Be My Strength

Since President Du is paying...

Since President Du is paying...

1Han Ye remembered the purpose of his visit and he said, "Oh yeah… We found something interesting…"     0

"We?" asked DX as he raised an eyebrow at him.     


Han Ye glanced at Kai Xin for a few seconds before saying, "Actually, ZiYan has been staying at my place since the press conference…"     

For a long time, Kai Xin did not say anything. However, just as DX was about to break the silence, she asked, "How is he?"     

"He's fine, but he's worried about you. He actually wanted to come in but he's afraid that you might not want to see him, so...," answered Han Ye. Since Phantom refused to get down from the car, he had left the man in his car.     

At the press conference, Phantom saw how devastated Kai Xin was when he revealed the truth about his involvement. He was worried that Kai Xin might get too agitated so he decided to avoid her for now.     

Kai Xin nodded. She then asked, "What did you find?"     

Han Ye pulled out his USB and waved it around as he said, "You'd not believe it."     

He then turned to DX before asking, "Can I borrow your laptop, President Du?"     

DX nodded. He told one of the maids to bring his laptop over. Once the maid came back with the laptop, he passed it to Han Ye.     

Within minutes, Han Ye turned on the laptop, opened the video file in the USB, and showed DX and Kai Xin what they found. Once they were done watching the video, Kai Xin gasped loudly while DX had a complicated gaze.     

When she saw DX's expression, she asked, "Did you know?"     

He shook his head before he replied, "I used to think that he looked somewhat like Luo Han but I didn't think too much into it because after all, Luo Han is his biological uncle."     

DX then glanced at Han Ye and asked, "Do you know where he's being kept captive at?"     

Unfortunately, Han Ye shook his head, "We were too engrossed in watching that we forgot to track it. By the time ZiYan remembered, it was too late."     

"Gather the information on the properties owned by each and every one of the Luo Family. Also, the Su Family."     

"But the activities of the Su Family might be hard to track," said Phantom.     

"For us, maybe…" murmured DX. He thought for a second before saying, "We need the Shenlong Family to help us with this. They should have their own records. After all, the Su Family has been bothering them for years."     

"What is the Su Family?" asked Kai Xin as she looked at Han Ye before turning to DX.     

When Han Ye was about to explain, DX stopped him. Instead, he patiently explained to her, "Luo Han's wife, Su Yan Xi. She's from the main branch of the Su Family, the eldest daughter of the previous patriarch. The Su Family is one of the largest underground family in the country. While the Shenlong Family is one of the strongest, because of their refusal to take in just about anyone, the size of their family remained small. On the other hand, the Su Family kept expanding."     

Kai Xin nodded before asking, "Do you think that the Shenlong Family can win if there's an underground war?"     

DX thought for a second before nodding, "They will win. The problem with the Su Family is that they are not picky when it comes to their members. They just want to expand their business. Because of their greed, it's easy for the Shenlong Family to place their own people in."     

Kai Xin frowned, "What?"     

"I'm sure that there's someone who is from the Shenlong Family who is now within the upper ranks of the Su Family."     

"How sure are you about this?" asked Han Ye. Even though he was trusted by DX on many matters, DX never discussed anything related to the Shenlong Family.     

DX smirked, "The Shenlong Family will not sit still and wait for others to plan their attack. The underground world works like a business… just bloodier. That damn old man is not stupid enough to let a rival family grow without planting in his own people."     

The old man that DX was talking about was Callum's grandfather.     

"What else should we do?" asked Han Ye.     

DX stood up and paced in front of them for a minute before saying, "Luo Yin's in jail at the moment. With the evidence provided by Guang Ying, the investigation on Luo Yin's misdeeds went by smoothly and the prosecutors have enough evidence to put Luo Yin behind bars… and thanks to Supreme Court Judge (SCJ) Rong, the trial for Luo Yin's case will start next week…"     

"There might be protest…" murmured Kai Xin. Everyone knew of the relationship between DX and Layla, the only daughter of SCJ Rong. Luo Yin's army of lawyers would use it to challenge SCJ Rong's right to sit as one of the judges.     

DX sat back down and wrapped his arm around her waist as he said, "Don't worry. I've expected this and I talked to SCJ Rong before. He'll not be sitting out of the case. If Luo Yin protests against him as the presiding judge, SCJ Rong has his own way of handling it..."     

He thought for a moment before saying, "... As for the two other judges, SCJ Rong had selected the best judges in the country. I've checked the background of the two judges. They climbed the ranks through their own efforts and I've sent someone to test them out. They rejected my more than generous bribes. I think we don't have to worry about them. Anyway, I've sent someone to protect them and their family in the meantime…"     

Kai Xin nodded. She subconsciously caressed her belly as she said, "Good idea. Mrs. Luo is not about to sit still when her son is about to be sent to jail for the rest of his life. We have to block all exit way as well. With his passport seized, Luo Yin is unable to leave the country by air. However, now that you mentioned his mother's background, she might try to smuggle him out by land and water."     

DX frowned. He kissed her on the forehead and murmured, "I won't let her have the chance."     

He then turned to Han Ye and said, "Keep an eye on Mrs. Luo and bug all her conversation with Luo Yin. I want to know the time and date of her visit. Leave the rest to me."     

Han Ye nodded. Just as he was about to take his leave, Kai Xin asked, "Han Ye, are you doing anything later at night?"     

Han Ye thought for a moment before shaking his head, "Erm, not really."     

"Would you like to join us for dinner tonight? We are having a family dinner, and I've long since thought of you as part of our family," said Kai Xin with a smile. She then looked at DX and he nodded.     

Han Ye smiled, "Well, I don't mind... Since President Du is paying..."     

In his mind, he was thinking, "After all the pain he put me through, I'm going to eat everything! Who cares if I put on another 15 pounds!"     

Before he left, Kai Xin added softly, "Erm, you can bring a guest if you want..."     

Han Ye went wide-eyed at her suggestion and when he glanced at DX, the latter nodded. Once he understood, Han Ye nodded, "Thanks for the offer, Madam President Du. I'll bring a guest then."     


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