Be My Strength

Little Monkey

Little Monkey

1As expected, it did not take long before the pictures and videos spread like wildfire and the local media companies soon started to zoom in on it.     

Unlike before, the share prices of all the listed companies under the management of the Du Conglomerates did not tumble as badly as everyone expected.     

It was as if the major players were waiting to see what kind of explanations DX would give for the indiscretion of his "fiancee".     

The last time they sold it based on the 'gossips', most of them made a loss as the share prices shot up after the press conference.     

The investors decided that it would be too risky to take the same move. Instead, they decided to wait.     

As of now, everything was based on speculation and all the evidence that was reported on was too pixelated to be used as a confirmation of the woman's identity.     

Furthermore, with the Du Corporation's Board of Directors meeting, there might be a power shift among the top dogs of the company.     


An Qi Yan was chatting with Sima Erden over a video call when Kai Xin knocked on the door to her room.     

"I'll be right back," said An Qi Yan before she went to open the door. When she saw her daughter standing at the door, she asked in concern, "What's wrong?"     

"Are you busy?"     

"No. I'm just talking to Erden. Why? Are you hungry again?"     

Kai Xin shook her head. With a grin, she said, "No. I'm thinking that it has been a while since you went out for a date with Erden. Why don't you go on a road trip with him?"     

An Qi Yan shook her head, "What about your meals? It's important that you eat properly."     

After knowing what happened to her daughter, all she wanted to do was to compensate Kai Xin back for everything that she had to go through by herself. Like every mother, she did it by providing her with good, tasty and nutritious food.     

"DX had to discuss with Han Ye about some work-related matter before the Board of Directors meeting tomorrow. He said that Han Ye is a good cook and I talked to Han Ye earlier. He said that he can come and cook dinner tonight," replied Kai Xin.     

"Are you sure? Aren't you worried?"     

Kai Xin laughed, "He's trustworthy, Mum. Don't worry too much about it and go."     

"If you say so…" said An Qi Yan. After she found out the ordeal that her daughter had gone through, she had been babying her and she knew that Kai Xin was worried about her as well. After thinking about it, she agreed.     

After talking to Sima Erden, they decided to go back to their hometown for a night. It had been years since they went back and both of them wanted to build new memories at the place where they first met.     

She wrote down the recipes for some of the dishes that Kai Xin loved to eat and emailed them to Han Ye. Everything was meant to nourish Kai Xin's body and to prepare her for the birth.     

Regardless of what happened in the past, this would be the first time she gave birth, and An Qi Yan had enough experience to know how exhausting childbirth could be.     

Once she was packed up and ready to go, Kai Xin told her, "Don't drive. Take the helicopter. DX had told his men to prepare everything and he booked two rooms at a hotel. The helicopter would land right at the hotel."     

An Qi Yan gasped. She had never thought that one day, she would be taking a helicopter just to visit her hometown.     

When she saw her mother's expression, Kai Xin laughed softly, "Yeah, your son-in-law is pretty good at arranging for things. Don't worry about everything. He has the money."     

She then took out a credit card and placed it into her mother's bag before saying, "He wants the two of you to enjoy your trip. Buy anything you want. The limit on that card is pretty good. Oh! Du XiAn said to tell Erden…"     

She then cleared her throat for effect before emulating DX as she said in a deep voice, "'Mr. Sima, if you touch my Ma inappropriately, I'm going to castrate you."     

An Qi Yan blushed slightly when she heard her daughter's words...or rather, her son-in-law's words. Over the last few days, he had started to call her Ma as if it was the most natural thing for him to do.     

Even Kai An started to call him brother-in-law shamelessly...after he received his punishment for snapping at Kai Xin the other day. Kai Xin never blamed him but DX was another matter.     

An Qi Yan had to give it to her son-in-law. He was very creative with his punishments.     

He made Kai An scrubbed the Olympic-sized indoor swimming pool with a toothbrush, and he only forgave his brother-in-law after Kai Xin pleaded for him.     


Han Ye came shortly after An Qi Yan left. Kai Xin told him to cook whatever he could and she left him alone in the kitchen.     

Since he had been living alone for the past few years, he was quite a good cook and having tasted the food he prepared on occasions, Kai Xin was confident in his skills.     

Kai Xin went to the nursery where DX was assembling a crib. She did not want to limit her daughter to gender-specific colors and toys, so instead of paying a personal shopper, everything in the room was selected by both her and DX.     

The room was painted in light blue and made to look as if they were among the cloud. He prepared most of the things in the room by himself. Everytime he was free, he would work on building everything in the nursery.     

On one of the wall, there was a sketch of a little girl holding a sword as she battled an army of fairies. Behind the little girl were two dragons.     

Based on the photo that was stuck on the wall, the dragons were meant to be one black and one white. There was also a little boy fairy that was flying on top of her.     

The mural was done by Jack, with suggestions from Lyle and DX. It took them 2 days to draw it out and they were going to paint it over the coming weekend.     

By the time she arrived, he had completed it and was looking at the best corner to put it at.     

It was a one of a kind crib that DX and Kai Xin designed for their baby who they nicknamed, "Little Monkey" because of how active she was. There was even a cute little monkey that was carved into it.     

When he saw Kai Xin, he immediately went to her. With a hand supporting her waist, he placed a hand on her belly and asked, "Little Monkey, do you like the crib?"     

He felt a nudge and smiled, "Yeah, Mummy and I thought you might like it…"     

Kai Xin laughed and slapped his hand away from her belly.     

When she noticed something from the corner of her eyes, she moved away from him and went to the white closet that they had filled with plenty of designer baby clothes that everyone kept buying on a whim.     

Resting on the top of the closet was the white bunny in blue overalls that she kept in the back of her closet.     

"Why is this here?" asked Kai Xin as she picked it up.     

"Earlier, when I went back to your house with your brother to pack up the clothes that you love, I found it in a box...with some other things…I'm sorry. I didn't know what was in the box when I opened it," said DX.     

He had guessed that it was important to Kai Xin and brought it back with him.     

Kai Xin gasped and asked, "Where's the box?"     

He went forward and stood next to her as he reassured her, "Don't worry. I kept it in our room. It's in your closet."     

Kai Xin sighed in relief.     

"Did I do something wrong?" asked DX as he played with her hair.     

She shook her head and rested her head on his chest as she murmured, "I just didn't expect to see them coming out of the closet so fast…"     

DX took the bunny from her and asked about the 'Little Zhen' that was sewed onto the overall.     

"When I saw the bunny, I thought that Zi Han might like it so I bought it...Of course, back then, I haven't given him a name yet, so I just secretly called him Little Zhen…Caused he's a part of me..." Kai Xin explained as she touched the words on the overall.     

DX nodded. He stole a quick kiss from her before saying, "I thought there might be a story behind it...I was hoping that we could place it here to look after Little Monkey once she's born...Of course, if you don't want…"     

She shook her head before taking the bunny from him. As she placed it inside the crib, she said, "No. It's fine...Everything is out now, so the bunny should be out as well...Zi Han was unable to use it but I hope that it can comfort Little Monkey whenever she's scared…"     

As she glanced around the room, she noted that everything was almost ready for Little Monkey's arrival and she secretly prayed that everything would go well.     


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