Be My Strength

I'm doomed...

I'm doomed...

0Meanwhile, back at Ghost's place, he was shocked when he saw his grandfather laying down on the bed looking frail and weak. Grandfather Luo looked more like a frail old man than the man who built Luo Corporation into what it was today.      2

In fact, he looked so different compared to what he looked like this morning when Ghost went out.     

"Ye Ye…" greeted Ghost when he was standing by his grandfather's bed.     

When he heard his grandson, Grandfather Luo opened his eyes and asked, "You're back, Guang Ying?"     

"En," answered Ghost softly. He then sat on his grandfather's king-sized bed before he asked, "Ye Ye, are you alright? Douglas said that you fainted earlier…"     

Grandfather Luo smiled as he said weakly, "He's too busybody. I told him not to say anything… How are you, Guang Ying?"     

"I'm fine… Ye Ye, about the press conference that was held by President Du…"     

Grandfather Luo shook his head. He tried to sit up and Ghost helped him by propping his pillow up. When he was in a sitting position, Grandfather Luo said, "I'm upset, but not by you… This family… is broken up by someone else…"     

He placed his wrinkled hand on Ghost's cheek and caressed him gently as he asked, "Guang Ying, are you happy here?"     

Ghost nodded.     

"Would you be happier if we've never met?"     

Ghost thought about all the pain that he had to go through. Despite him meeting so many people that he would come to care about, he would give them all up if he could go back in time. So, he nodded tersely.     

However, he then added, "But I still love the time that I spent with you, Ye Ye… It's just…"     

"I know. It hurts for you to stay here. I'm sorry, Guang Ying. Ye Ye never meant to make your life hard…" said Grandfather Luo. He took Ghost's hand and patted it as he continued, "I'd never blame you for what you did… Even though you've never said anything, I know that you went through some traumatic experiences that caused your hair to grey out. There is no way that a simple fever can cause such a major change…"     

Ghost looked at his grandfather for a few seconds before he said, "It's in the past…"     

Grandfather Luo shook his head before saying, "Whether with my own child or with you, I've always been a coward. I chose the family's reputation over what is right… Because of my fault, you guys are hurt…"     

Ghost was confused, "Ye Ye?"     

Grandfather Luo sighed loudly. His voice was heavy with sadness as he said, "Xiao Yin has turned into a bad seed, and I should blame myself for it… I've turned a blind eye to his and A-Han's misdeeds. Because I've allowed them to continue... Because I kept protecting them… They finally went on a path of no return… "     

Before Ghost could say anything, Grandfather Luo stopped him. He had given up on those two. However, there was one thing left on his mind. When Ghost looked at him with a curious gaze, Grandfather Luo said, "Let them destroy themselves… I don't want to care about them anymore… But, Guang Ying…"     

"Yeah, Ye Ye?" asked Ghost.     

"Can you let Xiao Tian off?" asked Grandfather Luo as he looked at Ghost in the eyes.     

Ghost frowned, "I-I got no say in this…"     

"Ye Ye owed Xiao Tian too much. I knew how his father mistreated him but I ignored it. I thought of waiting for him to tell me… He never did… and I didn't do anything... "     

Ghost gulped and shook his head, "I'm sorry, Ye Ye… But Ye Tian… He has done something wrong…"     

Grandfather Luo sighed. He reached over to the nightstand to grab one of the few pictures he had there. He had one with each of his grandsons. As he held the frame with the photo of him and Little Ye Tian, he said, "Xiao Tian used to be a good child… I don't know from when he started to change…"     

He smiled, "He used to be very lovable, you know? Chubby cheeks, kind eyes… When he was younger, he was the spitting image of your aunt... He would always smile widely and hug me..."     

As he wiped the little drop of tear from the corner of his eyes, Grandfather Luo said softly, "I don't know since when his smile became cold and calculating... Perhaps... No..."     

Ghost did not know what to say so he just kept quiet.     

After a while, Grandfather Luo said absent-mindedly, "I'm sorry… Just ignore this old man's rambling…"     

Ghost looked at Grandfather Luo who looked as if he had a lot of things in his mind. He stayed by his grandfather's side until the old man fell asleep. He then left instruction with the servants before he left for his own room.     

When he was back in his room, he saw that he had a missed call from Callum so he returned the call.     

"My wife!"     

Ghost growled, "You better don't go around and tell people that I'm your wife!"     

"Erm… I always used my man when I'm talking about you," lied Callum.     

Ghost rolled his eyes before asking, "Why did you call me earlier? I was at my grandfather's room."     

"Oh. How is your grandfather? Is he alright?" asked Callum.     

"He's fine. He just needed some rest."     

"Great. Let me know if there's anything you need from me. By the way, I placed ZiYan at Han Ye's place. I thought that it would be great for those two to be together for now."     

Ghost thought for a second before nodding, "Yeah. Good job."     

Phantom and Han Ye could use each other as companions. It would be better than leaving them alone.     

Callum grinned as he said, "Oh? Is my wife praising me? You know, I don't mind a kiss as a reward. We haven't even had our first kiss... Maybe one on the cheeks? Any cheeks?"     

Then in a deeper voice, he added, "Well, I don't mind if you want to kiss lower - "     

Ghost hung up. His face was red with both anger and embarrassment. When Callum was rambling on, Ghost had an NSFW image that popped up in his mind. This kind of random images had been popping up frequently ever since he allowed the man to hold his hand.     

At first, Ghost kept seeing Callum's happy face... But now...     

He looked down at his pants and when he noticed the slight bulge, he groaned out loud.     

"What in the world... I'm doomed…" thought Ghost before he plopped down on his bed face first.     


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