Be My Strength

Shut up, you rotten kid!

Shut up, you rotten kid!

3The next morning, Ghost and his grandfather went to the hospital to visit Luo Yin. The moment they entered the ward, Mrs. Luo started to cry and begged Grandfather Luo to take revenge for her poor son.     

He had a broken hand and two broken ribs from the fight yesterday, and his face was swollen as well.     

"Revenge?! Did you even know what your precious son did yesterday!" snapped Grandfather Luo as he brushed her off.     

He glared at his youngest grandson who was sitting on the bed as if he did nothing wrong. Angered at the monster in front of him, Grandfather Luo snapped, "Luo Yin! Where did we go wrong with you! How could you do such a thing to your fiancee!"     

Knowing that his grandfather was seriously angry at him, Luo Yin pretended to feel sorry as he murmured, "Grandfather! I had too much to drink! It's not my fault! She's just too beautiful!"     

"Shut up, you rotten kid!" snapped Grandfather Luo as he tapped once on the floor with his cane. He then turned to his son who was sitting at the couch with his laptop and snapped, "Look at the son you raised! I shouldn't have allowed you to raise him after what happened with Guang Ying! Back then, I let it passed because he was still a young boy, but not this time!"     

Mrs. Luo glared at Ghost who was merely standing behind Grandfather Luo the entire time and hissed, "This is all your fault! You must be the one behind this! Otherwise, why would Pa be there at the exact same time!"     

"I didn't do anything, Mother," said Ghost dryly. As if he would even admit that in front of his grandfather.     

Grandfather Luo tapped the floor with his cane angrily as he snapped at her, "Su Yan Xi, you leave Guang Ying out of this! If you continue to overly dote on your son, you'd only be pushing him to a path of no return!"     

Grandfather Luo looked at Butler Douglas who immediately took out some documents from his bag. As he watched Butler Douglas handed a set to Luo Han and Mrs. Luo, Grandfather Luo said, "Despite what he did to his brother, I've wanted to give Luo Yin a chance to redeem himself. I kept making excuses for him. Luo Han... Su Yan Xi... Don't think that I know nothing of what he did when he was overseas... Just because I don't say anything, the two of you kept covering up his crimes for him!"     

As he watched his son's and daughter-in-law's eyes widened when they read the documents, he added, "Because he's my grandson, I kept an eye closed to his activities. However, this is the last straw. Who is General Nakamura? Is he someone that boy can offend? Even I don't dare to offend him!"     

He took a quick glance at Luo Yin before turning his gaze back to his son and daughter-in-law. With a sigh, he said, "I'm cutting Xiao Yin off and Luo Han, you are no longer part of the management of Luo Corporation. Focus on your campaign. The money that your mother left you should be more than enough to keep you in the same lifestyle. From now onwards, I'd personally train Guang Ying to take over Luo Corporation."     

Ghost smiled inwardly when he heard that. He had not expected his grandfather to give him the management right. At most, he had expected a bigger monetary inheritance.     

"Ye Ye! I'm your legitimate grandson!" said Luo Yin as he looked at his grandfather in horror. All his life, he had been told that he would one day be the owner of Luo Corporation. There was no way he would sit by and watched it being taken away from him.     

"Dad! You can't do that! Guang Ying is still a boy and he can't take on such a heavy responsibility!" snapped Luo Han. His hands were trembling with anger. That company had been under his management for almost two decades and he had no intention of handing it over to his b*stard son.     

Given how he had been treating his eldest son, he had no doubt that Ghost would return the favor one day.     

"My Guang Ying is a smart boy and I'm well aware of his capabilities! I had enough of the two of you who continued to hurt the poor innocent boy. Don't forget! Even if I'm retired, I'm still the owner of 45% of the total shares, which is more than what all of you owned and combined. I can do whatever I want! Don't worry. Xiao Yin is still my flesh and blood. As long as I'm alive, a monthly stipend would be provided for him. Anything after that would be up to him…" said Grandfather Luo before he turned to leave the room.     

Luo Han and Mrs. Luo tried to follow him but Butler Douglas stopped them.     

Ghost looked at his brother who had completely paled out and snickered. Since his grandfather had left the room, he was able to let out a grin as he thought, "Surely you've never expected that this b*stard brother of yours would one day be able to step over you…"     

Just as he was about to leave, Mrs. Luo turned her eyes to him and pushed him. However, unlike before, Ghost did not pretend to budge or fall down. She would never be able to make him weak again. Instead, he stood firmly in his place as he glanced at the cruel woman.     

"What do you want, Mother?" said Ghost. Even though he wanted to hurt her, he continued to be polite towards her just to maintain the appearance of a good son.     

Without any warning, Mrs. Luo slapped him and hissed, "You b*stard! Don't forget that she's still in my hand!"     

Ghost glanced at his father who showed no reaction to the matter. He had hoped that his father knew nothing about it but it looked like he was wrong. Luo Han knew that Mrs. Luo took his mother.     

Swallowing the anger that was threatening to burst, Ghost glared at Mrs. Luo and said, "Are you sure about that, Mother? Maybe you'd like to check again."     

"You!" Mrs. Luo went wide-eyed. She knew that Ghost somehow found out that she had lost his mother. In order to keep Ghost from finding it out, she had been keeping it a secret even from Luo Yin. She had been surprised when the pr*stitute came back to her and told her what Ghost said. Now, she knew why.     

"He knew..." thought Mrs. Luo. What she feared became true. She knew that Ghost had merely been hiding his abilities for the past few decades and it was because of what she had over him. Now that he knew his mother was no longer in her hands, he had started to act.     

She was sure that the incident yesterday had something to do with her stepson.     

When Mrs. Luo raised her hand to hit him again, Ghost caught her hand and laughed, "Mother...You should have killed me back then…"     

He flung her hand away so hard that she nearly fell onto the ground.     

"Luo Guang Ying!" snapped both Luo Han and Luo Yin.     

Ghost took a last glance at Luo Yin's broken left hand before he walked out of the ward. He purposely bumped into his father's shoulder on the way out. Any leftover feelings that he might have had for his father was completely gone.     

Right after he walked past his father, Luo Han grabbed his hand and said, "Let's talk about this."     

Ghost flung his hand off immediately and scoffed, "You had plenty of opportunities to talk before this."     

Without waiting for anything else, he left the room.     

Everyone in the ward used to terrify him in one way or another. However, he was no longer afraid of any of them.     

As he drove home, he gave Callum a call. As expected, the man picked up the call immediately. Like usual, his greetings were long, "Hey! My love, my wife! This is a rare occasion! What's up? How's life? By the way, did you hear about what happened last night?"     

Ignoring the questions, Ghost asked, "Who gave you the permission to break Luo Yin's hand?"     

"What? Who? Me? I did no such thing! I swear!" said Callum. His voice was almost comically funny as he tried to deny everything.     

"Stop lying."     

Callum sighed deeply, "Ok. Fine. It was an accident. I swear."     

Ghost smirked. How the hell did you accidentally break someone's hand into tens of pieces in a hotel room?     

He did not speak for a long time but Callum did not hang up. The latter was used to Ghost's sudden silence and he always waited until Ghost hung up first.     

"Callum...Thanks…" murmured Ghost after a while.     

Callum gasped loudly. He placed the back of his hand against his forehead before saying, "Erm...Wait... I'm not having any fever. Is my wife thanking me? Oh my God! This must be what they called a miracle! I must-"     

Ghost rolled his eyes and hung up on him before Callum could say something else.     


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