Be My Strength

To make the right decision

To make the right decision

1Han Ye showed Phantom around the place before saying, "I don't know what you need... Erm, do you need help in the bathroom?"      2

"Just a chair, thanks," said Phantom. He would need something to hold on to but he figured he could just use the wall for now.     

"Alright then," murmured Han Ye. He walked about the house and took a few chairs. Once he had compared a few chairs with Phantom's wheelchair, he held a wooden red step stool as he said, "This one is the nearest in terms of height. There's no handle but the shower area at my bathroom is equipped with grab bars. It's a little high but..."     

When Phantom raised a brow at him, Han Ye explained, "I twisted my ankle badly before. It's faster to shower by holding onto a bar than to sit down… Anyway, I'll take a shower first. I'd leave the stool inside once I'm done. If Head Manager Han drops by, take the food away from him, then tell him to f*ck off."     

Phantom blinked before nodding, "Alright?"     

As expected, not long after Han Ye went to shower, someone rang the doorbell. Since the intercom was placed higher than what he could see, Phantom had no choice but to ask without seeing the visitor's face.     

"Who is this?"     

There's a moment of silence before he heard Head Manager Han's voice asking, "Who is this?"     

Phantom heard Head Manager Han's voice earlier at the conference and he recognized it. So, he immediately went and unlocked the door.     

There was a step between him and the door but luckily, there was a shoe cabinet that he could use to support himself as leaned forward to open the door.     

Head Manager Han stared at him for a few seconds before asking, "Mr. Lu, what are you doing here?"     

"I'm staying here temporarily," said Phantom. When he saw the takeaways in Head Manager Han's hand, he asked, "Is that for Mr. Han? He mentioned that you'd be dropping by…"     

Head Manager Han gave Phantom the takeaways before saying, "Since you're here, I won't be staying. Make sure that he eats. I'll bring more food tomorrow."     

Phantom nodded. He watched as Head Manager Han walked off. He then pushed the door shut and went into the kitchen.     

While he was arranging the boxes, Han Ye came out in his blue pajamas. He was drying his hair with his towel when he asked, "I see he came. What did he bring today?"     

"Japanese. There's some sashimi, sushi, a bowl of unagi-don, a bowl of udon soup. What do you want? I'll heat it up for you."     

"I don't feel like eating. You should eat," said Han Ye before he walked away.     

Phantom sighed. He heated up the bowl of unagi-don and the noodles before he placed everything on a serving platter.     

Once he had everything placed on his laps, he wheeled himself to the living room where Han Ye was drinking.     

By the time Phantom placed the food down on the coffee table, Han Ye was already starting his third can of beer.     

"You shouldn't drink on an empty stomach. Eat something," said Phantom.     

"You eat."     

Phantom sighed. He placed the food aside and grabbed a can of beer from the fridge next to the couch and drank it.     

When Han Ye looked at him, Phantom said, "I don't feel like eating alone."     

Han Ye frowned. He was fine with hurting himself but he did not like to watch other people suffer. It would be bad if Phantom had a stomachache later.     

He sighed before he picked up the noodles and start eating.     

Phantom smiled slightly. Whether it was Kai Xin or Han Ye, getting them to eat was easy.     

The thought of Kai Xin caused him to drop his smile. As he picked up the unagi-don, he asked, "Mr. Han, don't you hate me as well?"     

Han Ye shrugged, "I don't know everything… and call me Han Ye. It's weird for you to call me Mr. Han if we are going to be living together."     

They ate in silence for a few minutes. When Phantom noticed the urn that was placed in the living room, he asked, "Is that?"     

"Yeah… That's my wife's home now," said Han Ye. There was a tint of sadness in his voice when he said "wife". He glanced at Phantom and asked, "Is it making you uncomfortable? I can-"     

Phantom shook his head as he interrupted Han Ye, "No. I'm not bothered by it…"     

He never believed in ghost anyway, so the presence of the urn did not bother him. After a while, he asked Han Ye, "I know about the thing that happened with at the Board of Directors' meeting… How?"     

"You were listening?"     

"It's too easy for me to hack you… Considering that you're using the antivirus that I created under a pseudonym…"     

Han Ye frowned and noted to himself to change the system.     

As if he heard Han Ye's thoughts, Phantom said, "No matter what you used, it would be impossible for you to stop me from hacking in. Don't worry, I'm not interested in stealing your information. I've also written some new codes into the system to prevent others from hacking in."     

"Why don't you just come and work for us?" asked Han Ye.     

"I'm working for Mr. Shenlong now… and I'm too lazy to work in a strict environment."     

"Well, I'll discuss with President Du. Maybe we can come up with something for you..."     

Phantom sighed, "I doubt he likes me very much now."     

Han Ye smiled as he said, "He had his suspicions but you're still alive here… I wouldn't worry too much about it… Despite his coldness, he's an understanding man. If not, Ms. Zhen won't even be with him."     

After another short moment of silence, Phantom suddenly asked, "How did you do it?"     


Phantom glanced at the urn before he said, "To make the right decision."     

Han Ye placed his empty bowl down before saying, "I'm 34 years old."     


"When I chose to protect another man's baby instead of saving my wife, I was already 34 years old. Well, I still am 34. Besides, I have the time to think. When you were forced to make the decision, you were 16 or 17 years old. You had just a short amount of time to decide on whether to save Ms. Zhen or not, and you had to decide whether to save a stranger or use the money to save a member of your family."     

Phantom pointed out, "So were you!"     

Han Ye chuckled sadly as he admitted, "My wife has been brain dead for 10 years… There's no chance of her ever waking up… If there is... I don't know if I'll make the same choice."     

Phantom looked at him for a second before he looked down at his legs.     

As he glanced at Phantom, Han Ye said, "When you are watching from the side… When you are not affected... It's easy to make the decision… But when you are the decision maker, it's no longer an easy decision to make… and this is not something that most people can understand."     

He got up and patted Phantom on the shoulder before saying, "Don't worry too much. Ms. Zhen is an understanding woman. She may be upset now but I'm sure that she'll forgive you sooner or later…"     

After he cleaned up the table, he said, "Go and shower now. I'm a little tired, so I'll be sleeping first. There's a phone in the bathroom. If you need me, just give me a call. It's hashtag 001."     

When Phantom looked at him oddly, he explained, "President Du likes to call me at the weirdest hour."     

With that said, he went to the kitchen while Phantom went into the bedroom to prepare for his shower.     


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