Be My Strength

Maybe it's just my imagination

Maybe it's just my imagination

0"Look up there," said DX as he pointed with his chin.     1

When Kai Xin looked at the second-floor balcony, she saw Phantom watching over them. He was right next to the portable spotlight.     

When Phantom noticed that Kai Xin was looking at him, he felt shy. He smiled softly at her and just as he thought that she was still angry at him, she smiled back.     

It was not her usual smile but it was a start. At the very least, she was acknowledging his existence. He then nodded at her to let her know that he understood.     

Kai Xin then turned back to DX and she hugged him as she muttered, "Thank you, hubby…"     

He smiled and kissed the top of her head before saying, "Anything for you, my wife…"     

As Han Ye watched them, he thought about the "mock wedding" that he had with Wu Yue Xue. They were in high school back then and it was their last year. Han Ye had borrowed a veil from the drama club and at the very last day of school, he had asked Wu Yue Xue to meet him on the roof.     

There was no spotlight or fairy lights. Instead, they had the stars and the bright moon. With Wedding March being played from his phone, he placed the veil over her head before he got on his knee and asked her to marry him.     

Han Ye had nothing at that moment. All his money was to use for his tertiary education and he could not even get her a proper ring. However, as he held the stainless steel ring in his hand, he said, "What I can't give you now, I'll work hard and get it for you in the future… I'll give you my everything… Please marry me, Yue Xue."     

Wu Yue Xue had blushed as she nodded.     

Han Ye smiled at the old memory. He absentmindedly touched the ring that he was currently wearing under his shirt. Before he cremated Wu Yue Xue, he had removed the ring from her hand.     

It was the ring that he bought her after he earned his first bonus. He could not bear to completely part with her. This way, it felt as if she was still there with him.     

As Han Ye looked up at the stars, he thought, "Yue Xue, are you seeing this? I'm glad that President Du and Ms. Zhen can have their forever after. I know you'd definitely be crying your eyes out if you're here…"     

Suddenly, he felt someone placing their hand on his shoulder but when he turned, there was no one around him. Just the fairy lights moving under the light wind.     

As Han Ye watched the fairy lights swayed gently around, he smiled as he thought, "Maybe it's just my imagination…"     

He then turned back to look at DX and Kai Xin.     


Once they wrapped up the small wedding ceremony, they headed over to the restaurant. It turned out that DX had Head Manager Han went over to supervise the chefs. He had booked the largest private room so that everyone could eat without being reserved.     

Kai Xin only knew that Head Manager Han was there when he came out with the dishes. She was surprised and once her surprise subsided, she asked the man to join them.     

However, Head Manager Han said, "I'm here to do my duty, Madam President Du. Please don't concern yourself with my well-being. I'm an adult who can take care of myself."     

When he said the last sentence, he glanced at Han Ye who merely rolled his eyes while he continued to eat.     

During the dinner, everyone was courteous towards Phantom but it was obvious that some of them were uncomfortable with him. Especially Kai An and An Qi Yan.     

Both of them could not understand why DX would invite Phantom given what he had done. For most of the night, the two of them kept their eyes away from him. Even if Kai Xin could forgive Phantom, they could not forgive him that easily.     

No matter what, he was the one who was directly responsible for the misfortune that befell Kai Xin.     

Phantom was understanding. So, not long after the dishes were served, he excused himself to go to the toilet. Once he was outside, he called for a cab and went home by himself. To be able to witness the little ceremony between Kai Xin and DX was good enough for him.     

He could no longer attend his own sister's wedding so this was good enough. After all, he had long thought of Kai Xin as his little sister.     

When he was on the ride home, just as he was about to text Han Ye, he received a call from said man.     

"Where are you? Did you fall down in the toilet?" asked Han Ye with a worried tone. He noticed that Phantom was away for a long time and so, he had excused himself from the private dining room to give Phantom a call.     

Phantom smiled as he replied, "I'm fine. I recalled that I had something to do, so I need to go back first. I was just about to text you."     

Han Ye sighed, "Why?"     

"I'm just busy, that's all. I'll see you later. Enjoy the dinner and don't bother coming home so early. Don't drink and drive," said Phantom with a smile. He then hung up before Han Ye could say anything else. He had done what he wanted to do so now he just wanted to go home and rest.     

While he sat quietly in the car, he suddenly felt lonelier than ever. As he glanced at the scenery outside the car, he thought wryly, "She has President Du now… I can no longer help her with anything…"     

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