Be My Strength

I'm keeping it for a special occasion

I'm keeping it for a special occasion

3The days passed by quickly and soon, the day of the press conference had arrived. Kai Xin and DX were preparing themselves in the bedroom.     

The last few days had been horrible. Since she had fully stopped working, Kai Xin had been stuck at home for most of the days. However, it was not anyone's fault. Every time she thought about going out, the idea of having to walk for more than five minutes tired her out and she would end up in bed snacking or spending time with her family.     

Mostly, she had been teasing Kai An and Sima Erden, who had somehow moved into the mansion as well. Kai An's progress with Naomi Nakamura and Sima Erden's relationship with her mother were the only exciting things in the house during day time when DX would be at the office while the twins were at school.     

DX was adamant at having Sima Erden moved in.     

"The last time Ma went out with him, he convinced her to stay out for another night. If I don't keep them at home, he might take Ma away on a long trip. Who's going to take care of you when I'm not here then?" said DX. He was mostly joking about it.     

Obviously, he knew what had happened. Everyone knew. An Qi Yan was so defensive that the moment she returned and saw DX, she blurted out, "We didn't do anything!"     

Even if she did not say anything, anyone could tell from the hickeys on her neck that she did something naughty with Sima Erden. The twins even teased An Qi Yan over dinner by saying, "Looks like the place you went had quite some fat mosquitos..."     

DX told Sima Erden that he wanted him to move in so that he could keep an eye on him. However, the truth was that he wanted to mess around with the older man and maybe threaten him a little so that he would not dare to hurt An Qi Yan ever again.     

Kai Xin was fine with him moving in and the twins seemed to be happy as well. The previously quiet house was constantly filled with noises now. Both twins seemed to be more energetic and outgoing ever since the members of the household got bigger.     

Even though there were more than 10 TVs in the entire mansion, everyone would fight for the remote control for the TV in the living room. Kai Xin had her hands full just from separating the twins from Callum who would always fight with them just for the sake of fun.     

"I'm gonna be so obvious..." murmured Kai Xin as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Since she had been staying at home, not that many people knew that she was pregnant. However, they would definitely know by today with the way her stomach was bulging out.     

She was wearing a black off-shouldered dress with sleeves that reached her elbow and hems that reached her knees. To match her dress, she wore a pair of cute ballet flats with white bows. Kai Xin would prefer to wear heels but obviously, she could not. It would be too dangerous.     

While she looked at her reflection, she touched up her hair which was tied back in an elegant bun with small white daisy pins. Once everything was perfect, she turned to look at DX.     

He was wearing a white shirt with dark blue waistcoat coupled with the black tie with little gold bears on it and the matching bear clip that Kai Xin bought him for his birthday. His dark blue blazer was lying on the couch.     

"I was wondering where you kept it," said Kai Xin as she helped DX with the tie.     

He smiled, "I'm keeping it for a special occasion."     

"Isn't it unbefitting for today's occasion? We should be serious for today."     

He kissed her on the cheek subconsciously before putting on his blazer and said, "I'm serious. Besides, I won't be the main attraction anyway…"     

Once they were both dressed up, DX held her hand and they went down to the living room. When they arrived, everyone was waiting for them. As the press conference would be broadcasted live across all the major news channel, Kai Xin had told her mum to stay at home. Sima Erden, Kai An, and Naomi Nakamura would stay at home with her.     

DX had told the twins to stay at home but they were adamant to go with them. After the father-sons negotiation ended up in failure with the twins threatening to cry to Kai Xin, DX agreed to it.     

Like their father, the twins were dressed in identical three-piece suits. However, theirs were in a lighter shade of blue and the ties they were wearing were dark blue with little polar bears. Lyle had wanted a lion but Jack wanted a polar bear...and Jack was better at rock-paper-scissors.     

Actually, everyone who was attending was wearing whimsical looking accessories. In fact, Callum and Ghost were wearing suits as well. Callum had wanted to wear a matching set with Ghost but the latter had rejected him immediately.     

In the end, Callum decided to wear a black three-piece suit while Ghost wore a dark grey set. Instead of ties, they opted for handkerchiefs. Callum's handkerchief had wolves on them while Ghost's handkerchief had little hawks.     

"Are you ready?" asked An Qi Yan as she held her daughter's hand.     

Kai Xin smiled as she said, "Absolutely."     

"We'll root for you from home," said Kai An as he gave her a thumb up.     

Kai Xin smiled and nodded at him.     

"We should go now," said Callum as he glanced at his watch.     

They would be going on two cars. Callum and Ghost would be in one car while the twins would be going with their parents.     

"I'll see you in a few hours," said Kai Xin as she hugged her mother.     

"I'd make you vinegared pork feet when you get back. You love that," murmured An Qi Yan. Kai Xin had always love vinegared pork feet ever since she was young and now that she was pregnant, she had been asking for it almost everyday to the point that every else except DX would order takeaways after dinner.     

"Good luck, Kai Xin. No matter what, you have all of us here," said Naomi Nakamura as she gave Kai Xin a hug.     

"Thanks. I'll see you soon…" said Kai Xin sincerely before she left with the rest of them.     


At the Grand Ballroom of Hotel Imperial, Han Ye greeted everyone the moment they arrived at the back entrance. He seemed exhausted as he led them through a path where there would be no reporters.     

"Are you alright, Han Ye?" asked Kai Xin in concern as she removed her sunglasses. She was worried that Han Ye would break down. Despite everything that happened, he did not even organize a funeral for Wu Yue Xue. Instead, without notifying anyone, he had rushed and cremated her the day after with only Head Manager Han there.     

The only reason Head Manager Han was there was because he had never left Han Ye's side. He would wait outside Han Ye's door so early in the morning and leave so late at night that Han Ye was about to think that the man did not need sleep at all.     

Head Manager Han never told them what happened after they left the hospital but he said that he would look after Han Ye, so they could just trust him with it.     

"I'm fine," said Han Ye with a smile. He did not want to discuss anything with his boss or his boss' wife. He just wanted to move on with his life and not be reminded of the decision that he had to take.     

When Kai Xin was about to ask further, DX stopped her and shook his head. She glanced at Han Ye who was talking to someone using a walkie-talkie before looking back at DX.     

"He's an adult. Don't worry too much about him. My trusted assistant is not that weak. I believe that he would get through this," said DX as he placed a hand on her waist before nudging her to continue walking.     

When she asked about Head Manager Han's whereabouts, DX informed her that Head Manager Han was doing crowd control inside the Grand Ballroom. He was used to being a leader and DX trusted his work.     

The place was filled with security guards and there were even policemen at the entrance doing a body search to make sure that no one brought in any weapons. The entire place was surrounded by policemen and DX's men.     

DX was worried that one or more of the b*stards might try to make their way into the press conference and he had everyone on high alert for anyone who matched the descriptions of the three.     

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