Be My Strength

There's still two hours

There's still two hours

4After Han Ye left, DX hugged Kai Xin and whispered, "Are you sure about this?"      2

Kai Xin nodded, "I don't want to leave him out..."     

"You know, no one would blame you if you did. I don't think there's anyone in this world who has the right to blame you if you leave him out," said DX as he rubbed her lower back. He noticed that she had been rubbing her lower back constantly and he knew that it was probably aching at the moment.     

As if it was a natural thing for him to do, Kai Xin did not stop him and she just enjoyed the feeling of being cared for. After a while, she said, "I've given it a thought… It has been so many years and he has been doing his best to repay his debt. He has also been staying by my side for the past few years…"     

"Are you ready to face him?" asked DX as he looked straight into her eyes.     

She sighed softly before she replied, "Maybe it'll take some time before I can talk to him without any reservation, but if it's just small talks, I think I can still do it."     

At the same time, she glanced at the clock on the wall. The twins said that they were going to stay at school to help out with the preparation for the upcoming school festival. She told the twins earlier that they would pick them up from school and that they would be eating out for dinner.     

Everyone including Old Madam Du would be joining as well. With what had been happening lately, DX wanted everyone to relax. If it was not because of the pregnancy, he would have flown everyone overseas for a short trip.     

Since Kai Xin was unable to fly at the moment, he decided on a lavish dinner instead.     

Ghost had been invited to join them as well.     

Callum kept bothering DX, and at first, the latter refused to invite Ghost. However, Callum went behind his back and talked to Kai Xin privately.     

She had been ignoring Ghost ever since the press conference and apparently, Ghost had been working himself to the point of exhaustion since then. She was well aware of his tendency to pout for a long time. As angry as she was at him, Kai Xin could not stay angry at Ghost for long.     

After all, he was not the main culprit. She was only angry at him for hiding it from her.     

Callum was almost in tears as he ambushed her during lunchtime a few days back and pleaded, "Please tell my brother to invite Guang Ying as well. He has been working so hard lately that I can't bear to see him. The stock price of the Luo Corporation has been plummeting ever since that day and my poor Guang Ying has been working day and night trying to save the company."     

He had grabbed her hand as he pouted, "Pleaseee… Sis-in-law… My beautiful sis-in-law… Please help your brother-in-law chase his wife…"     

Even though she laughed at his antics, Kai Xin had ignored him and merely told him to talk to DX himself. However, at the same night, when they were about to get ready for bed, she told DX to invite Ghost.     

While surprised, DX did not think too much into it. No matter what, they were close friends before.     

However, when he was changing out of his clothes, he could not help but ask, "You're no longer angry at him?"     

"I'm still angry, but not so much anymore…" answered Kai Xin honestly as she watched him put on his pajamas.     

DX nodded. He went towards her and kissed her on the forehead before saying, "I'll arrange it then..."     

That conversation was almost three days ago.     

As they watched Han Ye's car driving away, Kai Xin suddenly looked up at DX and said, "To say that I'm no longer angry at ZiYan and Guang Ying is impossible… but they are... family… I can't possibly be angry at them forever."     

DX smiled at her, "At this rate, our family might be too big."     

"It's fine, isn't it?" asked Kai Xin. After what he had done for her, she did not want to burden him with more problems.     

"Em… If you want, we can make it even bigger," said DX with a mischievous smirk.     

She understood perfectly what he was insinuating and she scoffed, "This one is not even out yet and you're already so eager to have more. Have you even talked to my mum before? I was pretty hard to control when I was a kid. This little one inside of me... If she's anything like me, you might not want another one."     

DX laughed softly, "I'll always want a few more."     

He released her from his hug and got down on one knee. With his ear pressed against her belly, he said softly, "Little Monkey, be like Mummy, alright? Be as strong, as smart, and as brave as Mummy."     

She smiled as she watched him continued to talk to their unborn daughter. After a while, she said softly, "Enough with the chit chat. You've plenty of time to talk to her soon. Also, I'm tired of standing. Have you asked someone to send the clothes to Lyle and Jack? They said that they'll be showering at school so that they don't have to shower at home."     

DX stood up and nodded, "Yeah. We should get ready soon."     

Kai Xin frowned and pointed out, "There's still two hours."     

DX pretended to think for a minute before saying, "No, I think we've just enough time. By the time we get out of the shower, we won't have much time to get ready."     

"What are- No!" yelped Kai Xin when DX suddenly scooped her up. As he walked with her in his arms, she wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered softly, "Husband, you realize that I'm very pregnant, right?"     

He smirked but he did not say anything else as he carried her into their bedroom. Two hours was more than enough time for him to play with his wife.     


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