Be My Strength

Good puppy...

Good puppy...

1Rin Nakamura was reading the news about the press conference on her phone while she waited for Ki Hong to arrive.      2

Every now and then, she would shake her head.     

She shuddered as she looked at the photo of Luo Yin being taken into the police station.     

As she continued to scroll down, she thought, "Thank god Dad canceled the engagement between Naomi and Luo Yin. I can't believe that the monster almost become my brother-in-law!"     

"What are you reading?"     

When she heard his voice, Rin Nakamura looked up at Ki Hong. She then glanced at her watch before saying, "You're 15 minutes late."     

"No, I'm not," said Ki Hong as he looked at his watch. He then showed her his watch and pointed it out, "See, 2.15 p.m. I arrived right on dot."     

He had actually arrived earlier at 2 p.m. but when he was passing by the cafe and saw her reading so intently through the transparent window, he decided to wait and see if she would look up.     

While he watched her, he started to think about how cute she was when she reading to the point that he forgot the time as well.     

She sighed, "I said 2 p.m."     

"And I said 2.15 p.m," answered Ki Hong.     

"We agreed on 2 p.m."     

"No, you agreed on 2 p.m. and I told you that I can only arrive at 2.15 p.m."     

Annoyed, Rin Nakamura pouted and turned her body away from him, "You jerk!"     

Ki Hong chuckled softly. He could not understand himself but he liked to bully her.     

Somehow, when she got angry, he thought of her as cute… Like an angry puppy.     

He sat down next to her but she scooted further away. When he moved in deeper, she would scoot further away from him.     

When she was an inch away from the wall, Ki Hong leaned in and whispered, "Oops… The little puppy is trapped! What should we do?"     

She turned to glare at him but he took the opportunity to kiss her. When he did, her anger dissipated and by the time they parted, her face was red with embarrassment instead of anger.     

She looked down at her feet and murmured, "You always do this…"     

He shrugged, "Yeah, that's cause you're cute when you're angry."     


Ki Hong smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist. She did not resist him and allowed him to sit closer to him.     

Luckily, the air-conditioning was great or they would not be able to sit so near to each other without sweating.     

"What were you reading earlier?" asked Ki Hong before he flagged down a waiter.     

Rin Nakamura waited for him to place his drink order and after the waiter left, she answered him, "The news on the press conference yesterday… Luo Yin has been arrested."     

She looked at him and said, "I don't know how Kai Xin managed to do it."     

Ki Hong sighed, "She's an idiot…"     

He had been so angry with her when her attitude suddenly changed and she kept avoiding him up to the day she moved away without saying anything.     

It was only now that he could understand why she suddenly had an aversion towards his touch.     

"Did you know?" asked Rin Nakamura as she sipped on her mocha frappuccino.     

He shrugged, "No. I would've forced her to blow it up if I knew… But when I watch the live report yesterday, I can understand why she won't say anything."     

Rin Nakamura sighed sadly, "She must be so lonely then…"     

Ki Hong nodded. He had been a little angry at himself as well, for not noticing it. Then again, even if he noticed, what could he have done?     

He would be like her. Powerless.     

He could see why she played a long game. There was no guarantee that she could get the justice but she did it just as well.     

"It was like her… Even if there's only 1% of chance that she could do it, she would," thought Ki Hong as he smiled wryly.     

When Rin Nakamura noticed that Ki Hong stopped talking, she poked him and called out softly, "Ki Hong?"     

Ki Hong blinked and looked at her for a second before he shrugged, "Oh well, at least she's no longer lonely now. She has President Du, and her family, and you and your sister. By the way, are you going to be related to President Du now?"     


"You know. Since your sister is with Kai An now… She's the future wife of President Du's brother-in-law. So, you'd be like a sister to President Du…" said Ki Hong as he wriggled his eyebrows at her.     

Suddenly, he nodded and continued, "I chose my drinking partner well. Next time, you'll foot the bill."     

Rin Nakamura smirked, "You better behave yourself or I'm going to dump you so fast that you won't even know what happened to you."     

He laughed softly before he flexed an arm and said, "Nah, you love my body too much…"     

Rin Nakamura blushed and turned away from him.     

Luckily, the waiter arrived at the same time, thus saving her from having to say something back to him.     

They had been meeting each other quite often ever since the double date with Naomi Nakamura and Kai An.     

At first, it was only kisses here and there. Before they knew it, she started visiting his place and they would be making out and touching each other.     

They nearly went all the way the last time they met at his place.     

She was slightly intoxicated and when he came out of the shower with only his pants on, she practically drooled over his naked wet torso and started to count his abs.     

Of course, when he saw a beautiful woman touching his abs while being so close to his thing, Ki Hong was unable to will his manhood to remain asleep.     

When Rin Nakamura felt his thing poking her, she was curious and started to play with it.     

She giggled before she released it out of its confinement and played with the tip. It was as if the alcohol had given her the bravery to do what she been thinking about for weeks.     

When she saw the juice at the top of it, she asked in a drunken mode, "What's that?"     

"You've never-" Ki Hong was unable to finish his sentence because she suddenly licked it.     

His body buckled and he had to control himself from throwing her down on the bed.     

He gulped as he watched how she was looking at his manhood as if it was the most interesting she had ever seen in her life.     

When she thought about how he nearly tricked her into bed, Rin Nakamura glared at Ki Hong who pretended not to know what she was thinking about.     

At that time, he found it amusing and he even encouraged her to play with it while he watched. She was clumsy and hurt him a little but it only made him harder.     

When she woke up the next day and saw that she was naked from the waist above, she was so scared that she kicked him off the bed and shouted at him for taking her innocence.     

"What? You're the one who took my innocence," said Ki Hong as he rubbed his sore backside.     

"What did you say!" yelled Rin Nakamura before she threw a pillow at him.     

It took all his effort to convince her that they did not go all the way.     

"I'm not going to touch a drunken woman," said Ki Hong as he rolled his eyes at her.     

"Then why is my jaw so tired!" snapped Rin Nakamura while she massaged her jaw.     

Ki Hong had laughed then as he said, "Well, I'm not going to touch a drunken woman… But if the drunk woman wants to touch me, I won't stop her either…"     

He then winked at her and said in a deeper voice, "... Especially when her name is Rin Nakamura."     

Rin Nakamura sighed as she glanced out the cafe window. Luckily, she did not drink that much or she would have lost all her bargaining chips.     

After a while, she asked, "Oh yeah, why did you want to meet today?"     

"Oh, to ask you to be my girlfriend for real. Not friend, not drinking partner. Girlfriend, " answered Ki Hong nonchalantly.     

She was drinking at that time and she choked on her drink. As Ki Hong reached over to pat her on the back, she gasped, "Wait, what?"     

"You said that I should ask you only after I'm sure with my own feelings… While, when you were molesting me the other night, I thought about how much I enjoyed it and how much I want you to be the only one to molest me every night… Before I know it, you're on my mind 24/7."     

Rin Nakamura turned red and she hissed, "Who. Molest. Who. Now!"     

"Ok fine. When you were feeling me up as if I'm the best thing in the world…"     

She turned even redder than before and unable to express her feelings properly, she lifted his hand and bit him hard.     

"Argh!" cried Ki Hong as he looked at her. He tried to pull his hand away but when she growled at him, he stopped.     

Despite the pain, he reached out and patted her head as he said, "Good puppy… Good puppy…"     

He clenched his jaws tighter when she bit harder.     


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