Be My Strength

I thought we were friends!

I thought we were friends!

4A few days later, in an underground basement, Ye Tian was unconscious as he hung from the ceilings with his feet dangling two feet off the floor. There was a puddle of blood on the floor directly under his feet. His previously pristine white shirt was shredded and torn while blood soaked through it.      3

His face had signs of being punched, and there were cuts across his cheeks and dried blood at the corner of his mouth.     

In front of him was a laptop that was placed on a small desk. Standing behind the laptop was the five men who kidnapped him while he was on the road to escape from the Du Family. One of them was Chinese while the other four were Russians.     

A woman's voice came from the laptop, "Wake him up."     

One of the Russians took a bucket of ice cold water and splashed it at the young man. When Ye Tian felt the freezing cold water, he gasped loudly before he tried to shake the cold water off his body.     

After his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, and he realized that he was hung in the middle of the air, he quickly glanced around.     

His body hurt from the beatings that he received from the past few days, and his leg was throbbing from the gunshot wound that he sustained during the kidnapping. No one told him anything. They had removed the bullet and bandaged his leg but that was all the nice thing his kidnappers did for him.     

From the moment he woke up on the first day, he had been subjected to abuse after abuse. It was apparent to him that those men were ordered to torture him. They would beat him to an inch of his life before fixing him back up again.     

At first, Ye Tian thought that it was DX who did it. However, after thinking carefully, he knew that it was someone else. Based on how protective DX was towards Kai Xin, he would want to execute the abuse himself instead of letting someone else did it.     

He locked eyes with each of the men for a few seconds before he glanced down at the laptop. One of the men adjusted the laptop so that the young man could see who it was that spoke earlier.     

One of his eyes was swollen and it was hard for him to see. When Ye Tian finally realized who the person was, he gasped, "Auntie Yan Xi?"     

He realized now why the kidnappers did not kill him.     

"Xiao Tian… Don't blame me for doing this," said Mrs. Luo with a smile as she watched Ye Tian dangled from the ceiling.     

"Why?" asked Ye Tian as he faked an innocent look. His heart was burning with anger as he stared at the woman.     

"Xiao Tian… Let's not play around... I'm sure you know why," said Mrs. Luo as she leaned back into her chair.     

"I don't."     

Mrs. Luo smiled kindly at him when she asked, "Xiao Tian… Who was the one who told Xiao Yin to r*pe that Zhen Kai Xin?"     

Ye Tian smiled back as he answered, "I don't know."     

Mrs. Luo sighed, "Ah Jie, call Young Master Shangguan to come in."     

Ye Tian went wide-eyed when he heard her. When he returned from the police station, his servants told him about the tragedy that befell the Shangguan Family. At that time, he thought that Shangguan Xing had escaped overseas before the news got blown out of proportion.     

"Was he kidnapped by her as well?" thought Ye Tian as he kept his eyes on the laptop.     

One of the men nodded and he went out of the basement. Not long later, he came back with Shangguan Xing.     

"Xing!" Ye Tian saw that Shangguan Xing looked fine. It was clear to him that Shangguan Xing had not suffered under Mrs. Luo's hands.     

"Ye Tian… How are you?" asked Shangguan Xing as he stood next to the laptop. Then, in a sad voice, he accused, "You've never come and visited me. Not even once!"     

"I was busy…" murmured Ye Tian.     

"Busy?" laughed Shangguan Xing. He then said, "Busy or because I'm of no value to you anymore?!"     

Ye Tian looked at Shangguan Xing before he turned his eyes to Mrs. Luo. He then laughed, "I see now… The two of you have been working together…"     

"Well, we have a common enemy now," said Shangguan Xing with a grin. He took a whip from one of the men and lashed it at Ye Tian.     


He did it two more times before he snapped, "I thought we were friends! But you used me! You used me, and you used Xiao Yin! Back then, if it's not because of you, we would have never done anything!"     

Ye Tian clenched his teeth. The wounds from the old lashes reopened. Even the bandages around his thigh where the bullet hit was soon covered in blood. He cursed softly.     

He waited for the pain to subside slightly before saying with a grin, "All I did… was to tell… tell you guys that she's Zhen Kai An's younger sister… Everything else was done by you guys voluntarily…"     

"You knew that we hated him! And you used us!" snapped Shangguan Xing before he whipped Ye Tian a couple more times.     

"Xiao Tian… If you think that I don't know what you've been doing, then you're wrong. Shangguan Xing told me that you're the one that has been leading my poor son astray. Xiao Yin trusted you the most! You're the reason why my poor son is being kept in jail!"     

Ye Tian laughed, "He deserves it… He's a bad seed… "     

Then, as he glared at Mrs. Luo, he snarled, "Everyone from Luo Family must die! Especially Luo Han and your son, Luo Yin!"     


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