Be My Strength

What is she under arrest for?

What is she under arrest for?

3When he heard Tian Le's voice, Caleb turned around and when he saw him walking over, he waved at him. When he turned back again, Zi Han was gone. He was a little afraid because the memory that he had with Zi Han had been quite blurry lately.     

With his crutches, Tian Le walked over as fast as he could before signing, "Who are you talking to?"     

Caleb tried to answer him but he found himself to be unable to remember the name of the boy he just spoke to. He frowned as he tried his best to remember. Suddenly, tears started to fall from the corner of his eyes.     

"What's wrong?" asked Tian Le in panic when Caleb suddenly cried. He thought that Caleb had accidentally hurt himself.     

"I can't remember him!" signed Caleb as he cried. He kept slapping his forehead but he could not remember him.     

Tiffany Tang who was looking over at them at the same time came rushing over when she saw that Caleb was crying.     

"What wrong?" signed Tiffany Tang. She glanced at Tian Le but Tian Le could only shrug helplessly.     

When Tiffany Tang carried him up, Caleb did not reject her like before. He just kept crying.     

Even when William Tan came over, he continued to cry as he spoke, "Can not rememwer. Can not rememwer."     

"Honey, what can't you remember? Tell me. I'd help you," said William Tan as he patted the boy's back to comfort him.     

"Don't know… Don't know…" cried Caleb as he rubbed his teary eyes. All he knew was that he had forgotten about someone who was important to him.     

Tian Le was helpless as he watched Caleb crying so pitifully.     


Ye Tian sat in a fully tinted rented car as he watched Tiffany Tang walked around the yard with Caleb in her arms. As she walked, she was rubbing his back as if she was comforting him.     

Ever since he realized that the son he abandoned was alive, he had been thinking about the boy. He was curious about the son that he knew nothing about and so, he decided to stop by the orphanage to take a peek.     

Even though he told himself that he would only be staying for a while, he had been staying there for more than 5 hours.     

When he saw William Tan looking over at the direction of his car intently, Ye Tian started the car and drove away just as the man was about to walk towards him.     

Ye Tian drove all the way back to his apartment complex. He had wanted to go home but he was afraid that his father would be angry if he saw him. There was some issue at work and his father had been staying up late. Apparently, something happened at Luo Corporation and there was a change in the management.     

Since the Ye Corporation had close ties to Luo Corporation, the change would affect them if they did not do anything about it.     

He had tried to call Luo Yin but he did not pick up. When he called his uncle, Luo Han did not tell him what happened. He just told Luo Yin to behave and to be careful. He had a feeling that someone was pulling the strings for everything that happened lately. However, he thought that it was his competitors.     

Only Ye Tian knew that it was DX and Kai Xin who were pulling the strings.     

As he waited for the lift to arrive at his floor, Ye Tian's mind wandered back to the scene of Caleb and Tiffany Tang. He wondered what it was like to be held by someone who loved him. He had never experienced that as he was brought up by the servants.     

"At least he could experience it..." thought Ye Tian. To be honest, he was a little jealous of the little guy.     

When Ye Tian entered his apartment, he received a call from his father.     

He picked up the call, "Yes, fa- Mr. Ye?"     

"Aren't you going to visit Song Qiao? I thought you guys are quite close."     

"What happened to her?" asked Ye Tian nonchalantly. He was out racing until the wee hour and woke up late. Feeling lazy, he had skipped all the messages on his phone.     

"She had an accident yesterday afternoon. I don't know the full details yet but someone saw that she was being chased by the cops and accidentally got ran over by a bus."     

Ye Tian frowned, "Is she alright?"     

"No idea. I heard that it was bad and she was admitted to Hospital Raven. That's why I called you to ask."     

Ye Tian knew that his father and Director Song used to work together. He understood what his father wanted him to do and nodded, "I'll go and take a look."     

"Alright," said Mr. Ye before he hung up the call.     

"It won't kill you to ask about me…" murmured Ye Tian as he glanced at his phone. He carelessly tossed the phone down on the bed before heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower.     

Once he was done, he changed into a set of casual clothing before heading over to Hospital Raven.     

When he was outside Song Qiao's ward, he could hear shouting coming from the inside.     

He opened the door slowly and saw Song Qiao shouting like a mad woman as the cops tried to restrain her.     

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!!!" yelled Song Qiao.     

Ye Tian gasped when the blanket that was covering her body fell to the floor during the struggle. Her legs were amputated from the knees.     

"F*ck…" thought Ye Tian.     

The cops were finally able to restrain Song Qiao while the doctor gave her a sedative. Within seconds, she was out.     

When one of the doctors saw Ye Tian standing by the door, she immediately walked over and told him to leave the room.     

"I'm sorry, but as the patient is under arrest, this ward is off limit."     

Ye Tian smiled politely as he said, "I'm a friend of Ms. Song. I heard that she was in an accident and rushed over. What happened to her?"     

"She was hit by a bus and her legs were run over in the process."     

"That's awful! What is she under arrest for?"     

"If I'm not wrong, it's for kidnapping and attempted murder," answered the doctor.     

Just as she finished talking, one of the cops came over and said sternly, "Enough with the questions. Please leave now."     

Ye Tian nodded and left the hospital. While he sat in his car, he sighed. He had warned Song Qiao to be careful but that woman was too reckless. She did not even talk to him first.     

While he had never loved her, it was a pity that she was so badly injured. After all, she was quite fun to play with on bed. Unfortunately, he would have to continue finding someone else to satisfy his s*xual needs.     

"Little Kai Xin, are you showing your tiger claws now?" thought Ye Tian.     

Suddenly, he burst out laughing like a maniac as he said, "Yes. Keep moving. Keep coming after us!"     


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