Be My Strength

Since when did Callum grow up?

Since when did Callum grow up?

0Kai An ran to Naomi Nakamura and with a huge smile, he proudly exclaimed, "We won! $250 each."     2

Naomi Nakamura nodded, "I don't feel good taking money from kids."     

"It's alright. We're loaded," said Lyle as he walked into the house with his brother, his grandma, and Old Mo.     

When Old Madam Du saw Kai Xin, she was unsure what to say to her. She had watched the press conference yesterday and when she heard what Kai Xin went through as a young girl, she felt guilty about the things that she said to her before.     

When she arrived earlier, she was afraid of meeting her son and Kai Xin. That was why she told Old Mo to circle around outside first. She wanted to gather her thoughts before she faced them. She knew that she did something wrong but it had been a long time since she apologized that she had forgotten how to do it.     

"I-I'm here to see my son and… Kai Xin," murmured Old Madam Du as she continued to avoid looking at Kai Xin.     

An Qi Yan wanted to say something but Kai Xin smiled and stopped her. Instead, she asked, "Old Madam Du, would you like to join us for dinner? My mum is a pretty good cook. So is Naomi."     

Old Madam Du was surprised when Kai Xin asked her. She had expected mean words so when she was asked if she would like to stay for dinner, she was speechless.     

After a while, she nodded tersely.     

DX who was watching from above the stairs smiled. He was glad that Kai Xin did not bear any grudges. However, he also knew that she would not do so.     

He walked down the stairs and when he was right in front of his mother while he stood next to Kai Xin, he asked, "How are you, Mum?"     

She nodded, "Fine."     

"I'm glad you came," said DX.     

It would take some time before they could return to before but at least, they took the first step.     


While An Qi Yan cooked and the rest of the adults helped, Old Madam Du sat at the backyard porch with DX and Kai Xin. The twins were swimming at the outdoor pool which was at the backyard as well. Old Mo and a servant stood next to the pool as they watched over the twins.     

Old Madam Du placed her cup of tea in the saucer that was on her knees. She watched as DX continued to work on his laptop. Occasionally, he would lean over and either placed a quick kiss on Kai Xin's shoulder or touched her hand.     

When Kai Xin complained about Little Monkey kicking too hard, he would lean over and gently scolded his baby.     

It was ridiculous but Old Madam Du could see how much he loved Kai Xin. She had never seen him so happy before, and she felt ashamed by her own actions. When she saw how Kai Xin was talking to the twins earlier, it was obvious that both of the boys respected her.     

"How can I not see the truth?" thought Old Madam Du as she thought back to the day of the Board of Directors' Meeting. She had never expected Song Qiao to be capable of such an act. No matter what, the baby in Kai Xin's stomach was DX. Even if it was not, the baby was still a life.     

If something had happened to the baby, not just DX, even Old Madam Du would not accept Song Qiao. Whether or not it was her granddaughter, she would never accept such a cruel woman to be near her grandsons.     

As she watched Lyle and Jake playing in the pool, she sighed inwardly as she thought, "Human's heart is hard to read."     

After a while, she suddenly said, "I'm sorry."     

DX and Kai Xin both looked at her before the latter asked, "For what?"     

Old Madam Du looked at both of them and with a sincere voice, she said, "For everything I've said and done. I know I've hurt both of you, and I can understand if you don't want to forgive me. I just-"     

At this moment, Kai Xin interrupted her, "I forgive you."     


Kai Xin smiled as she looked at Old Madam Du. She then said in a gentle voice, "It's fine. I understand that you just wanted to protect your son. I'm not angry at you."     

"But I am," said DX while he continued to type on his laptop.     

Kai Xin frowned and slapped his thigh, "Stop that."     

However, DX ignored her. He looked up from the screen and when he looked at his mother's eyes, he said, "You haven't apologized to my baby, your granddaughter. You hurt her mother, and you indirectly caused harm to her as well."     

Old Madam Du smiled a little before she looked at Kai Xin's stomach.     

"May I?" asked Old Madam Du as she reached out with her hand. She hesitated while she waited for Kai Xin to give her an answer.     

When Kai Xin nodded, she placed her hand on Kai Xin's belly. As she gently caressed her belly, she said softly, "Little one, Nai Nai is sorry for the mean things I said…"     

"Alright. We forgive you now," said DX briskly before he turned his attention back to his laptop.     

Kai Xin rolled her eyes at him.     

During dinnertime, Kai Xin was smiling the whole night because most her family was home with her. Her mother made some of her favorite dishes and everyone fussed over. The sonogram photos of Little Monkey were passed around. In the end, the twins each took one and despite DX's warning, they refused to give the pictures back to him.     

When Callum finally returned from work and joined them for dinner, he started to discuss work-related matters with DX. He needed some advice on the expansion of his company. Since they did not want to stop the rest from talking, they went into the kitchen to discuss.     

"Since when did Callum grow up?" asked Old Madam Du as she glanced at DX and Callum. They were using the new and smaller dining room which was fitted with a marble round table. From where she was sitting, she could see the two bending over the kitchen countertop as they discussed the terms of a contract.     

It confused her. Her son had always been hardworking, but Callum? She raised Callum and she had never seen him so hardworking before.     

"He's got a wife now, so he has to work extra hard," said Kai An as he tried his best to hold his giggle down. Even Naomi Nakamura smiled at the joke.     

The twins smirked as the exchanged glances before they continued to eat.     

"A wife? From which family? Is she a good girl?" asked Old Madam Du. No matter what, she raised Callum and she wanted to make sure that he settle down with a nice woman.     

"Let's not talk about it for now," said Kai Xin as she grinned.     


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