Be My Strength

Up until I moved away...

Up until I moved away...

4By the time DX managed to secure the deal with President Nowakowski, it was already late. He thought that Kai Xin would be asleep by the time he arrived home but he found her sitting on the bed with a frown on her face as she stared at the laptop that was in front of her.      1

"Kara…" He immediately removed his tie before heading towards her. Before he said anything else, he gave her a quick kiss on the lips.     

"We need to talk," said Kai Xin seriously as she looked up at him.     

"Why? What happened at the school earlier? Are the boys alright?" asked DX as he sat down next to her.     

She told him of the fight and what might have caused it. He agreed with her punishments and even commented that it was too light.     

"They are just kids. Besides, you were worse when you were their age," said Kai Xin as she rolled her eyes at him.     

"No, I'm not!" said DX.     

"Don't lie. I talked to Callum before and he said that you were built on a short fuse. You got into a fight because a boy broke your favorite toy."     

DX sighed. She was right. When he was a kid, he had a really short fuse compared to his sons. Feeling indignant, he murmured, "I need to tape his mouth shut…"     

She chuckled but quickly went back to her serious mode. Switching on the laptop, she said, "I think we need to do this. I don't know who leaked it-"     

DX cursed, "Whoever it was, I want them to suffer!"     

She wanted to do the search by herself earlier but she had promised him before that she would never look at things like this by herself. Even if it was hard, he wanted to be there and she respected his wish.     

They scrolled through the forums that were popular at the moment and found a couple of threads with demeaning titles such as "President Du's woman?", "Guess who the sl*t is", "Who could the naked girl be?"     

What they found were pictures of a naked girl with her face pixelated out. However, both of them knew whose photo it was.     

"Enough," said DX angrily as he reached over to close the laptop.     

However, Kai Xin stopped him. When he looked at her, she shook her head and said softly, "I want to see everything…You can't go into a battle without knowing what is going on."     

Someone compared the photo of the naked girl to the photo of Kai Xin which was taken at the party.     

"Look at the birthmark! It's exactly the same! That must be President Du's woman...The Zhen Kai Xin!"     

"F*ck me! I'd bet my left nut on Zhen Kai Xin! How old was she then?!"     

"Wait! At the corner of the photo...That looks like a school uniform, right? And that's at least two pairs of hands on her body! Damn, the woman has been a h*rny f*cker since young!"     

As he read through the comments, DX clenched his fist tightly. However, Kai Xin remained calm. When she found a video on one of the threads, she pressed the play button despite his protest.     

It was taken from above where she was being forced to give Luo Yin a blowjob after he r*ped her. The blood that was on him was the blood when he penetrated her while the blood on her face was from his punch.     

The face of everyone in the video was pixelated or blurred out but Kai Xin could recognize herself. When she heard the laughter in the video, she gagged.     

Unable to take it anymore, DX slammed the laptop shut.     

"How could you just watch it…" asked DX as he hugged her tightly. His eyes were closed shut as he tried to purge the images out of his mind.     

"I've seen it…" said Kai Xin as she gently pushed him away.     

DX thought she meant it metaphorically but then, she wrapped her arms around her knees as she added in a soft voice, "Ye Tian used to visit me at home and he would show these videos to me whenever no one was paying attention to us."     

Clenching his fists tightly, DX asked her to tell him everything and she did. She told him how Ye Tian would torment her nearly everyday. He would corner her at school and talk to her, and she told DX how she would cower in fear whenever she bumped into Ye Tian in an empty hallway or stairs.     

He sat behind her and made her leaned back against him as she continued, "It was horrible...I couldn't understand why he kept doing it to me. I wasn't going to tell anyone. I just wanted to pretend that nothing happens and to move on with my life...But he refused to leave me alone…"     

"How long did the bastard hassle you?" asked DX.     

"Up until I moved away...He went overseas not long after that...Every time I passed by someone with white hair, I'd be so scared that it was him...I thought he's back to torment me again…"     

DX knew what she was talking about. He recalled vividly about the day when they met with Jane and how scared she was when she thought she saw a white-haired man.     

To comfort her, he rubbed her back gently as he said honestly, "I can get Luo Yin and Shangguang Xing. They did plenty of evil things since then, both in and out of the country, and most of them are still within the statute of limitation. However, Ye Tian had been staying out of trouble ever since he was sent overseas. Other than a couple of speeding tickets, there was nothing for me to send him into jail for…"     

She shook her head and said, "I've expected it. That guy...He's planning for something, but I don't know what…"     

"It's fine...Even if I can't send him to jail, I can deal with him in another way."     

Kai Xin turned around to look DX in the eyes before shaking her head slowly. He knew what she meant and groaned. However, he respected her wish. Legally first.     

With a worried tone, she pointed out, "DX...The boys…They are going to be curious about it. The twins said that they don't care but they are still young...It's going to affect them. The kids at their school are bound to talk. No matter how cool they are, it'd eventually get to them."     

He reached out to caress her cheek and in a soft voice, he reassured her, "I'll talk to them. They are good kids and I'm sure they'd understand. I'm more worried about my mother's reaction once she found out. She's been so quiet lately. I wonder what she's brewing in her mind now..."     

Thinking about the mother-in-law who refused to connect with her, Kai Xin felt a pang of sadness. It was not her wish to separate the woman from the rest of her family. She wanted Old Madam Du to come and stay with them so that their entire family could be together.     

After all, the more the merrier. With the size of the mansion, it would be comfortable enough for at least 30 more people. She wondered if her dream of having everything together would ever come true.     

With a sad voice, Kai Xin said, "Don't think of your mother like that...She meant well...DX, I have yet to tell my mother and brother anything. I don't think I can hide it any longer."     

DX agreed. It had been a secret for too long. Everything was never her fault and he wanted the entire world to know it.     

With a smile, he pulled her into a hug as he murmured, "We will tell them together. It's best we do it before they find it out by themselves…"     

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