Be My Strength

Why am I still wearing clothes?***

Why am I still wearing clothes?***

0DX placed Kai Xin down on the bed gently before he took off his own clothes. His member sprang to action almost immediately.     

She chuckled when she saw her favorite toy and murmured, "Why am I still wearing clothes?"     

He smirked before he straddled her. He had to be careful not to place his weight on her as he slowly unbuttoned her pajamas. It was as if he was savoring each and every moment.     

DX was moving so slowly that Kai Xin could not help but groaned, "Come on! You are doing this on purpose!"     

He chuckled before leaning down to kiss her. As their tongues tangled with each other, he swiftly unbuttoned the rest of it.     

With her breasts hanging out in the open, he reached down to caress them. Ever since she got pregnant, it was as if her breasts kept growing. They were at their biggest and her nipples were erect almost all the time nowadays.     

It was so sensitive that when he gave it a light pinch, Kai Xin's body buckled up involuntarily as she moaned, "Mmm~"     

DX slowly kissed her. Starting from her lips, he traveled down south, leaving a love mark everywhere his lips touched.     

Kai Xin's body was burning up with the desire for him.     

When DX arrived at her breasts, using both of his hands, he flicked at the sensitive nipples. When she cried out, he smirked playfully before leaning down to suck on one of them.     

Kai Xin grabbed onto his shoulders as he sucked and nibbled on her nipple. When he was happy with one, he moved on to the other to give it equal attention.     

She could feel her panty getting wetter as he slowly took his time with her.     

As DX sucked on her right nipple, he slipped his hand into her pants to play with the nub that was begging for attention. She was so wet that he groaned just from the knowledge.     

"I can't wait anymore…" groaned DX. He quickly removed her pants. When she was completely naked and at his mercy, he placed his hands on her thigh as he looked at the glistening part of her.     

However, just as he was about to go down on her, she clamped her thighs together. When DX looked at her curiously, Kai Xin murmured, "I'm ugly…"     

He smiled, "No, you're not."     

He then kissed her bulging belly and said, "I've never seen a pregnant lady as hot and alluring as you are… Maybe I should keep you pregnant for most of the time… What do you think of a football team?"     

"I'm not a sow!" said Kai Xin before she laughed. With her feeling better, she slowly allowed him to part her thighs.     

DX went down on her. Using his tongue, he played around her folds and sucked on them lightly. When she moaned, he moved on to the swollen nub. With a flick of his tongue, she was about to cum right on the spot.     

He licked it, gently at first, before sucking it like how he was sucking her nipples.     

With him playing with her sensitive nub, she came quickly. As he cleaned her up with his tongue, he had a hand on himself as he moved it up and down to keep it hard.     

When she saw that he was playing with himself, she pouted. She licked her lips as she murmured, "I- I want… I want to help you…"     

Her action was very tempting but DX shook his head.     

"Just be good and do as you're told. After scaring me with your act, it's only right for me to do whatever I want to you," replied DX before he kissed the inner part of her thighs.     

Once she was cleaned, he asked, "How's your back feeling?"     

"A little achy…"     

"Get on your knees. I'll take you from behind," ordered DX with a rough voice.     

Kai Xin was a little thrilled by the tone of his voice and she quickly complied. Once she had steadied herself, DX rubbed against her entrance with his swollen manhood. Even though she was already cleaned by him earlier, she was quickly wet again as she waited for him to enter her.     

With both hands on the side of her hips, DX slowly entered into her while taking note of the signals by her body. When he was finally and completely inside of her, he moved slowly.     

On one hand, he wanted to tease her by moving it slowly so that it would build up her desire. On the other hand, he was afraid that he might hurt the baby.     

With a hand snaked around her body and onto her breast while the other hand was placed on the bed to support his own weight, DX played with her breast while he thrust in and out at the same time.     

Occasionally, he would slow down to kiss the small of her back. When he licked from the bottom of her spine up to the bottom of her neck, she moaned out loud. Her entire body had become one huge erogenous zone and she shivered when he kissed and sucked on the side of her neck.     

Their bodies continued to move in sync. As the sensation grew, they quickened the pace. When he finally came, he groaned out loud, "Urgh!"     

Out of breath, Kai Xin slowly lowered herself back onto the bed and onto her back. Looking up at DX who was still bending over her as he tried to catch his breath, she smiled and with two hands, she cupped his face.     

"My handsome husband… You did well today…"     

He laughed and leaned down to kiss her on the nose before slowly rolling off her. Their bodies were covered in sweat. Usually, he would be afraid of her getting sick and would make her shower. At the very least, he would wipe her clean.     

However, today, he just wanted to lie on the bed and not do anything for a while.     

Pulling up the thick blanket to cover both of them, he spooned her from behind before saying, "My wife, I love you…"     

As her reply, she kissed his hand and lingered there for a few seconds. She knew that he was being considerate towards her. If it was before, he would have gone for multiple rounds before allowing her to rest.     

With the pregnancy, she was less energetic compared to before and lately, it was getting even worse. She had to take multiple naps during the day just to keep herself going.     

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