Be My Strength

Warning! Warning!

Warning! Warning!

3A few days later, Ghost was so overworked that he fainted at the office. He had expected that Luo Corporation would take a hit once the news got out. However, at that time, he had not expected his grandfather to hand over the management of the company to him.      3

Since Grandfather Luo made the decision, Ghost did not want to disappoint him. No matter what, he would do his best to protect the company that his grandfather built. He would not allow Luo Han and Luo Yin to continue giving Grandfather Luo problems.     

By the time Callum received the news from Ghost's assistant, the man himself was already rushed to the hospital.     

When Callum finally arrived at the hospital, Ghost was looking at his laptop. His half-eaten chocolate pudding was left aside.     

Every now and then, he would nod as he listened to Butler Douglas nagging him about the importance of keeping himself healthy. The old butler was scolding Ghost so loudly that Callum could hear it from outside the door.     

"Old Master Luo is already so sick, and now you too?! Can't you guys take care of yourself? I keep telling you to eat properly and don't skip your meals but you won't listen. Seriously, you are already a man of 30 plus years old. How are you going to get a wife at this rate?"     

The moment he mentioned wife, Callum pushed the door open and stepped in. When Butler Douglas saw him, he nodded respectfully. However, if it was not because he was a proud butler, he would have scolded Callum.     

He had seen how Callum looked at Ghost. Those were the eyes of a man in love, and Butler Douglas refused to allow his precious young master to be tainted by a man!     

Callum nodded at the butler before he walked over to Ghost. Before Ghost could even say anything, Callum placed his forehead against him.     

He was only testing his temperature but from where Butler Douglas was standing, it was as if Callum as kissing Ghost.     

He immediately snapped, "What are you doing to my young master?!"     

Callum ignored Butler Douglas and asked Ghost softly, "How are you feeling now?"     

Ghost blushed slightly before hissing at him, "I told you! Not to do that when there's someone in the room!"     

Callum glanced at Butler Douglas before he turned back to Callum with a smirk, "Screw it. He knew about it anyway… Answer my question."     

Ghost sighed, "I'm fine. Just low blood pressure from lack of food."     

Callum slammed his laptop shut before saying sternly, "Eat. Now."     

Ghost glared at him for a second before he picked up his spoon. He finished off the chocolate pudding before saying, "Happy?"     

Callum frowned. He pointed at the tray on the table and said, "I'm telling you to eat your lunch. A proper meal. Why are you eating chocolate pudding?"     

"I don't like hospital food…" murmured Ghost. It reminded him of the days that he spent in the hospital. The food was always bland and boring.     

Callum sighed, "I'll make you something."     

"Can you even cook?" asked Ghost. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at Callum.     

Callum thought for a while before pointing to Butler Douglas and said, "He'll teach me."     

"NO WAY!" snapped Butler Douglas as he folded his arms. There was no way he would teach Callum the way into his young master's heart.     

"Why is he acting as childish as Callum now?" thought Ghost as he shook his head. He felt that the people around him was getting dumber and dumber. He wondered if he had been too nice to them.     

As Ghost looked at the two of them, he scratched his right ear as he thought, "Maybe I should be stricter? So that they'll become smarter?"     

Callum sighed and turned back to Ghost. He patted Ghost's head and said, "Be good. Eat a little now. I'll go back and cook something up for you."     

Looking at him, Ghost felt an urge to shout at him for treating him like a child. Yet, at the same time, he felt warm inside.     

In the end, he pulled the bland hospital food towards him and grumbled, "If you bring me burnt food, I'm not going to listen to you ever again."     

Callum smiled. He watched Ghost ate half of the meal before he dragged Butler Douglas out of the room.     

However, when they were at the door, Callum pushed Butler Douglas out of the door and with a grin, he slammed the door before locking it.     

"Open up, you scoundrel!" yelled Butler Douglas as he knocked loudly on the door.     

Ghost sighed as he leaned back into his bed, "What are you up to now?"     

Instead of answering him, Callum walked towards him in huge stride and before Ghost realized it, Callum kissed him on the lips.     

Just like their previous kiss, Ghost was taken aback and it took him a few seconds before he realized what had happened.     

He tried to push Callum away but Callum refused to move and he caught Ghost's hands to stop him from moving. He then tried to pry Ghost's lips open with his tongue.     

Ghost refused to let him enter. After a few more tries, Callum whispered, "Open up. Just a little… For me, please…"     

Ghost groaned. However, he soon closed his eyes and relaxed his lips. Once Callum felt it, he loosened his grip on Ghost's hands and placed one hand behind the back of his head.     

Callum then sat on the bed as he slowly pried Ghost's lips apart. No matter what, he would not leave until he established his mark. Ignoring the shouting and banging from outside the room, he focused completely on Ghost and the latter's reaction to his touch.     

Callum released Ghost's hand as he teased the man by licking and kissing his lips. He used his free hand and placed it on Ghost's left hand.     

He then slowly moved his hand towards Ghost's waist. When the latter moaned, Callum took the opportunity to slide his tongue into Ghost's mouth. It took Ghost a while before he responded to Callum's kisses.     

His body was responding and without any conscious thoughts, he gripped Callum's clothes as he kissed him back. The room was filled with the sound of them kissing.     

"Guang Ying… I really... Really... Like you..." murmured Callum before he continued to explore Ghost's mouth with his tongue.     

Suddenly, Ghost realized what he was doing and embarrassed by his own reaction, he pushed Callum so hard that Callum landed on his back.     

"Ouch!" groaned Callum as he rubbed his backside. He then looked at Ghost with a pitiful face as he said, "Please kiss my boo boo better, my little Guang Ying."     

"F*ck off!" snapped Ghost as he struggled to catch his breath. His breath was ragged as he turned away from Callum. He then pulled his blanket over his head so that Callum could not see his reddened cheeks.     

He could feel Callum pressing down on either side of him before he felt a soft bump on his head.     

Callum smiled after he placed a kiss on top of Ghost's head. Obviously, he preferred the earlier action. He sighed at the lack of further action but it was better than before. It would not be long before Ghost finally accepts him.     

As he leaned closer to Ghost, he whispered, "If you don't take care of yourself again, I'm going to feed you with my own way…"     

"F*ck off!" murmured Ghost. He cursed when he felt a smack on his backside but he refused to remove the blanket. If it was not because of his obvious reaction, he would have stood up and given the pervert a punch in the face.     

Callum laughed, "I'll be back soon."     

When he opened the door, Butler Douglas was glaring at him as he snapped, "What did you do to my young master?"     

Callum winked at him before he dragged him along as he said, "Come on. We need to prepare a feast for your stubborn young master…"     

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