Be My Strength

Come to Class 11-1 immediately

Come to Class 11-1 immediately

2Young Phantom was almost done with his last errand of cleaning the 12-1 classroom when he received a message from Young Luo Yin.      0

Since he used to do Young Luo Yin's homework, he had saved his phone number.     

[ ZiYan, if you're still at school, then come to Class 11-1 immediately. I've something for you.]     

Once Young Phantom finished putting away the cleaning materials, he ran to meet Young Luo Yin at Class 11-1.     

When he arrived, Young Luo Yin, Young Ye Tian, and Young Shangguan Xing were standing outside while looking over the balcony.     

As the school had ended, there were a lot of students who were rushing to get out.     

"Luo Yin, what would you like me to do?" asked Young Phantom. He liked working for the guy as the pay was always double of what he would usually receive from the others.     

Young Ye Tian smiled and answered, "It's just an easy job. We're having a bet to see how long it would take you to bring a girl here. A pretty one, of course."     

"What? Why?"     

"Cause we're rich and we're bored. Do you want to play or not?" asked Young Shangguan Xing impatiently.     

Young Phantom hesitated before asking, "You're not going to hurt the girl or anything, right?"     

"Of course not. We just want to tease someone," answered Young Shangguan Xing as he wrapped his arm around Young Phantom's shoulders.     

Young Luo Yin smiled, "You mentioned before that you're very good with the girls. So, show us how good you really are."     

Young Phantom thought for a second before asking, "Erm… How much am I getting out of this?"     

"$1,500… USD, of course. That's the minimum. You have 20 minutes. If you managed to get a girl to come here with you willingly within 20 minutes, then you'd get the $1,500. If you managed to get it within 10 minutes, we would double it. Within 5 minutes, we'd double the double… However," said Young Luo Yin with a smirk.     

He continued with a mischievous grin, "If you failed, you have to do all of my homework for free for the remainder of the year!"     

"Wow…" gasped Young Phantom. He thought about the things that he could buy with the money.     

He then asked to confirm, "You mean that if I managed to get a girl within 5 minutes, you'd give me $ 6,000? In USD?"     

"Of course! Since when have I joked about money with you? But 5 minutes? I doubt anyone could do it," answered Young Luo Yin as he glanced over the wall.     

Most of the students had left and he doubted that Young Phantom could even find anyone.     

"Cool! So, time me!" said Young Phantom without thinking. He was used to this kind of games as the rich students at the school would often pay him to do something that amused them.     

Young Phantom then started running to look for girls. However, no matter what excuses he used, everyone kept rejecting him because they were rushing home.     

After 5 minutes, he cursed at the loss of profit. Just as he was running past Class 8-1, he bumped into a girl who was rushing out.     

The girl was Young Kai Xin who had returned to get the phone that she had accidentally left behind.     

"Oops, I'm sorry," said Young Kai Xin gruffly before she walked off.     

"She's kind of pretty," thought Young Phantom as he looked at her from behind. He had seen her around the school before but he did not know who she was.     

Just as she was about to turn the corner, Young Phantom suddenly called after her, "Hey, can you help me with something please?"     

Young Kai Xin turned and looked at Young Phantom for a second before shrugging, "Yeah, sure. What do you need help with?"     

"Argh! Ok. I was an id*ot! See, when I was walking around, I saw a girl sitting alone in Classroom 11-1 and she seemed upset and I don't know why. When I asked her, she started crying. Please help! I really don't know what to do. She keeps crying and I-I..." said Young Phantom as he scratched his head in frustration.     

He was actually worried about the time but Young Kai Xin thought he was worried about the girl.     

She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.     

He was sweating and she could tell from the way he was breathing and the sweat stain around his armpit, he had been either running around earlier or he had just come from the gym.     

She glanced at the clock on her phone before sighing, "It's alright. I'll just take the next bus."     

Even though she had wanted to rush home quickly, she was worried about the girl that Young Phantom was talking about. It might be her period or something, or she might be in trouble. Whatever it was, it appeared that the girl was unable to talk to a guy about it.     

She then smiled kindly at Young Phantom before saying, "Don't worry too much. She's probably unwell. I'll come and see if there's anything wrong with her."     

Young Phantom brought her there but before they entered the classroom, he scratched his head and said awkwardly, "I'm kinda… It's a little awkward for me to be there… So, do you mind…"     

He had been so busy earning money that he barely had time to chase after girls. Usually, he would tease the girls but it was to get them to hire him for their errands. Otherwise, he would prefer to work or study rather than talking to them.     

