Be My Strength

What about Shangguan Xing?

What about Shangguan Xing?

1When he was done telling the story how he was involved, someone threw a microphone at him. It would have hit him in the head if Ghost did not reach out to catch it.     

However, he could not protect Phantom from being scolded by the audience.     

"You disgusting piece of sh*t!"     

"For a few thousand dollars, you did what!"     

"Are you even a human!"     

Even those who were watching at home cursed at him. However, Phantom continued to sit up straight as he faced those who were in the ballroom.     

DX glanced at Kai Xin who had her eyes on the back of Phantom's head. When he tried to touch her, she slapped his hand away as she continued to stare angrily at the back of Phantom's head. She wiped off the tears that were rolling off her cheeks angrily as she willed him to turn back and look at her.     

She wanted him to tell her that everything was a lie.     

She could not believe it… The kind Phantom that she knew… One of the kindest people she knew was the one who sent her to h*ll.     

Phantom could feel her stare and he could feel the anger coming from the audience. However, he remained calm. He looked at Han Ye. Earlier, he had given Han Ye a USB.     

When Han Ye broadcasted the video on the USB, Phantom said, "Back then, as per their orders, I hacked into the school's system and deleted everything. However, I kept a copy of it. I was hoping that one day, I'd be able to help...This is my copy…"     

The audience watched the video. The surveillance cameras were pointing at the corridors. They could clearly see the three guys and Young Phantom talking before the video was fast forwarded to Young Kai Xin walking into the room. It was then fast forwarded to when the three guys came out of the room, followed by Young Kai Xin who walked out in her tattered uniform.     

Some of the reporters started crying as they watched her slowly picked up the clothes that were left behind for her. Even Kai Xin started to tear up uncontrollably when she saw the video. It was getting harder to breathe and she reached out to DX.     

"I'm here! I'm here!" said DX softly as he hugged her.     

"No... No..." cried Kai Xin. She did not know what hurt more. To watch the aftermath of what happened to her, or to know that she was betrayed by someone that she trusted.     

When the cameras were turned towards her, DX hid her face from the views of the cameras and rubbed her back as he softly said, "It's alright… Don't look at it... "     

"How could he lie to me for so many years… " cried Kai Xin as she gripped DX's blazer. All these years, she thought that they attacked her because of her brother. However, she was wrong. It was Phantom who placed her in that horrible situation.     

If she had rejected him, the three would not have gotten the opportunity to hurt her. It was because she was there that they decided to do what they did.     

Phantom heard her words clearly and he felt a deep ache in his heart. Tears were welling up in his eyes as well and his body trembled as he tried to stop himself from crying out. The abuse from the audience continued and there were bottles and small items that were being thrown at him.     

However, Ghost protected him from being hit. He stood in front of Phantom and with his back facing the audience, he said to Phantom, "It's alright. You've finally told her the truth. Your action would help them to get those b*stards..."     

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." murmured Phantom as he clutched his pants.     

Kai Xin was crying uncontrollably and DX knew that she was unable to go on. He quickly carried her up in his arms. He signaled Callum to come towards him and then ordered him to use his blazer to cover Kai Xin from the cameras. Once Callum covered her up, DX whispered to her, "It's alright, Kara.     

Before he left, he said loudly, "As you can see, my wife has gone through a lot in her past. For the three b*stards that hurt her, I'd never let them go…"     


As those in Luo Yin's room watched the video, the scene where DX stared directly into the cameras as he said, "... I'd never let them go", would haunt them for life.     

Luo Han fell on the couch as he muttered, "Great… Great… Of all people, my son hurt President Du's wife…"     

"Ye Tian! You told me that nothing would happen! Why didn't you check if he has a copy!" yelled Luo Yin before he winced in pain from his injuries.     

"Oops…" said Ye Tian.     


"You little b*stard!" yelled Mrs. Luo after she slapped him. She raised her hand again but Luo Han stopped her and yelled at her, "Have you not done enough! Look at the son you raised!"     

"He's your son too!"     

Suddenly, someone burst into the room. It was one of the butlers and he said nervously, "Master Luo Han, there are policemen downstairs and they said that they are here for Young Master Yin and Young Master Ye Tian. They want to bring Young Master Yin and Young Master Ye Tian back for an investigation. I've asked them, but they don't have a warrant for arrest yet. Should I send them away?"     

"No!" cried Mrs. Luo. She turned to her husband and said, "Luo Yin can't be taken by them! Send Ye Tian! Send Ye Tian! One of them is better than two! No one saw what happened in the classroom!"     

Luo Han flung his hand and Mrs. Luo fell on the ground. He then glanced at his son and his beloved nephew. He could not choose between them and he knew that he had no choice but to hand them over to the policemen. If he waited until they come back with a warrant for arrest, they would come back with a bigger group and he doubted that the policemen would just leave. At most, they would wait for their colleagues to bring the warrant back.     

As of now, he had to minimize the damages to their reputation.     

"Go with them," said Luo Han calmly as he turned away from his son.     


"Go with them. Nothing would happen to you. Don't say anything to them. Keep your mouth shut. I know Du XiAn's character. He's not the forgiving type. It's safer for you two to be in the police station until I can arrange something."     

Ye Tian stood up and went to stand next to his uncle. He nodded, "I'll do as you say, Uncle."     

"I'll make sure that you're protected while you're at the station. The lawyers would be with you guys shortly," said Luo Han as he patted his nephew's shoulders.     

He knew that with this, his political career was ruined. There was nothing he could do to save it, but he could still save his son and nephew. He would talk to Shangguang Xing's parents. Mrs. Luo was right, there was no point for everyone to fall together. They just needed a scapegoat.     

Once the policemen took Luo Yin and Ye Tian away, Luo Han told his wife, "Call the Shangguan House and arrange for a meeting. I'll call the lawyers."     

However, his wife soon came back with the news. Her hands were trembling and her face was paled as she reported to her husband, "Shangguan Re Dong and his wife committed suicide...The s-staff said that after he watched the news report, Shangguan Re Dong shot his wife before killing himself…"     

Luo Han went wide-eyed at the news. However, it was not within his expectation. With the way Shangguan House had fallen, there was no way for them to survive in this world. They were already being heavily investigated and with this news, they would be unable to leave their house anymore.     

However, he was not about to follow their steps.     

"What about Shangguan Xing?" asked Luo Han as he watched the policemen drove away with his son and his nephew.     

"I-I asked… The staff said he had been missing for almost a month… No one knew where he was…" answered Mrs. Luo as she worried about the safety of her son.     

When he heard his wife, Luo Han cursed. Meanwhile, Mrs. Luo clenched her fists as she murmured under her breath, "Luo Guang Ying!"     

Her husband had not noticed but even if he was in disguise, she could easily recognize him.     

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