Be My Strength

Yes, that's me.

Yes, that's me.

0There were only 5 minutes left until the press conference and they waited in the VIP Room while waiting for it to begin.     4

"Nervous?" asked DX as he sat next to Kai Xin and rubbed her back. Callum and Ghost were outside mingling while the twins stayed in the room with them.     

"Actually… A little… I've never thought that I'd one day tell my story out in public…" said Kai Xin with a nervous smile.     

"It's alright. You can do it," said Lyle as he turned to look at her.     

"Yeah," said Jack.     

She smiled at them, "Thanks."     

However, she still had a feeling of unease as if something was about to happen.     


Once the press conference began and everyone was seated, all of them walked to the Grand Ballroom. There were thousands of people in the room. Amongst them were reporters, directors, ministers, and various other high ranking people who had a stake in Du Conglomerates. Either they wanted to protect their stake, or they wanted to watch it fall.     

On being signaled, two sets of guards took their place in the middle of the Grand Ballroom and created a path for them to walk past. When the door opened, DX and Kai Xin walked side by side, followed by the twins, and Callum. Ghost had remained behind the scene.     

"Oh my god! It's the twins!"     

"They haven't appeared in public for quite some time!"     

"They are so cute! Can I take them back with me?!"     

"Look! Is she pregnant? F*ck! She is!"     

"Oh no! The rumors are true!"     

"I wonder how many months?"     

"Are they even married?"     

"Whose baby is it?"     

"Is it even President Du's? Or is he wearing a green hat[1]?"     

As they walked onto the stage, everyone could hear the not-so-subtle comments coming from the audiences. Upon hearing the last comment, DX wanted to turn and order the guard to throw the person out but Kai Xin stopped him.     

Even the twins were getting agitated but luckily, Callum was right behind them. Before they could see anything, he placed a hand on each of their shoulders and murmured, "Keep walking."     

Under the whisperings, they proudly walked all the way up to the stage where seats were prepared for them. Kai Xin and the twins sat down while DX went to the microphone and Callum stood at the side of the stage to get a bird's eye view of everyone's movements.     

To avoid any misunderstandings, DX did not want to get an MC and he decided to be the MC himself. When the audience saw DX holding the microphone, they immediately quieted down.     

Once the room was in a state of deafened silence, DX said, "Good afternoon. I hope everyone had had their lunch. As you may have known by now, the reason I'm holding this press conference is to clarify about the videos and photos that have been circulating online lately…"     

He kept going and at the end, he said, "I'm sure you would have questions that you want answers to. As this issue affects both my wife and me, I would be answering them with her."     

The people below the stage glanced at each other as they each had the same thought, "Wife?"     

DX went to Kai Xin and even though she did not need his help, he still helped her to get up and moved to the front of the stage while the hotel staff brought her chair nearer.     

"As a sign of respect, I would be standing while I'm addressing the questions. However, as you can see, my wife is currently pregnant and the doctors told us to keep her off her feet as much as possible."     

Kai Xin glanced at DX with an eyebrow raised as she thought, "Dr. Phillip definitely did not say that."     

DX stood behind her and patted her shoulder but did not say anything.     

When he saw the arms that were raised amongst those sitting at the seats allocated to reporters, he randomly picked one of them.     

"President Du, you referred to Ms. Zhen as your wife. As none of us have heard that you were married, may we know when did she become Madam President Du?" asked the reporter.     

"We signed the paper last month. As we were caught off guard by the pregnancy, we do not have time to prepare for a wedding. So, we decided to put a hold to the marriage ceremony," answered DX.     

The reporter sat down and DX picked another person. This time, it was a female reporter and she asked rather rudely, "President Du, on account of the rumors online, how sure are you that the baby in Ms. Zhen's stomach is yours?"     

Before DX could say anything, Lyle jumped out and shouted, "HEY!"     

Luckily, Jack pulled him back before he could jump off the stage and go after the female reporter.     

DX waited for the twins to sit back down before saying directly to her, "Ms, as you can see, my twins are very fond of my wife. If I were you, I'd be careful of what I say next."     

The problems with opening the press conference to everyone was that amateur reporters and third rate medial channels who knew nothing about decorum would be able to join.     

When the female reporter sat down, embarrassed, DX turned to look at the audience as he said loud and clear, "This would be the first and last time I would say this. My pregnant wife is pregnant with MY child and there's no doubt about that. The next person who asks a similar question would be escorted out and would be banned from every future event organized by Du Conglomerate."     

He narrowed his eyes and added, "Remember my warning."     

A lot of the hands dropped down. DX glanced around and picked a hand from the reporters' section, "You, sir."     

The reporter stood up and asked, "President Du, I don't want to drag this. Is the woman in the photos and videos Ms. Zhen? I mean, is she Madam President Du?"     

DX glanced at Kai Xin and asked, "Do you want to answer that?"     

She nodded and took the microphone from him before she said clearly, "Yes, that's me."     

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