Be My Strength

I've forgotten about the archery competition

I've forgotten about the archery competition


On the day of the school festival, DX and Kai Xin arrived just in time for the racing events. They immediately went to the spot that was reserved for them and once they were seated, they immediately looked for the twins amongst the children who were running around on the field.     

Jack and Lyle had their swimming and taekwondo competition respectively in the morning. However, they understood that with Kai Xin's condition, it would not be good for her to stay from morning until the evening.     

Furthermore, they figured that since they did not have any worthy opponents in those two fields, there was no reason for them to have an audience. They wanted their parents to see them fighting in fields that they were struggling in.     

So, despite Kai Xin's insistence on going for the whole thing, they told her to come at 4 p.m.     

"GO! LYLE! GO! WIN THAT GOLD FOR YOUR SISTER!!!" yelled Kai Xin as she watched Lyle running the laps. There was a boy that was running closely behind him and the two of them would overtake each other every few seconds.     

She had been shouting words of encouragement ever since the first lap. Even though the other parents looked at her in disgust, she merely ignored them while she kept supporting her sons. She did not care that she was among the elitist parents. She just wanted to openly show her support for her sons.     

DX laughed softly before he shook his head. With him there, the rest of the parents did not dare to scold Kai Xin for her hyperactivity.     

When Lyle crossed the finish line half a second before his opponent, Kai Xin jumped up in joy and DX was startled by it. He immediately stopped her from jumping further.     

"Have you forgotten about your baby?" chided DX as he lightly knocked her forehead once with his knuckles.     

As she rubbed her forehead, Kai Xin smiled stupidly, "I forgot…"     

As the other parents looked at their public display of affection, some of them thought, "How could you forget?! You're carrying President Du's child?!"     

Perhaps, to those who married for fame and fortune, they would never understand that there was a difference when a woman was carrying a baby of someone that she loved. She was protective of Little Monkey not because she was one of the heirs of one of the richest man on earth but because she was her child and the child of the man Kai Xin loved more than life itself.     

When it was Jack's turn to run, Kai Xin did the same and cheered loudly for him. This time, DX moved with her. Whenever she stood up, he would stand up with her. He had never thought of it as annoying. Instead, he was glad that others could see the genuine love that Kai Xin had for his sons.     

She had never treated them as her stepsons. As far as she was concerned, both Lyle and Jack were her sons.     

Unfortunately, Jack ended up in second place. It was a close fight. He had a sad expression on from the moment he went to get his medal to when he stood down from the mini stage.     

As he dragged himself over to his parents, he sighed loudly before he buried his sweaty face in his father's arms.     

"It's alright, Jack. We'll try again next year," said Kai Xin as she patted him on the shoulder.     

He pouted, "I thought I can win this year."     

"You won the second prize."     

Jack shook his head and he had a pensive look as he said sadly, "Second is not good enough…"     

"I think the second place is great. You did your best…" said Kai Xin with a smile as she tried to cheer him up.     

Lyle who came over at that time nodded in agreement. He had just received his gold medals from all the running and taekwondo competitions. They were taking a break now before the last part of the sports festival began.     

"Yeah, Jack. Second is great," said Lyle as he patted his brother's shoulder.     

When Jack saw the medals around Lyle's neck, he rolled his eyes at his brother and said, "Go away. You won all the running competitions…"     

"No, I didn't… It's not just running, but also taekwondo… Well, I'm merely the champion of every competition that I bothered to join."     

Kai Xin chuckled. She had never thought that she would see a day when Lyle would brag. However, he was obviously doing it goodnaturedly and even DX smiled at his sons' antics.     

Jack groaned and crouched down on the floor as he scratched his head like a maniac, "Damn it! It feels like no matter what, I'm always number two…"     

Lyle nodded. Then with a grin, he said, "And you look like you're taking a number two at the moment."     

Jack cursed and chased Lyle around. Even though they were tired earlier, they have filled with energy again as they ran around the crowds. When Jack finally caught up to his brother, they wrestled on the grass for a while until an announcement was heard.     


"Hey, that's you!" said Lyle as he looked down at Jack who was pinned under him. Both of them were panting.     

Jack laughed, "Oh, yeah. I've forgotten about the archery competition."     

They went back to their parents before they made their way to the indoor archery range. DX, Kai Xin, and Lyle sat behind the glass wall as they supported Jack who was sitting at the bench while waiting for his turn.     

Jack kept tapping his feet as he watched his opponents took their turns. He was slightly nervous and he hoped that he would do well. Even though he had been training for a while, it was the first time that he joined a public competition. Usually, he would just compete with his brother or his father.     

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