Be My Strength

A Thousand Years

A Thousand Years

1It was eerily dark with only the lights from the garden illuminating the pathway for her. She followed the path into the house and when she entered, there was no one in the house. Oddly enough, there were lighted candles on the floor and she followed the path of the candles. She glanced at the candles for a moment.     

She then went to the wall and once she found the switches, she tried to turn on the lights but it was broken.     

Suddenly, she felt stupid. She should have waited in the car with the twins or drove them off first, but she was too worried about DX to think carefully.     

"I should have brought a weapon!" thought Kai Xin. She glanced around and when she saw a golf bag, she pulled out a golf club and slowly made her way into the inner part of the house. When she was in the living room, she heard some rustling coming from the backyard through the opened sliding door as well as some footsteps sound.     

It was pitched black outside and she debated whether to go out or not. Caressing her belly, she whispered, "Little Monkey, should we run? But Daddy is inside... We can't leave him... He won't be in any kind of real danger, right?"     

When she squinted her eyes and looked further ahead at the rows of candles, she noticed that the candles stopped right at the patio. Nervous, she made her way there with the golf club held tightly in her hands. When she was standing outside, there was no one there. There was, however, a surprising amount of trees for a backyard.     

Just as she was about to head back, she heard the sound of lights flickering and within seconds, the entire backyard was illuminated with fairy lights that were hanging loosely on the trees.     

When she saw someone coming out from behind the trees, she narrowed her eyes as she raised her golf club slightly. A pathway was suddenly lighted in front of her all the way to a big oak tree. With the help of the lights, she could see clearly.     

However, when she saw who those people were, she gasped.     


Not only her mum, but Sima Erden, Kai An, Naomi Nakamura, Rin Nakamura, Ki Hong, Old Madam Du, Old Mo, Jane, Ghost, Callum, and Han Ye were there as well. Kai Xin noticed that some of them were dressed differently from when they left the house earlier.     

Actually, they were all dressed handsomely as if they were attending a wedding.     

Just as she was wondering what was happening, a bright light from the second floor shined directly at the big oak tree that was in front of the pathway.     

She watched as DX slowly walked out from behind the tree with a single red rose in his hand. Even from far away, she could see him smiling at her.     


Kai Xin dropped the golf club on the patio as she slowly stepped forward.     

"What in…"     

Her thoughts were interrupted when someone suddenly held her left hand. When she glanced to her left side, Lyle was standing there with his hand in hers. When she felt someone holding her right hand, she turned and this time, she saw Jack who was blushing slightly.     

"Let's get you married," murmured Jack.     

At that moment, the place was filled with the soft melody of A Thousand Years.     

"Let's go, Mummy," said Lyle as he smiled at Kai Xin.     

Kai Xin's eyes were filled with tears as she realized that she was at her own surprise wedding.     

She then nodded slowly and with the boys walking her down the aisle, there was a lot of things in her mind. A lot of things had happened and many of the things that happened were unexpected. Her meeting with DX, them saving Lyle together, the years that they spent together, and how DX loved her unconditionally even after he found out about her past…     

She could hear her brother shouting, "Go, Xin! Go!"     

She chuckled when she saw her mum and Old Madam Du shushing him. When she turned her gaze back to DX, he was smiling gently at her.     

Suddenly, as if he could no longer wait, he walked towards her and when they met in the middle of the "aisle", he held up the single stalk of red rose and said, "I've been waiting for you…"     

"Why?" asked Kai Xin as she looked at the rose. Her eyes were filled with tears as she looked at DX.     

DX shrugged. He broke the stalk to make it shorter and tucked it into Kai Xin's hair that was styled into a bun. He then took her hand from Lyle before nodding at the twins to thank them.     

When the twins ran off to the side, he gently wiped that tears that were at the corner of her eyes as he whispered softly, "I want to give you something that you'd always remember…"     

"I'll always remember everything I did with you…" murmured Kai Xin. Her voice was soft as if she was trying not to cry.     

As he walked down the rest of the "aisle" with her, he said softly, "I know we said to wait until Little Monkey is here, but I can't wait. We'll have this small one first. When she's here, we'll have a much grander wedding."     

Kai Xin shook her head, "I love this…"     

There was no wedding gown, but everyone that she loved was here. Most importantly, DX was here with her.     

When they were at the end of the "aisle", Callum went to the front and said, "As a person with no experience whatsoever, I'm here to marry my brother, Du XiAn off."     

"It's the other way, you fool!" hissed Kai An while Ghost sighed and facepalmed himself.     

"Oh! Right! Sorry! Let me start all over again. I'm here to marry Zhen Kai Xin off to my brother, Du XiAn. Anyone here has problems with their marriage? Well, your disagreement is useless here. So, what are you kids waiting for? Kiss now!"     

Kai Xin laughed as she turned to face DX. She then said softly, "I'm pretty sure that's not how it was supposed to go."     

DX smiled. As he stood closer to her and placed his hands on her cheeks, he whispered, "I'll get a better priest next time…"     

Under the moonlight and in front of everyone they loved, they then kissed. Everyone cheered when they saw the newly "wedded" husband and wife kissing each other.     

"Make me more grandbabies!" shouted Old Madam Du.     

When the rest looked at her, she blushed and composed herself before saying, "What? I'm already at that age…"     

An Qi Yan laughed and she too shouted towards the couple, "Yeah! We want more grandbabies!"     

Sima Erden laughed at An Qi Yan's words. He then shouted loudly, "Give me a couple more step-grandchildren!"     

This time it was An Qi Yan who blushed as she pushed Sima Erden lightly and murmured, "Who is marrying you…"     

The man laughed and hugged her from behind, "Are you saying that if we can have a do-over, you won't make babies with me?"     

An Qi Yan blushed heavily but she also shook her head as she said softly, "I want to have babies with you…"     

Only Sima Erden could hear her and he whispered back, "An entire football team, right?"     

Both of them sighed contently. They had missed a huge part of this lifetime, but what was important was to keep looking forward. There was no way they could have a do-over. Life, after all, had no do-over. However, they could work hard for their future. After all, based on average life expectancy, they would still have 20 or more years with each other.     

When they finally parted, Kai Xin and DX both looked at each other for a few seconds before they laughed softly at their guests' antics. DX then murmured, "I love you, Madam President Du..."     

"I love you too, President Du."     

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