Young Kai Xin understood as her brother was the same. As long as he saw a girl crying, he would get so nervous that he could not even speak. So, she said, "I can go in by myself… You can leave now."     

Young Phantom thanked her before he ran away. When he passed by the windows, he saw the three guys standing behind the door and they nodded at him.     

He went straight to his classroom to pack up his stuff when he saw that he had a missed call from his younger sister. Worried that something had happened, he quickly returned her call.     

"Xiao Mei (little sister), what's wrong? Are you alright?" asked Young Phantom nervously.     

"Yeah. I felt sick earlier but the doctor already came to do a check on me. She gave me some medicines so I'm feeling better now. Where are you? Are you coming to visit me today?" asked his younger sister.     

"It's good that you're feeling better. Yeah, I'm coming soon. If you're tired, you can have a nap first. I'll wake you up once I'm there... I'll buy you the snacks that you like to eat," said Young Phantom with a gentle smile. To him, his baby sister was his everything.     

After he hung up the call, he saw that he had a message from Young Luo Yin. When he received the $3,000 from Young Luo Yin, he smiled as he thought, "With this money, I can get Xiao Mei a better wheelchair… Hers are almost 10 years old now..."     

His parents had tried their best. They sold off their house and worked from morning until night just so that they could afford the treatment. Young Phantom had to help out in his own way.     

Once he was done packing, he was about to leave when he thought of stopping by Class 11-1 to see if the girl had left.     

"I hope that they don't tease her too badly," said Young Phantom as he smiled. He saw the three teased a girl before and the girl ran off with reddened cheeks. It was harmless and so, he did not think too much about it.     

However, when he arrived, he noticed that the mirrors were shut. He found it odd and when he heard a loud scream and crying coming from inside, he panicked. He was about to run away when he told himself that he was a man. He could hear desks being pushed around and he heard Young Shangguan Xing shouting, "F*CK THIS B*TCH! BEHAVE!"     

He tried to push the windows and when he found that one of them were unlocked, he pushed it open slightly. That was when he saw Young Luo Yin was raping the girl while Young Shangguan Xing was holding her arms down. Young Ye Tian was filming the entire scene when he suddenly turned around.     

When Young Ye Tian saw the horrified face on Young Phantom's face, he smiled and raised a finger to his lips as a warning. Young Ye Tian then typed something on his phone. He then continued to film.     

Young Phantom did not know what to do. He wanted to help but his legs were wobbling. He was too afraid to move. Just as he was thinking about what to do, he received a notification that $10,000 were deposited into his account and he thought back to Young Ye Tian's action earlier.     

"He's trying to buy my silence…" thought Young Phantom. After a while, he turned and ran into the nearest bathroom. Once he was there, he started retching before he vomited into the porcelain toilet.     

He then started crying. He wanted to help. He really did but he was afraid. He was afraid of them and what they could do to him if he snitched… and he needed the money. As he stumbled out of the toilet stall and sat on the tiled floor, he cried as he mumbled, "I'm sorry", over and over again.     

He thought about his sister and how she suffered in the overcrowded hospital. The money he earned through running errands only managed to get her upgraded to a first class ward. It was not enough to pay for her operation. The people who were richer than them bribed the nurses to bump them up the operation and donors list.     

The $10,000 would be enough for him to move her up the operation list. He would do anything to keep her alive… even if it meant to do nothing about this.     

After a while, he went back to Class 11-1. He stood there and waited until the three left the classroom. When they passed by him, they suddenly stopped and turned around to talk to him. Young Luo Yin smirked and said, "If you want your sister to live, just pretend that you know nothing…"     

"We'll be watching you…" said Shangguan Xing as he stretched. He had a smile on his face as he thought about what he just did.     

However, unlike the other two, Young Ye Tian had no expression on his face. Instead, he glanced at the surveillance camera nearby before he said in a bored tone, "I know that you are pretty good at hacking. Clean the room after she left and delete the surveillance footage. Once you are done, we would make sure that your sister gets the operation and the best medical care that she needs…"     

He then patted Young Phantom's cheek and smiled as he said, "... If words get out, then I'm sure you know the consequences, right?"     

Young Phantom nodded tersely. After they left, he turned to look at the poor girl who was trying to stand up. When she fell, he gasped and took a step forward before he stopped himself.     

When he heard her mumbling something as she looked at the state of her body, he felt bad but what was done was done.     

When he saw her clutching her torn clothes, he took out the sports attire that was in his bag and placed it on the floor. It was donated to him by one of the seniors that he tutored.     

When he heard her mumbling, "No more...Please… No more…", he sighed sadly. Unable to listen to it any longer, he left after muttering, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"     


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