expression, he said, "I want a kiss."     

"What? Get lost!"     

Callum shook his head. He took Ghost's hand and pinned it above the latter's head as he said, "I'll forgive you immediately if you kiss me."     

Ghost averted his gaze. The look in Callum's eyes was so smoldering that it burned into Ghost's memory.     

With a sigh, he said, "Would you please leave me alone! My face is bruised if you didn't notice. I'm ugly as f*ck at the moment."     

Callum smirked and whispered seductively as he moved his fingers slowly on Ghost's collarbone, "So, you're saying that if you're not ugly, you would kiss me?"     

"I didn't say that!" growled Ghost as he glared at Callum annoyingly. In his mind, he was thinking, "Can't you see I'm a patient here? Shouldn't you act more appropriately?!"     

However, when he saw Callum's half-naked body that was so close to him, he started to think about how much fun he could have with the guy once he tied him up on bad.     

The dirty images that were forming in his brain startled him and he quickly shook his head to clear his mind.     

Callum noticed that Ghost was staring at his body and he chuckled as he wondered what kind of thoughts were going through the man's head.     

He then cupped Ghost's cheek and as he ran circle on Ghost's cheek using his thumb, he said slowly, "You can deny it as much as you want, but I saw how your body reacted towards me… You want me…"     

"F*ck off!" hissed Ghost. He hated how Callum could see through him that easily. After all, he was the genius here and Callum was the idiot!     

Callum laughed at Ghost's reaction. Before the latter even realized what was going on, Callum leaned in and stole a quick kiss. He then quickly stepped away from the bed as he warned cheekily, "Anyway, I'll take this as your apology present. If you're going to do something stupid again, just know that I'll be taking more."     

Ghost was stunted by the quick kiss. However, he quickly regained his consciousness and glared at Callum as he sauntered back to his own bed.     

"Why do I keep feeling like a maiden who had been taken advantage of?" thought Ghost. The thought annoyed him senselessly.     


The next day, after Callum received the information from his team of hackers, he was surprised. The identities of the men who died during the shooting… They were all ex-convicts which were not a surprise.     

However, the money that went into their account… Even though it took a while, his team along with Phantom's help, managed to trace where the money came from. Someone deposited cash into the account of those dead men, and the same person deposited the money again last night.     

Phantom traced the ATM from where the person deposited and even though it was obscured, he was sure that he had seen that person around Mr. Ye before. However, since time was of the essence, he sent the photo to Han Ye who was at a meeting with DX.     

When Han Ye saw the blurred photo, he had an idea of who it was but he was not 100% sure. Furthermore, he was thinking, "Why would they…"     

DX saw that Han Ye was distracted and he asked for a break which the other party agreed. They were having a meeting with the directors of one of the companies under Du Conglomerate and Mrs. Smith was not letting them off easily.     

The directors of the said company recently signed a contract with plenty of loopholes without approval from the Du Conglomerate. Even though they were allowed to sign if it was a unanimous decision, they still had to inform DX which they failed to do.     

When Mrs. Smith grilled them on their decision, DX nodded in approval. He knew that she was good. He had also asked An Xin to sit in as he wanted her to learn what it was like to be in the management department.     

Recently, she had been a lot tamer and she had been speaking more carefully as well as making lesser mistakes in her work.     

DX went into his room and Han Ye followed behind him. Once he was sitting at his seat, DX asked, "What happened?"     

"It's this…" said Han Ye. He took out his phone and showed DX the blurred photo that Phantom sent him.     


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