Be My Strength

She has her own family now

She has her own family now


Since it was a bright sunny day, Mrs. Wong allowed all the younger children to play outside at the garden. Caleb was playing with his toys when William Tan and Tiffany Tang arrived in their car. They had been visiting him every other day.     

Even though he was reluctant to bond with them at first, he was slowly won over by their sincerity.     

Especially after William Tan brought him the Transformer toy that was destroyed at the party.     

It was the original one that DX bought him and Caleb could tell because there was the little scratch that he made when he dropped it before. The only difference was that some parts of it were newer because it was replaced.     

In order to allow William Tan and Tiffany Tang bond with Caleb, and in order to avoid pulling the orphans into the battle, Kai Xin had limited the visits to the orphanage.     

"Caleb, would you like to go shopping with us?" signed William Tan as he sat down next to him. It had been years since he last sat down on grass but for the boy, he was willing to do so.     

Tiffany Tang was adamant to adopt Caleb. She had fallen in love with the little fellow and her husband would do anything to make her happy. The two had cleared most of their schedules for the entire year just to stay near the boy.     

"No, Tian Le is not back yet," signed Caleb. He liked talking to the two since he could sign to them and they knew not to look away when talking. Some of the kids at the orphanage were bad at signing and he had to talk to them verbally.     

Since he was not good at speaking verbally yet, they would often misunderstand each other and fights would happen frequently.     

Tiffany Tang glanced at her husband. They had wanted to adopt Tian Le as well but the older boy rejected them. Tian Le had been pushing Caleb to accept them but he refused to be adopted. However, Caleb kept thinking that Tian Le would be adopted along with him.     

"It's alright. We'll wait for Tian Le to come back from school. Then, we'll go shopping and eat dinner together. Would you like that?" signed Tiffany Tang as she patted his head.     

Caleb smiled and nodded. When William Tan and Tiffany Tang were talking to each other, he glanced around to take a quick peek at the other children. After the party at Du Mansion, many of his older friends were adopted and a lot of the kids that were currently staying at the orphanage were new.     

He knew that it would only be a matter of time before he too had to leave. A while back, he had a video call with Kai Xin and she advised him to accept the couple as his parents. When he cried and asked her to adopt him, she had comforted him but at the same time, she told him that she could not do it.     

She wanted him to be with a set of parents that would completely focus on him. Even if it was for a few years, she wanted him to be the only person in his parents' eyes. Kai Xin told him the truth. She told him how she would be busy with the baby and she would be unable to focus on his needs.     

Caleb had thrown a tantrum when Tian Le told him that Kai Xin could not adopt any of them because she would feel bad for the other kids. When Caleb climbed into Tian Le's bed that night to complain to him, Tian Le signed, "Mama Zhen loves all of us, and it would break her heart to choose who to adopt…"     

"She should just adopt the two of us…"     

Tian Le did not scold Caleb for his selfish thought. It was only normal for him to have such a thought. Tian Le himself had such a thought when he was younger. He had cried and begged Kai Xin to bring him home. When she looked at him sadly and apologized, he felt bad and he never asked for it again.     

He calmly explained to Caleb, "She has her own family now. Her husband has two kids of their own and they have a baby coming...It would be hard for her to cope with so many kids."     

Caleb shook his head, "I don't understand why she wants to be with someone else. Are we not enough for her?"     

"Caleb, you shouldn't think that…She loves you and you know that."     

The little boy pouted and signed, "I just want someone to be with me…"     

"And you'll have one soon. If you agree to the adoption, you'd have a set of parents who would be with you and they would love you and only you. Give them a chance, alright?"     

Caleb did not say anything about that.     


Caleb was hanging underneath the maple trees while William Tan and Tiffany Tang entertained the other kids.     

"Have you decided to go with them?" came a soft voice.     

Caleb smiled and turned around. When he saw Zi Han leaning against the tree with the ribbon, he frowned, "You… You looked different…"     

Zi Han smiled, "Really? I can't tell."     

In fact, he did look slightly different from when Caleb saw him last. His hair had a little wave to it and he was slightly taller than before. Even his eyes were slightly rounder. To him, Zi Han actually looked a little like DX.     

Since he could not see himself, he felt a burden being lifted off his chest. It meant that his mother was slowly overcoming her guilt.     

"Weird…" thought Caleb. He liked talking to Zi Han. It was as if Zi Han could understand him without speaking. He shook his head before signing, "I haven't seen you for a while."     

Zi Han smiled sadly. He knew that it was about time for Caleb to grow up from this phase. It might even be the last time for Caleb to see him.     

"You should go with them. They are good people," said Zi Han as he looked towards the direction of the two adults.     

Caleb had been thinking about it ever since his conversation with Tian Le. He liked William Tan and Tiffany Tang, and he had been thinking about having them as his parents. Yet, when Zi Han asked him, Caleb wavered, "I- I don't know... I'll miss you. You said you can't leave here. What if I don't get to see you anymore?"     

"I can't be with you forever…" murmured Zi Han.     

"Why not? Mama Zhen wants to leave me. Now you want to leave as well?" signed Caleb furiously.     

Zi Han patted Caleb's head. He could not really touch him but the idea itself comforted both of them. Caleb sighed sadly.     

Zi Han smiled kindly. Not everyone could see him. Caleb was one of the few people that could see him and it saddened him to know that Caleb would be leaving. However, he knew that it would be best for the boy.     

He said calmly, "Even if we're not together, we would still be brothers…"     

Caleb shook his head, "But it won't be the same!"     


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