Be My Strength

Just keep an eye on him

Just keep an eye on him

0He thanked his mother and asked Han Ye to place it in his car.     3

"Wait for me in the car. This won't take long," said DX. He did not need Han Ye to be there, but since he had half a glass of wine during the last meeting, he asked Han Ye to come along in case he needed him to drive.     

Han Ye nodded and bade farewell to Old Madam Du before he left.     

After Han Ye left, DX walked with his mother to the living room as he asked her about her day. She told him about her day and who she met.     

Once they sat down on the couch, Old Madam Du asked, "How's Kai Xin? Did she eat properly? You aren't working all the time, right? Are you neglecting her? A pregnant woman's heart is fragile. You have to be with her more often."     

DX nodded, "She's fine. She's eating more now. No, I'm not working all the time. I delegated some of the work so that I can spend the weekends with her and the twins. I've also told Han Ye to arrange all meetings within the city or through Skype so that I can go home at night to be with her. So, don't worry about her."     

Old Madam Du sighed in relief. When she was pregnant with DX, she had been down more often than not. Even with Du Jin there, she was still depressed for some time.     

She looked at her son and thought, "Then again, she has a man who loves her... I guess she'd have it easier than me..."     

The servants came and brought a pot of Chinese tea. Once they set the things up, DX dismissed them. He poured a cup of tea and handed to his mother.     

Old Madam Du took a sip of the hot tea before asking, "How are the twins? Are they adjusting well to Kai Xin?"     

DX nodded, "Yeah. They adore her. Jack still needs some time, but he's fine with her presence now..."     

Old Madam Du smiled when she heard her son. She took another sip of the tea before saying, "Their school festival is coming up, isn't it? Tell them that I'm sorry that I can't attend but I'll buy them presents when I come back from my trip to Europe..."     

DX nodded. His mother would be going off to Paris tomorrow before she headed to some other European countries. It was a good thing for her to go out and play while she could.     

He then interrupted her before she could ask another wave of questions, "Mother, I need to ask you something…"     

Old Madam Du frowned slightly at her son's sudden serious demeanor. She cleared her throat and sat up straight before asking, "What?"     

DX cut to the chase and asked, "Did Ye Xuanyuan come to visit you lately?"     

Old Madam Du slapped her son lightly on his thigh as she chided him, "What Ye Xuanyuan? He's your uncle. Where are your manners?"     


Old Madam Du sighed before she placed her cup of tea down.     

Her son's relationship with her brother had been tense ever since his brother stupidly supported the dissenting directors who wanted to take over her son's place in Du Conglomerate. Now that it was clear that her nephew did a terrible thing to her new daughter-in-law, she could understand why her son was even more reluctant to be respectful to his uncle.     

She nodded as she answered him, "He did. He came a few days ago. Xiao Tian went missing and he was worried. He wanted to know if you…"     

Old Madam Du looked at her son with a worried look before she asked, "You didn't, did you?"     

DX raised an eyebrow and asked, "What if I did?"     

She took a deep breath before she said, "I told him that you won't do that to your own cousin. That if you wanted, you'd have done it a long time ago. You don't have to wait until everything blows up to do it."     

DX nodded in approval. He then asked, "Did he say anything afterward?"     

Old Madam Du shook her head, "No… But he has a deranged look in him. I'm worried about him. Xuanyuan has always been a sensitive child, and after losing his wife, he only has his son left… If anything happens to Xiao Tian, I'm afraid…"     

DX patted his mother's hand as he consoled her, "Mother, Ye Tian brought it upon himself…"     

Old Madam Du took out her lacy handkerchief from her pocket and wiped the little drop of tear at the corner of her eyes. Every time she thought about what Kai Xin had to go through and the cruel words that she said to her, she felt guilty and sad.     

She sighed, "I know what he did to Kai Xin is wrong. It's a heinous crime but still… He's family…"     

DX shook his head. He knew that Ye Tian was not his family, but his mother did not know. He had no idea how to tell her the truth just yet. Instead, he said, "And she's my family now…"     

She nodded, "I understand… Anyway, I told your uncle that you didn't do anything to your cousin. If you did do something, don't worry… I won't say anything to him. I don't want to be caught between the two of you, so I'll stay away for a while now."     

DX nodded. His mother had always been protective of her younger brother. He could understand her reluctance to pick sides.     


On the way back, DX explained everything to Han Ye.     

"So, it's definitely Mr. Ye who took her…" murmured Han Ye as he drove. DX was tired and he did feel like driving so he handed the keys to Han Ye.     

"80% sure that it's him," answered DX as he twirled a stick of cigarette around his fingers. He wanted to have a smoke but at the same time, he wanted to live longer. Lately, he had been thinking about the time that he had left. He knew that given their age gap, he might not outlive Kai Xin.     

However, he had promised her that he would never leave her, so he wanted to work towards that goal as much as possible.     

"I wonder how sure is he when and if he took her…" thought Han Ye out loud.     

"I'd say about 99%...," said DX. He signaled Han Ye to pull the car to a stop. Once Han Ye pulled over, DX continued, "Before this, I'm not completely sure about it yet but now? I think he definitely knew about Ye Tian's true parentage."     

Han Ye looked at DX with a confused expression, "Why would you say so, President Du?"     

DX raised a brow at Han Ye as if he was secretly calling him an id*ot. He then explained, "If he didn't know, by right, Luo Han should be his first suspect, but according to what we know so far, Luo Han is busy with trying to save his fallen campaign and that he had not been meeting anyone suspicious. Which means that, once my uncle realized that Ye Tian is not in our hands, his next suspect is actually Su Yan Xi instead of Luo Han. Why else would he go after her first?"     

Mr. Ye would believe Old Madam Du's words. He had no choice but to believe her words since DX had barred him from visiting the Du Mansion and the Du Corporation.     

DX smirked as he continued, "He must have known the truth, and he knew that Luo Han would never hurt Ye Tian."     

"Then… Is Ye Tian in his hand? Should we visit Mr. Ye?" asked Han Ye.     

DX thought for a while before he shook his head, "Just keep an eye on him for now. Observe his every movement. From where he goes, who he meets… I want to know everything. If we go after him now, he is just going to deny it..."     


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