Be My Strength

You knew all along...

You knew all along...

2Mrs. Luo pushed her chair back and slammed her palms on her desk as she yelled into the camera,     

"You b*stard! I know what you've been doing! If you think that you can get money from us, you're wrong!"     

Ye Tian smirked, "Is that why you've always hated me, Auntie Yan Xi? That's right..."     

He chuckled, "... It explains everything. You knew it all along…right? See, when we were younger, Luo Yin told me that you warned him against getting too close to me. Too bad, he's just a stubborn kid… If only he knew - "     

"Shut up!"     

Ye Tian laughed. He then stopped abruptly and hissed, "All of you are going to die! Even if I die here today, Du XiAn would never let any of you go!"     

"I won't let you die that easily!" snarled Mrs. Luo.     

She glared at Ye Tian and said, "All of you b*stards are here to steal my son's rightful place! First, there's your sl*t mother. Then, there's that f*cking woman who looked like her!"     

"You shut your f*cking mouth!" snapped Ye Tian. He tried to escape but he could not. Instead, he just swayed left and right.     

However, that did not stop him from cursing her, "You f*cking b*tch! You've no right to talk about my mother!"     

Mrs. Luo scoffed, "Anyone can talk about that sl*t!"     

He wanted to yell at her but Like a storm that came and went away quickly, Ye Tian suddenly calmed down and laughed.     

"What are you laughing at!" snapped Mrs. Luo as she narrowed her eyes at him.     

Ye Tian glared at her and said, "You're just angry. You're angry that no matter what you do, your husband never loves about you..."     

He smirked as he continued, "...Even after so many years, he kept sleeping around with other women… You thought that by giving him a son, you'd be able to keep his heart… But then, out pops out Guang Ying… who by the way, is way better than your son!"     

"Shut up!" snapped Mrs. Luo as her hands trembled with anger.     

However, he refused to stop and he continued, "But most of all, you're angry because you knew that there's another one..."     

He narrowed his eyes at her as he spoke at an even faster pace, "Luo Han did not care about Guang Ying and so, you are not afraid that your husband would replace Luo Yin with his older brother… But you knew that he loves me…"     

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" yelled Mrs. Luo.     

Instead of stopping, he raised his voice and said out loud the secret that only a few people know.     

"You knew that Luo Han has three sons and the one he cares for the most is his eldest son, me!"     


Shangguan Xing gasped loudly as he went wide-eyed at the revelation. He had known nothing about this, and based on how close Luo Yin was to Ye Tian, he did not think that Luo Yin knew about this as well.     

Given Luo Yin's personality, he would have never accepted someone who would threaten his position in the family.     

Mrs. Luo was furious by now and she snapped, "Ah Jie!"     

The man named Ah Jie nodded.     

He immediately gave instruction to his underling in Russian. The Russian man took the whip from Shangguan Xing before he lashed out at Ye Tian.     

As he was a lot bigger and stronger than the one-armed Shangguan Xing, his lashes hurt a lot more too.     

"Argh!" groaned Ye Tian. He glared at Mrs. Luo. Refused to be weak among those who destroyed his life, he bit down on his lower lip.     

All his life, he had to carry the burden of being a child of an incestuous relationship. He had to live as if he knew nothing.     

When he met his uncle, he had to remind himself that even if the man forced himself on his mother, he must never act without a plan.     

He must never let Luo Han know that he knew about everything. Up until now, no one knew that he had knowledge of it.     

Not even his father, Mr. Ye.     

When his father hit him, Ye Tian had to endure everything because he knew that he should not be born.     

His entire existence was a mistake and not only that, by being born, he killed his mother.     

Ye Tian had always known why Mr. Ye hated him but he had never blamed the man. Mr. Ye allowed him to live despite knowing his origins.     

His father could have easily gotten rid of him but he did not. He kept Ye Tian alive and he kept the secret from him.     

Even if Mr. Ye did not love him, Ye Tian loved him back and he was the only father that Ye Tian wanted.     

Ye Tian glared at the laptop as he listened to the sound of whips cutting through the air and his skin.     

He would never accept Luo Han as his father nor would he accept the weak willed and cruel Luo Yin as his brother.     

"No! I must not die here!" thought Ye Tian as he continued to endure the pain. The physical pain was nothing compared to the mental anguish that he had to live with everyday.     

After a while, his lower lips was bleeding but he continued to stop himself from crying out.     

Mrs. Luo slammed her laptop shut. It was a shameful secret. Her husband not only preferred his own sister over her, but that woman gave birth before Mrs. Luo!     

She had known about it for a long time but she kept quiet.     

When she saw what her husband did to his sister on the day before her wedding, she kept quiet.     

She loved her husband and she did not want anyone to know about it.     

After Luo Fangyuan moved out into her husband's house, she never returned even for a visit. Mrs. Luo thought that it was the end.     

When she realized that Luo Fangyuan was pregnant not long after her marriage, Mrs. Luo did everything she could to seduce Luo Han.     

Even if Luo Fangyuan had a child, her child would never be able to threaten Mrs. Luo who was carrying the legitimate heir. Especially after Ye Tian was born.     

There was no way he would be accepted as the heir of the Luo Family when he was born with such a defect.     

Just when she thought that the threat ended, suddenly Grandfather Luo brought back another bastard. She immediately sent someone to go after Guang Ying's mother.     

When Mrs. Luo saw the resemblance between Luo Fangyuan and Xia Linxing, her previously suppressed anger returned.     

She allowed her men to do whatever they want to Xia Linxing and whenever she was angry, she would personally go and hurt the woman herself.     

She hated her.     

She hated them.     

Death was too easy for them. To Mrs. Luo, Xia Linxing must pay for what she did.     

What she wanted to do but could not do to Luo Fangyuan and Ye Tian, Mrs. Luo did it to Xia Linxing and her son.     

Unlike Ye Tian and his mother, there was no one to protect Ghost and his mother. It made them an easy target.     

If it was not because of Grandfather Luo taking Ghost away, she would have gotten rid of him as well a long time ago.     

If she did, her son would not have been in the situation today.     

She clenched her fists as she cursed, "Ye Tian, Guang Ying, I won't let you bastards die so easily!"     


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