Be My Strength



1By the time Ghost came out of the bedroom with a suitcase behind him, Phantom was already seated on his wheelchair. The family photo of his was folded and kept in the pocket of his pants. Once they were ready, Ghost wheeled Phantom down and to meet Callum at the car.     2

"Sorry," mumbled Phantom. He realized that Callum must have been waiting for almost an hour.     

Callum shrugged, "It's fine. I can't leave without my man anyway."     

"Shut up!" hissed Ghost. He hated it when Callum openly said stuff like that. He had barely got used to dealing with the man's incessant flirtatious words.     

When he saw the luggage, Callum did not question it and merely helped load it into the boot while Ghost helped Phantom into the car.     

However, when they arrived at Ghost's place, Butler Douglas immediately rushed over to inform Ghost, "Young Master Guang Ying, your grandfather fainted earlier."     

"What? Is he alright?" asked Ghost as he hurriedly got down from the car.     

Butler Douglas nodded, "He was watching the press conference at the living room earlier… At first, he was angry but he was fine. Then, Madam Luo called to tell him that you set everything up. He had an argument with her and the next thing I know, he collapsed. The doctor said that his blood pressure was too high..."     

"Did you send him to the hospital?"     

"Old Master said he doesn't want to go. He wants to talk to you here, at home," said Butler Douglas as he reported the words of Grandfather Luo.     

Ghost nodded, "I'll go and see him now. Help me get my friend to settle down. He would be staying with us for now."     

"Not a good idea, Young Master Guang Ying."     


"If Old Master saw him, he's definitely going to have a heart attack. He saw Mr. Lu on the TV earlier..."     

Ghost sighed. As he was thinking about what to do, Phantom said from inside the car, "I can stay at a hotel. It won't be much of a bother."     

"No!" said both Ghost and Callum.     

Callum smirked, "Ah, we are now speaking in sync!"     

"Shut up!" snapped Ghost.     

Callum laughed softly before saying, "I know where to send ZiYan to. Don't worry about him and go to your grandfather. I'll call you once I dropped him off."     

"If you send him to the Shenlong House, I'd skin you alive."     

"It's not like I hate the guy," said Callum. He bid them both goodbye before he drove off with Phantom. He had wanted to tease Ghost more but if he did it in front of people, instead of Grandfather Luo, Ghost would be the one to have a heart attack.     

About 15 minutes of silence later, Phantom asked, "Where are we going?"     

"Well, obviously I can't bring you home. There would be too many people who want to kill you. I'll bring you to the one person I know that would need you at the moment."     


"Han Ye…"     


When Han Ye answered the door, he was surprised to see Phantom and Callum standing outside his apartment unit.     

He thought that it was the guy who had been annoying lately. Luckily, he managed to hold himself back before he shouted.     

"Erm…" Callum glanced at Han Ye. He was still wearing the shirt that he wore to the press conference earlier. The only difference was that his shirt was almost fully unbuttoned and his belt was unbuckled.     

The three of them stared at each other. A few seconds later, Han Ye asked, "Am I seeing things?"     

"Nope," said Callum. He then grinned mischievously before he patted Han Ye on the shoulder and said, "I need you to babysit my employee for a few nights… You know? On account of what happened earlier…"     

Han Ye glanced at Phantom for a second before turning back to Callum, "Babysit? What happened to his house?"     

"Some idiots broke in and destroyed it. It'll just be a few nights until I find a better place for him."     

Phantom glanced at Han Ye before looking at Callum, "You know… I am an adult with savings… I can live in a hotel. Just send me to one."     

"No. You'll stay here with Han Ye for now. No discussion!"     

Somehow, Phantom felt as if he was a child trapped between a set of divorced parents. He shook his head and sighed before he looked at Han Ye, "I'm sorry about this, but as you can see, I'm having trouble leaving on my own."     

"Yeah…" murmured Han Ye. He then stepped aside before saying, "Come on in. I don't mind it if you want to live here. It's just that my house is pretty empty."     

When Phantom was wheeled in by Callum, he understood why he said that his house was "pretty empty". Other than the bare necessities, there was barely anything inside.     

"I have a guest room. I don't usually use it, so it's a bit dusty. For today, why don't you sleep in my room first? I'll call the cleaner to come and clean the guest room tomorrow."     

"I can sleep on the couch."     

"No, you're the guest. Don't argue with me on this," said Han Ye as he went into his bedroom to change the sheets and tidy up a little.     

"Great. So, I'll leave him in your care for now," said Callum as he glanced into Han Ye's room.     

It was a little messy but nothing too out of the ordinary considering what went on with his life recently.     

If it was not for the maids who cleaned up after him, Callum's room would have been in a worse state.     

He then looked at Phantom and said, "Don't worry about work."     

"I'm not worried."     

A moment of silence later, Callum sighed, "I can see why you and Ghost are friends."     

Phantom smiled a little. It was his first smile since the afternoon. He then said, "I'll be fine here with Mr. Han. I got my laptop with me. If there's anything urgent or if there's anything with the codes I wrote, just send me an email."     

"Great… If you need anything, just… let Han Ye knows," said Callum as he clapped his hands together.     

Honestly, he would rather use his free time thinking about ways to tease Ghost than to babysit a man.     

"Man, I can't wait until I can make a baby with him…" thought Callum. He then frowned as he thought, "F*ck! We are both men… Hmm… I wonder what's the latest development in cloning. Better check with Phillip tomorrow."     

He wanted to see Little Ghost running around some day.     

"You know I'm on vacation starting from tomorrow, right?" asked Han Ye as he narrowed his eyes at Callum. Somehow, he felt that whatever Callum was thinking about, it was nothing good.     

"Huh?" Callum looked at Han Ye. He then said, "Yeah, which is why it would be great for you to have a companion. Anyway, I got to go. My wife is waiting for my call…"     

Without waiting for anyone to speak, Callum left. After a second, Han Ye turned to look at Phantom and mouthed, "Wife?"     

Phantom sighed, "Luo Guang Ying."     

"Oh. So, they are official now? I was a bit busy lately…" murmured Han Ye as he scratched the back of his head.     

"I think it's still a one-sided official kind of thing."     

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