Be My Strength

My child!

My child!

0DX plugged his phone into the projector and pulled up a couple of photos. Among them were the photos that Song Qiao received earlier, the picture of Wu Yue Xue, and one where DX was sitting outside the emergency ward looking all sad and stressed out.     

"Song Qiao... I know about your feelings towards me and because our the long term relationships between our families, I tried my best not to hurt you. But I can't believe that you are so cruel that you'd try to harm an unborn child…My child!" said DX as he glared at the woman who was sitting next to her father.     

As she stared at the photos, Song Qiao stammered, "I-I didn't!"     

"Stop lying!" yelled DX as he slammed his fist down on the table. He glared at Song Qiao and ordered Han Ye to bring in the evidence.     

Han Ye snapped his fingers and DX's men who had been waiting outside the room brought a man and two women in before throwing them onto the floor.     

One of the women was a part-time maid in Du Mansion that DX hired to help An Qi Yan out. The other woman was Nurse Chen Ying, the new nurse who was responsible for Wu Yue Xue's well-being. They were quivering under the stare of DX and Han Ye.     

The man was the person who kidnapped Wu Yue Xue along with Nurse Chen Ying. She had given him the schedules of all the staff on the floor and he acted during the major shift changed. He was beaten completely black and blue. His eyes were so swollen that he could barely see out of it.     

However, the moment he saw Song Qiao, he immediately cried as he confessed, "I'm sorry, Ms. Song! I don't know how they found me but they did! They have my family! I can't lie to them!"     

"I don't know this person, XiAn! I really don't!" cried Song Qiao as she tugged onto DX's sleeves. She looked at him with an innocent face as she pleaded for him to believe her.     

However, DX flung her away violently and snarled, "You evil woman! Even if Kai Xin is not here, there is no f*cking way that I'd ever accept you in my life!"     

"XiAn, it's not me! It's not!" cried Song Qiao. She crawled towards DX and tugged on his pants as she begged for his forgiveness.     

Annoyed, DX kicked her away and said coldly, "Tell that to the cops!"     

He was lucky that Han Ye was absolutely loyal towards him. From the very beginning, he was kept in the loop of everything. From the first time Han Ye told him about Wu Yue Xue's new nurse, DX had been keeping a lookout.     

DX had warned him that with Wu Yue Xue around, he would be their weakest link. He understood it if Han Ye wanted to leave and he would not do anything to him. However, if Han Ye were to stay, he must remember who he was working for and to never betray the Du Family.     

After thinking for an entire night, Han Ye agreed. It was hard on him but he agreed to look away in case Wu Yue Xue was taken away. He knew that someone was watching his every move and thus, he had to act every part out.     

Luckily, DX managed to plant a small tracking device on the wedding ring that Wu Yue Xue's wore around her neck before her disappearance. The team they sent out managed to find Wu Yue Xue about an hour ago.     

"XiAn, it's her! It's Zhen Kai Xin who plotted this! Not me! She's trying to blame me!" cried Song Qiao.     

The moment she said that Kai Xin was wheeled in by Ki Hong. With a kind smile, she asked, "Me, Ms. Song? Why would I hurt my own daughter?"     

"You sl*t!" hissed Song Qiao.     

"Now, it's improper for a lady of your upbringing to say such a word...Then again, you did try to kill my daughter…" said Kai Xin. She stood up and went to stand in front of Song Qiao.     

Unable to bear it, Song Qiao stood up so that she was no longer kneeling in front of anyone. She glared at Kai Xin as she snapped, "You hired the man to frame me! It's you!"     

Hearing her accusation, Kai Xin smiled before she slapped Song Qiao across the face. Due to her anger, she used a considerable amount of strength and Song Qiao fell back onto the ground. A large angry handprint could be seen from her cheek.     

"Qiao Qiao!" cried Director Song as he lurched forward to tend to his daughter. He then glared at Kai Xin, "You evil b*tch! How dare you hit my daughter!"     

DX looked at his men and they immediately stood in front of Kai Xin to prevent Director Song from jumping her.     

Kai Xin looked at Song Qiao who was sitting pathetically on the floor and said, "Ms. Song, did you seriously think that I didn't see the woman you sent to spy on me and Mrs. Smith?"     

When Song Qiao looked at her with her eyes wide opened, Kai Xin smiled, "Maybe next time, you'd get someone with more sense than to stand right in view of a mirror."     

"You! You set me up!" yelled Song Qiao.     

DX had enough. He wrapped his arm around Kai Xin protectively before saying, "Han Ye, call the police! I don't want to see them in the company ever again!"     

Director Song stood up and shouted, "What right do you have to kick me out of the company?"     

"Ki Hong!" DX called out.     

Ki Hong stood forward and handed DX a thick file.     

DX threw the thick file at Director Song and when the man looked at him with a confused gaze, DX pointed out every case of embezzlement that he did from the time he was appointed as a director until now.     

Due to his contribution and as the amount was small enough, Du Jin had looked the other way. However, DX was not as kind nor was he as forgiving as his father.     

When he was done, DX asked, "Based on all this evidence, what right do you have to stay?"     

The policemen arrived and they immediately grabbed the father and daughter. Song Qiao suddenly yelled like a maniac and when everyone was taken aback, she pushed everyone out of her way and ran out of the meeting room. DX immediately pulled Kai Xin into a hug as he yelled at the policemen, "What are you waiting for! Go chase her down!"     

Two of the policemen immediately ran after her.     

"Are you alright? Were you scared?" asked DX worriedly as he helped Kai Xin back onto the wheelchair.     

"I'm fine…"     

She had been acting the whole time but even though he knew about it, DX was still scared when he saw her pained expression. He never knew that his woman could act!     

It was a good thing that they sent An Qi Yan away. Otherwise, she would be unable to take it. To avoid any leakage, they kept the plan from everyone.     

"How's our daughter?" asked DX as he crouched next to her. He completely ignored his surroundings and was completely focused on her and their unborn baby.     

She smiled and took his hand before placing it on her belly. As he caressed it, she said, "She's fine. Dr. Phillip said she's strong and to tell you that if you bother him in the middle of the night again, he's going to call Layla to complain about it…"     

Old Madam Du went towards them. With a shy voice, she asked, "H-How is she?"     

Kai Xin smiled and took Old Madam Du's hand. When the old woman tried to pull it back, Kai Xin held it tightly and placed it on her belly.     

"Why don't you ask her yourself? You are her grandmother, after all. She hasn't talked to you before. I'm sure she's curious about you…" said Kai Xin patiently.     

Old Madam Du looked at her son for help but he merely shrugged. He really hoped that his mother would be able to accept Kai Xin.     

When Old Madam Du felt a little nudge against her palm, she smiled slightly. She then looked at DX and said, "Don't think that I agree with everything you did. I still want an explanation for those photos."     

Instead of DX, Kai Xin answered in a loud voice so that everyone could hear her.     

"I'm sure that everyone has their own opinions and some of you had probably formed your own conclusion by now... Don't worry about it. I'll give everyone an explanation over a press conference."     

She then looked at Old Madam Du and said, "Old Madam Du, thanks for still believing in Du XiAn despite your opinions of me."     

To which, Old Madam Du replied gruffly, "He's my only son. If I don't believe in him, who should I believe in?"     

Once she said those words, she left the office immediately. DX and Kai Xin could only look at each other and smiled knowingly.     


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