Be My Strength

I want them to be punished

I want them to be punished

2As the mother and daughter sat opposite each other in the kitchen, DX made them some tea to warm them up. Even though it was impossible, he tried his best to keep his presence minimum so that they could talk openly.     0

While she stirred the milk into her cup of tea, Kai Xin said, "Mum, one more thing…"     


She exchanged glances with DX. He knew that she wanted to be alone with her mother and nodded. Before he left, he placed a kiss on her forehead and murmured, "I love you…I'll just be right outside."     

Kai Xin waited for him to leave the room before turning back to her mother. With a nervous tone, she stuttered, "I...I aborted a child before…"     

"What?" gasped An Qi Yan. She had just wiped off her tears from before when Kai Xin told her the news and her eyes soon welled up again. Placing a hand over her heart, she wondered how many more secrets that her daughter was holding back from her.     

Afraid to meet her mother's eyes, Kai Xin kept her eyes on her cup of tea as she continued, "I got pregnant because of that...I didn't know it until after I transferred school…"     

An Qi Yan gulped and she shook her head furiously. She wanted this to be a nightmare. A horrible and terrible nightmare, but one that she could wake up from. Many a time, she tried to speak as she stared at her daughter but the voice was lodged in the back of her throat as if something was keeping it back.     

After a few moments, as she hit her aching heart to keep it beating, she asked in a hoarse voice, "Why did you do everything by yourself? Why can't you tell me?"     

Kai Xin smiled wryly but her heart was filled with sorrow. She caressed her belly and prayed that the baby did not hear her words.     

The decision that she made back then was made with a child's mind. A child who wanted to protect her family from breaking further. Not that she would do it differently but sometimes, she would wonder if her mother would have had a different reaction if she told her about it back then.     

With a deep sigh, she replied, "I wasn't by myself. Jane...She was there with me. She didn't know the whole story, but she was there with me...So yeah, I wasn't alone…"     

She then told her mother the whole story including how Jane's relationship with Mo Shaoyun was affected because of her secret.     

"Poor Jane…" murmured An Qi Yan. She had always known that Jane was a good girl despite her mistakes in high school. However, she did not realize the extent that Jane would go for her best friend.     

Kai Xin agreed, "She got pulled into my mess, but she never blamed me."     

She pulled her daughter into a hug and whispered, "My poor child…I've failed you! I've thoroughly failed you!"     

"No, you didn't. I don't want you to blame yourself," said Kai Xin.     

"Did XiAn knows about it?" asked An Qi Yan with a worried tone. Even though she knew that Kai Xin was not at fault here, there were some men who would find it unacceptable.     

Kai Xin nodded against her mother's shoulder, "He knew. He said that it changes nothing..."     

An Qi Yan exhaled a sigh of relief. She was glad that Kai Xin managed to find such a great and understanding man.     

As Kai Xin hugged her mother back, An Qi Yan rubbed her back as she kept repeating, "My baby! My baby! How could God give you such a tough life!"     

Kai Xin hugged her mother tightly. Now that she was about to be a mother, she did not know what to say to comfort her own mother. All she knew was that she was going to protect her daughter no matter what.     

There should be no rumors surrounding her daughter's birth. Even if DX did not care, she cared. She wanted her daughter to be born in a world that would readily accept her and not one that would taint her in any manner.     

As the mother and daughter duo hugged each other tightly, Kai Xin murmured, "I'm going to go all out. Once the right time arrives, I'd let everyone knows the truth about those bastards. One way or another, I want them to be punished."     

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