Be My Strength

What news?

What news?

0Both of them immediately reached out to help her up but An Qi Yan kept shaking her head and tried to remain on her knees.      2

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't protect you! It's my fault! It's my fault that you were hurt! I should have known it! I should have noticed it!" cried An Qi Yan. She tried to kowtow to her daughter but Kai Xin would not let her do it. DX had to forcibly pull her up and sat her down on the chair. Even then, her emotions were all over the place.     

Unable to take it anymore, Kai Xin hugged her mother from behind. With a choked up voice, she murmured, "It's not your fault! It's...It's none of our faults...I was at the wrong place at the wrong time…"     

"Why? Why you...Why my daughter…What did my daughter do to suffer through this..." cried An Qi Yan. She kept thumping her chest to stop the invisible pain that threatened to suffocate her.     

Despite the tears that were flowing down her face, Kai Xin smiled, "They are going to hurt someone...Even if it's not me, it would be another innocent person…"     

She released her mother and leaned back against DX as she said, "As much as I hated what they've done to me...what they did to me led me to him…"     

An Qi Yan cupped her daughter's face as she cried tearfully, "Ye Tian...That evil boy! I let him in my house...What've I done…"     

"You didn't know…" said Kai Xin as she held onto her mother's wrinkly hands.     

"Why didn't you tell me?" asked An Qi Yan. Everything made sense now. Why Kai Xin was so adamant to change school and why she turned into a complete recluse...     

Kai Xin shook her head, "I didn't want you to get upset...If it's not because of the news...I'd never tell you or Kai An…"     

"What news?"     

Kai Xin filled her in on what happened and what would happen soon.     

An Qi Yan caressed her daughter's face as she scolded her softly, "You should have told us about it...No matter what, you should have let us know so that we can do something…"     

Kai Xin shook her head, "Even if I get to go back in time, I'd still do nothing about it. Mum...You won't be able to do anything...They are too powerful and if you try to do anything, they would just destroy our family."     

When An Qi Yan looked at her sadly, Kai Xin added, "They wanted to see my reaction. They don't want to destroy me alone. They want to destroy Kai An as well. I don't want them to hurt my brother. I'd rather suffer in silence than pull everyone down with me..."     


Before she could say anything else, Kai Xin interrupted her, "Kai An loves me very much. I know that, and I also love him as well. I don't want him to ruin his future because of this. I don't want him to fight against people that he cannot win against."     

"Who needs your protection!" yelled Kai An angrily. He had gone into the kitchen to talk to them when he overheard their conversation.     

"Kai An…" murmured Kai Xin. She found herself unable to meet him in the eyes.     

Kai An slammed his hand down on the countertop as he snapped, "I'm your big brother! Who the f*ck needs your protection!"     

"Get out of here!" snapped DX. He had enough of Kai An. Even if he was Kai Xin's brother, he would not allow Kai An to speak to her in such a manner. He stalked towards him menacingly and if it was not because of Kai Xin holding him back, he would have punched the guy in the face.     

Right now, in his pain and anger, Kai An did not even notice that DX was there. His eyes were completely focused on his younger sister. He could feel his blood boiling from the anger and knowledge that the three 'friends' of his violated his baby sister.     

Glaring at Kai Xin, Kai An pointed out angrily, "You should have relied more on us! Why do you always have to hold it in?! Am I even your brother!"     

Before Kai Xin could say anything, he stormed out of the room. He knew that he was being childish but he could not help it.     

"I'll look after him," said Callum before he ran off after Kai An.     

"Are you alright? You should've let me punch him," said DX as he hugged her tightly. He wanted to skin her brother alive for scaring her like that.     

Sighing, she shook her head, "It's a normal reaction. Dr. Phillip warned me."     

"I didn't know that you talked to him…"     

She pushed him away slightly before she murmured, "I told him in confidence. I know that I said that therapy would not help...but I figured that I should give it a try. Besides, I was thinking that if it leaks out, and it did, I want to know how to help my family go through this."     

Glancing at the entrance, she hoped that Kai An would be able to forgive her for keeping it a secret from everyone.     

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