Be My Strength

That is for my sister!

That is for my sister!

4When he was having dinner with his grandfather and the latter's guest, Ghost received the message from Lee. Unknown to anyone else, Lee was the spy that Ghost placed near Luo Yin to gather the shreds of evidence of all the crimes that he did when he was abroad.     3

Without waiting any longer, he immediately texted Callum the room number. Earlier, Callum informed him that he was on the way to Hotel Royale with Kai An to look for Naomi Nakamura.     

From what Callum told him over their daily conversations, he knew that Kai An was actively courting Naomi Nakamura and he wanted to help out. After all, he was Kai Xin's brother.     

Over the years, he had been watching in the dark unable to do anything, but his hands were no longer bound. It was time for him to speed things along.     

Callum and Kai An arrived at the hotel and immediately rushed into the lift. His man texted back earlier on the room number that was booked under Luo Yin's. However, when he finally saw the message from Ghost, he immediately pressed for the 17th floor.     

"What are you doing! We don't have the time for a detour!" snapped Kai An as he grabbed Callum's collars. He could not afford any delay! It had been almost 30 minutes since he received the message from Naomi Nakamura.     

"That's a trick! Luo Yin is in another person's room!" said Callum as he pulled himself away from Kai An.     

"What? But you said he's on the penthouse floor earlier!"     

Callum leaned against the lift, "He booked the penthouse but he also booked a few other rooms using his men's names. Smart. I think he's trying to avoid getting tracked by anyone."     

Kai An glanced at the numbers shown on the display as he willed it to move faster. Exasperated, he asked, "How sure are you about this?"     

Full of confidence, Callum nodded and said, "My boy said so, so it must be true!"     

When they got to the outside of the room, Lee was knocked unconscious by someone and was lying down on the floor.     

The two dragged his unconscious body aside before placing their ears on the door.     

Suddenly, they heard a loud high-pitched scream, "NOOO!!!!!!! LET ME GO! PLEASE, DON'T!"     

"NAOMI!" yelled Kai An as he pounded on the door. In his angered state, he found the strength that he never knew he had and with his entire body, he slammed it against the door. The door went wide opened.     

The first thing he saw when he entered the room was Luo Yin and Igor on top of Naomi Nakamura. Her face was bruised and there was blood at the corner of her mouth while her dress was ripped into two, leaving her body opened for all to see.     

"F*CK YOU!" roared Kai An as he charged forward like a madman. He pushed the two of them away from her before jumping on Luo Yin.     

Taken aback by surprise, Luo Yin took a couple of punches to the face. However, he stabilized himself quickly enough to block the next punch before returning a punch to Kai An.     

Kai An staggered back and spat out the blood in his mouth before cursing, "You bastard!"     

"What the f*ck do you think you are doing, Zhen Kai An?!" snapped Luo Yin as he wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth. He glanced at Naomi Nakamura who was pulling the blanket up to cover herself as much as possible before snarling, "She's mine, to begin with!"     

"I'm going to kill you!" yelled Kai An and he charged forward. Grabbing Luo Yin's waist, he pushed him all the way to the wall.     

Luo Yin cried out when he felt the impact and he immediately slammed his elbow down on Kai An's back. The latter bit down on his lower lips to prevent himself from crying out. Igor moved forward and peeled Kai An from Luo Yin before throwing him against the wall.     

"KAI AN! No!" cried Naomi Nakamura when she saw the blood flowing from Kai An's forehead. He had hit the back of his head when he hit the wall.     

She covered herself with the blanket and rushed towards him.     

"Stay away!" yelled Kai An.     

Even in his groggy state, he wanted to protect her. Using the wall, he pulled himself up. As he stood there with unsteady footsteps, he glared at Luo Yin. He completely disregarded Igor. In his eyes, there was only hatred for the man who r*ped his underaged sister and he could not wait until he ripped the man apart with his bare hands.     

Even though he could not see well, he charged towards Luo Yin and Igor. Igor stood in front of Luo Yin and raised his fist but Kai An dodged it before pushing the man aside. His goal was Luo Yin.     

"Luo Yin!" shouted Kai An.     

When Igor was out of his way, he tried to land a sidekick but Luo Yin blocked it with his hand. The latter then tried to kick Kai An on the stomach but Kai An managed to deflect it before landing a punch on Luo Yin's sternum. When Luo Yin bowled over, Kai An lifted his leg with the intention to slam it down on his back but the former managed to dodge away.     

"IGOR! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!" yelled Luo Yin when he realized that Kai An was a stronger opponent than he thought.     

Just as he spoke, loud piercing cry of pain could be heard and he glanced over to see Igor's calves broken in half with the bone poking out from his skin. The man's face was covered in blood and one of his arms was dangling in an odd position.     

"Are you calling him?" asked Callum with a bored tone before he broke Igor's hand causing another loud scream to reverberate across the room. Picking up the guns that were on the floor, he removed the bullets before throwing the empty revolvers back into the bathroom.     

"Who the hell brings guns to a fistfight?" Callum tutted before he gave Igor one last kick to the ribs.     

When Kai An was fighting with Luo Yin, Igor took out his gun and tried to shoot him. Luckily, Callum managed to take him out before he could even get a good aim at Kai An. Since Kai An rushed in, the two did not manage to note that there was another person behind him.     

"I'm surprised that no one heard us yet...but I guessed you must have booked the entire floor…" murmured Callum.     

"Shenlong Xun!" cursed Luo Yin. He cursed inwardly at the other guards who were supposed to be watching over them. They were supposed to be right next door!     

However, what he did not know was that Callum had taken them down earlier when the three were fighting inside the room. The fact that all of their guns were fitted with silencers was a double edged sword for Luo Yin as it meant that he could not hear the shootings, especially since he was completely occupied.     

Callum managed to take less than 5 minutes to get rid of all eight of the guards without even breaking a sweat.     

When Luo Yin saw the bloody bodies outside the room, he knew that he was trapped.     

Kai An did not give him a moment of rest and grabbed him by the hand before throwing him across the room.     


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