Be My Strength

It's just play pretend!

It's just play pretend!

3So, even though it was only words spoken in his state of drunkenness, she softened and stopped fighting against him. Instead, her hands slowly wrapped themselves around his waist.      3

She moaned softly as his hands loosened while he nibbled at the side of her neck. When he turned her around and pushed her against the door of the closet, he looked her in the eyes and said seriously, "I didn't… betray you... "     

Hearing the clear tone in his voice, Jane squinted her eyes as she asked suspiciously, "Are you really drunk?"     

Instead of answering, Mo Shaoyun gave her a loopy smile. Without another word, he carried her up and with her legs wrapped around his waist, he pressed her closer to the closet. He then kissed her hard on the lips.     

After a while, Jane shook her head, "N-No! I'm angry. At you!"     

She tried to push him away but she was weak against his touch and kisses. She hated the taste of alcohol in his mouth but what she hated the most was how intoxicated she was.     

She wanted more... And it scared her. She was afraid that this would be just a dream. She was afraid that once she woke up, everything would still be the same.     

Soon, she gave up any sort of resistance while he continued to kiss her and touched her. She knew that from his action, he was no longer drunk. At least, not completely.     

"I miss you... " murmured Mo Shaoyun as he kissed her collarbone.     

Hating herself for being weak, Jane cried, "Why did you leave me then... "     

"I'm sorry…" murmured Mo Shaoyun. He kissed and slowly licked the tears away from her face. He had missed this. Every single day, after he saw her at the hospital, he had been dreaming about her. He was going crazy. He even started to hallucinate when he thought he saw her walking around his office building.     

He then carried her to the bed. After he gently placed her down on the bed, she covered her eyes as she cried, "It's not fair! I cried for days because of that! How could you just come back whenever you want!"     

"I'm sorry, Jane... "     

"How could you do this to me!" She cried even harder, to the point her body trembled.     

Mo Shaoyun climbed into the bed as well and he pulled her into a hug as he comforted her.     

"I was an idiot. I'm sorry, Jane. I should have told you the truth," said Mo Shaoyun as he rubbed her back.     

She thumped his chest lightly as she sobbed, "I don't want this… Please don't mess with my mental state... I can't keep doing this..."     

Filled with guilt, Mo Shaoyun kissed her on the nose and wiped her tears off before he said, "I'll tell you everything, alright?"     


Once he was done telling her everything, he had expected her to be understanding and to forgive him. After all, she was never angry at him for long.     

However, he was shocked when she climbed out of the bed and threw a pillow at him as she shouted, "You're married!"     

"It's just a play pretend!" said Mo Shaoyun as he tried to defend himself.     

She picked up a book from the nightstand and threw it at him, "Tell that to the judge!"     

"Ouch!" groaned Mo Shaoyun when the book hit him in the chest. He might no longer be as drunk as before but his reaction was still slower because of the effect from the alcohol.     

"Jane, what's wrong?" asked Mo Shaoyun as he rubbed his bruised chest. He looked at her with his puppy dog eyes as he pleaded for her to calm down.     

"What's wrong?!" yelled Jane. She paced around the room for a while before snapping, "You're married! You're about to make me a mistress!"     

"This is a completely different situation! The marriage is not real!"     

"Get out..." said Jane as she shook her head.     

She then yelled, "GET OUT!", as she tried to drag him out of the room.     

"J-Jane!" groaned Mo Shaoyun. Just as they were about to reach the front door, he placed his foot down and stopped Jane from pulling him by carrying her up and threw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes before he went back into the room.     

"I DON'T WANT THIS! IF YOU TOUCH ME, I'LL YELL! I HATE YOU!" cried Jane as she hit his back furiously.     

Her punch hurt, but her words hurt him more. However, he took it without saying a word. He knew that he deserved that. He placed her down on the bed and knelt down on one knee next to the bed before he said, "Jane, I know that I hurt you badly… I'll leave if that's what you want."     

He looked at her deep in the eyes and Jane was about to say something when she wavered.     

"It's not fair…" cried Jane softly before she turned over to bury her face in the pillow.     

Mo Shaoyun sighed, "Jane, you're right. That was wrong of me. I shouldn't have placed you in such a difficult spot. Your place is to stand next to me, as my legal wife… I'll… I'll come back again once everything is settled. I hope that you'd be able to forgive me by then."     

When there was no reply, Mo Shaoyun sighed and got up to leave. However, just as he was about to walk away, Jane tugged on his pants.     

When he glanced down, he saw a tear covered reddened face looking up at him. In a shy voice, she said, "I'll wait for you until your return... Don't take too long..."     

Mo Shaoyun smiled. He leaned down and gave her one last kiss. It was a deep lingering kiss that was filled with love and promises.     

He would definitely return to her side and when he did, he would return as a free man and he would make her his official wife.     


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