Be My Strength

Our child would be fine!

Our child would be fine!

1At the kitchen, the twins, Kai An and Naomi Nakamura were helping Han Ye with the dishes.     

Callum was going to join them for dinner and laze about the house but when Ghost called, he immediately changed his clothes and went out to meet him.     

After the incident with Luo Yin, Naomi Nakamura had been staying at the Du Mansion. Since she was a good companion for Kai Xin, DX had welcomed her with open arms.     

Mrs. Nakamura was disappointed with the engagement being ended but she was unable to say anything because her husband expressly prohibited her from raising the issue.     

He even prohibited her from asking any questions and told her that it was his decision.     

She tried to bring her daughter back home to arrange for another marriage but Naomi Nakamura was adamant about staying away from the Nakamura family for now.     

That was when Kai An found out that Naomi Nakamura was not General Nakamura's daughter but rather a child he adopted with his first wife who passed away when Naomi Nakamura was one.     

His late wife had a miscarriage and it was almost impossible for her to get pregnant in the first place. To comfort her, he adopted a newborn baby.     

However, even though she was grateful to him and even though she loved her adopted daughter, the memory of losing her child was too much for her.     

She was unable to get out of her depression and eventually, she took her own life.     

It was something that General Nakamura never told anyone. He wanted to preserve his wife's image.     

He continued to raise Naomi Nakamura as if she was his flesh and blood.     

Naomi Nakamura knew that Mrs. Nakamura was not a bad woman. For all intent and purposes, Mrs. Nakamura acted like a mother to her for most of her life.     

Even though she was unable to love her stepdaughter equally, she had never abused or treated her stepdaughter badly. It was only in recent years that Mrs. Nakamura started to act differently.     

Naomi Nakamura knew that Mrs. Nakamura was hoping that with her taking on the family responsibility and married someone to ensure the stability of the Nakamura household, her younger sister would then be able to live freely.     

She knew that Mrs. Nakamura truly believed that Luo Yin was a good man and that he would be a good fit for her stepdaughter who was shy and reserved.     

After the end of the engagement was announced, she continued to look for new candidates.     

However, Naomi Nakamura had enough of that. She wanted to take charge of her own life.     

After talking to her father, General Nakamura forbade his wife from going to the Du Mansion again without his permission. Since he specifically ordered her, Mrs. Nakamura had no choice but to obey him.     

"Naomi!" Kai An frowned as he took the heavy platter of crabs cooked in salted egg yolk sauce from Naomi Nakamura.     

"I can carry that!" said Naomi Nakamura as she rolled her eyes at him. Ever since she started to stay at Du Mansion, she had been more outgoing than before.     

"You don't have to! Go and carry the lighter dishes. What if you dropped it and hurt yourself?" scolded Kai An before he went to the dining room.     

The twins chuckled as they walked past those two with dishes in their hands. Naomi Nakamura could only sigh and went back into the kitchen to grab the lighter dishes.     

When Han Ye saw Naomi Nakamura came back to take the last remaining dishes, he said, "I'll take the soup out. Please call President Du and Kai Xin."     

Naomi Nakamura nodded and went out. After she left, Han Ye looked at the pot of boiling soup. He took out a packet of powder and a photo from his pocket.     

He looked at the photo of Wu Yue Xue and his body started to tense up. In the photo, she was sleeping peacefully except that there was a knife placed on her throat.     

When he received the photo a few days back, he had rushed to the hospital.     

Someone had snuck Wu Yue Xue out of the hospital and used her as a hostage to gain control of him.     

The kidnapper knew that he was one of the few people that had access to the Du Mansion. He had no choice but to move according to the kidnapper's demand.     

Looking at the packet in his hand that was delivered to his door along with the photo and instruction of what he had to do, he had a vague idea of what it was and what it could cause.     

Between his wife and his boss' unborn child... He knew what to choose.     

As he poured the content of the packet into the soup and stirred it, he could only murmur, "I'm sorry" over and over again before he ladled it out into a big bowl.     


Song Qiao was eating dinner with her father when she received a couple of messages from the servant in Du Mansion. It took her a lot of efforts before she managed to find someone that she could bribe.     

She looked at the photos that were sent to her. They were photos of Han Ye pouring the content of the packet into the soup and of Kai Xin drinking the soup.     

When she saw how happy Kai Xin was as she slurped the soup, she laughed out loud as she thought, "Laugh all you want, Zhen Kai Xin! It would be the last time you laugh!"     

"What are you laughing at, Qiao Qiao?" asked Director Song as he looked up from his plates.     

Song Qiao grinned. As she continued to cut her steak, she said, "Dad, you don't have to worry about the BOD Meeting tomorrow."     

"What are you talking about?"     

Song Qiao smiled, "I have a feeling that Du XiAn would be too busy to even attend…"     

Director Song looked at his daughter before smiling along with her. He knew that she had something planned and he could not wait for the day to arrive.     


After dinner, the twins joined the adults in the living room as they watched a movie. Once the movie ended, they went back into their room while the adults watched a second movie.     

It had been a while since everybody was able to relax.     

Kai Xin smiled as she watched Naomi Nakamura and her brother whispering something to each other.     

They maintained a distance as if they were only friends but Kai Xin knew that they were into each other.     

It was just that they were raised to be gentleman and lady, and both of them were too afraid to move faster than this.     

Suddenly, Kai Xin cried out and pressed her belly.     

"What's wrong?" asked DX in concern when he saw that she was sweating badly and her complexion was pale.     

"My stomach…" murmured Kai Xin before she cried out in pain and fell onto him. She gripped his shirt as she cried weakly, "It hurts...It hurts…"     

DX immediately carried Kai Xin up and quickly yelled for one of the butlers to bring his car over. As he waited with Kai Xin, he told Kai An and Naomi Nakamura, "You two stay here with the kids. Don't tell them anything! I don't want them to worry unnecessarily!"     

"Kai Xin…" Kai An rushed forward. He placed a palm on his sister's forehead and gasped, "F*ck! She's burning!"     

Kai Xin was shivering and DX hugged her tighter against him. He placed a kiss on her sweaty forehead before murmuring, "You'd be fine! Our child would be fine!"     

He then turned to one of the butlers and yelled, "Where the f*ck is the bloody car!"     

When the car arrived shortly, he quickly placed Kai Xin in the passenger seat. She was groaning and seemed to be in increasing pain while she held her belly.     

"DX...It hurt! I'm scared!" cried Kai Xin as she looked at him weakly.     

"You'd be fine, Kara! Stay strong!" said DX as he tried to calm her down.     

As he ran back to the driver seat, he said to Han Ye, "Call Phillip and tell him that we are on the way to the hospital! Let him know that if he's not there when we arrived, I'll demolish the whole goddamn building!"     

He drove like a madman to the hospital. When they arrived, Dr. Phillip was already there with his team and they immediately brought her into the emergency ward.     

When they received the call from Han Ye, to avoid any traffic, Dr. Phillip immediately used his family's helicopter.     

DX could only wait outside the emergency ward. He kept cursing and praying that everything would be alright.     

Han Ye arrived not long after and as he looked at the pained expression on his boss' face, he felt a pang of guilt. However, what was done was done.     


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