Be My Strength

They are waiting in the foyer

They are waiting in the foyer

0At the Shenlong House, after Han Ye and Callum talked to Shenlong Yuan, they went to meet Callum's grandfather. At first, they wanted to meet Shenlong Yuan's father as he was easier to deal with.      2

Unfortunately, the second-in-command went overseas to handle a business dispute. In the end, they had no choice but to talk to Old Master Shenlong.     

Unsurprisingly, after he heard the story from Shenlong Yuan, Old Master Shenlong refused to allow Callum to start a war for an unknown person.     

It had been more than 10 years since there was a major bloodbath between the underground world and he wanted to keep it that way.     

He just wanted to live the remainder of his life in peace while controlling the Shenlong Empire behind the scene.     

"I knew it!" thought Callum angrily when his grandfather refused him. He gritted his teeth and snapped, "I'll take over the clan if you give me the right to get rid of the Su Family."     

"What did the Su Family do to you? They just kidnapped a friend of yours. What's the big deal? Your friend is safe now, right?" asked Old Master Shenlong nonchalantly before he took a sip of his tea.     

He was about to sleep when his grandsons burst into his room and forced him out of bed.     

If it was someone else, he would have put the gun under his pillow to good use. Since he was curious to see Callum, he allowed them to drag him out of his bed.     

Callum sighed. He pinched his glabella before asking, "Then can you at least talk to your spy in the Su Family?"     

Old Master Shenlong yawned, "No. Not going to risk their lives for a brat like you."     

Callum cursed and clenched his fists as he glared at his grandfather.     

Old Master Shenlong glanced at his grandson. He was secretly enjoying pissing his youngest grandson off.     

He was bored with messing around with Shenlong Yuan and he only had so little time a year to spend with Callum that he never managed to annoy him long enough to see him explode.     

Now that he had the opportunity, he was not going to let it go so easily.     

Old Master Shenlong yawned before asking, "Why? You hated the whole idea of leading the clan before, so why now?"     

Callum groaned, "Stop asking questions, you damn old man! Just give me the information I need."     

Old Master Shenlong narrowed his eyes at his grandson before he threw the empty teacup in his hand at Callum. Luckily, Callum managed to dodge it because when the empty teacup hit the wall, it left a dent on the wall.     

Old Master Shenlong stood up and pointed at his grandson angrily, "You stupid boy! How dare you talk to your grandfather like that! Is that what the Du boy taught you?! I knew leaving you with them is a mistake!"     

When Callum was about to say something insulting again, Shenlong Yuan placed a hand on his cousin's chest and said softly, "Watch me."     

Shenlong Yuan went forward and stood next to his grandfather before whispering in his ears, "Ye Ye, you can't blame Xun. It's because Su Yan Xi also kidnapped your future granddaughter-in-law and hurt her. That's why Xun wants to take revenge."     

Old Master Shenlong went wide-eyed at the news and he looked at Shenlong Yuan for a long time. He then turned back to Callum and said annoyingly, "Wait, what? My what? You stupid boy! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"     

Callum frowned. He did not know what his cousin told their grandfather. After a while, Shenlong Yuan whispered again, "Besides, Ye Ye. She's pregnant with your great grandchild and she was injured because of that. Are you going to let it go just like that?"     

When Old Master Shenlong heard Shenlong Yuan, he slammed his hand down on the small table next to his chair and split it into two. He then snapped, "Who dares to hurt my great-grandchild?! Yuan, go get the men ready. We'll be visiting Old Su today!"     

As Old Master Shenlong and Shenlong Yuan walked passed them, both Han Ye and Callum had a confused look on their face as they followed the two out of the hall. When Callum tapped his cousin on the shoulder, the only response from Shenlong Yuan was a discreet wink.     


At the Su Manor, Old Master Su was sleeping when one of his men rushed in to wake him up.     

"Get lost! Do you want to die?" groaned Old Master Su before he turned around.     

Before his man could say anything, someone else rushed in and said, "Dad, big trouble!"     

Old Master Su cursed and sat up with the help of his assistant. He then glared at his son and snapped, "Wei Yan! You're the leader of the Su Family now. What kind of big trouble requires my help? I'm just a frail old man!"     

The current leader of the Su Family, Su Wei Yan, blushed as he said, "Old Master Shenlong is on the way here! I think Yan Xi did something behind our back."     

Old Master Su put on his robe and as he tied it up, he asked gruffly, "What did that wretched girl do again?"     

Su Wei Yan shrugged, "I'm not sure. Old Master Shenlong sent us a message earlier. He said that blood will be paid with blood, and if we don't give them what they want, they are going to drown the Su Manor with blood today."     

"How far are they?" asked Old Master Su as he walked to the living room with his son.     

Before Su Wei Yan could reply to him, a woman in a low ponytail and wearing a red robe came running and said nervously, "Pa!"     

Old Master Su frowned, "My dear daughter-in-law, why are you awake? This is men's business. Go back to your room. This is nothing that should concern you."     

The woman shook her head, "Pa! I can't sleep. I overheard Wei Yan talking to the servants earlier. What happened? What did Yan Xi do again?"     

"I don't know. Damn it! Can't an old man sleep in peace?! That stupid grandson of mine did such dirty deeds and now his mother is giving me a headache as well!" cursed Old Master Su as he tapped his cane against the floor angrily.     

A servant soon came running. In a nervous tone, he said, "Master Wei Yan! Old Master Su!"     

"What now?!" snapped Old Master Su as he rubbed the back of his head in frustration.     

The servant did a quick bow before he said, "The people from the Shenlong Family are here!"     

Su Wei Yan gasped, "How many people? And who is here?"     

"It's too many to count. Definitely more than 1,000 according to our last count. They have surrounded the manor! And Old Master Shenlong is here personally, along with three young men. He demanded to see Old Master Su and Master Wei Yan immediately."     

With his eyes closed, Old Master Su took a deep breath before asking, "Where are they now?"     

"They are waiting in the foyer," said the servant.     

"We'll go there now," said Old Master Su. He looked at his daughter-in-law and said sternly, "Go back to your room now. Don't forget that you're pregnant with my grandchild."     

Su Wei Yan agreed and he said to his wife, "Go back first. Nothing would happen. We Su Family is not easily threatened by this."     

When his wife protested, Su Wei Yan gestured for the servants to bring her back and he ordered, "Take care of your Madam. If anything happened to her, I'll skin you alive."     

The servants nodded, "Yes, Master Wei Yan!"     

Old Master Su and his son went to the foyer to greet their old "friends".     

When they arrived, the situation was tense. The men from the Shenlong Family and Su Family were facing each other with their guns raised. Everyone was just waiting for the order from their respective bosses.     

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