Be My Strength

He never listened to anyone

He never listened to anyone

3While Kai Xin was dealing with Luo Yin, Kai An was standing nervously as he waited at the foyer of the Nakamura's mansion. He had been chatting with Naomi Nakamura over the phone the past two weeks. Every time he asked her out, she would suddenly be invited to the Luo Family for dinner or her parents would make her go out with Luo Yin.      4

In the end, he decided to meet her father and to openly tell General Nakamura of his intention to court his eldest daughter.     

He was nearly kicked out when he told the guards his name. Luckily, the title "President Du's brother-in-law" came in handy.     

When he showed a picture of him and Kai Xin and said that he was here to meet 'Ms. Naomi Nakamura', the guards immediately informed her who then proceeded to instruct them to let him in.     

After she received the call from the guards, she immediately checked herself in the mirror. Once she was sure that everything looked good, she immediately went to the foyer to meet Kai An.     

She smiled when she saw Kai An holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand while he waited patiently at the foyer. At the same time, he was holding a small hamper that contained the best quality bird nest and abalones.     

When she was in front of him, she chided, "I told you that you don't have to bring anything. My father doesn't care for gifts."     

At the moment, however, his mind was emptied and he found himself speechless. She was only wearing a light sundress but he could not help but stare at her. He had dated many women before but none could be compared to her.     

Instead of replying to her, he eventually blurted out, "You are too beautiful."     

Since she was young, Naomi Nakamura was often compared to her lively and prettier younger sister and as such, she was unsure how to reply to him. With obviously reddened cheeks, she glanced away as she murmured, "Thanks…"     

"Ah! I brought this hamper! I hope your dad likes it," said Kai An when he finally recalled the hamper in his hand. He then noticed the bouquet of flowers in his other hand and immediately said, "This is for you!"     

She laughed softly at his nervousness before taking the flowers, "Thank you."     

After instructing a servant to place the bouquet of flowers in her room, she led him to her father's study room where he was usually in. They glanced at each other nervously before she knocked on the door.     

Once she heard her father's voice telling them to, "Come in!", she went in with Kai An following closely behind her.     

General Nakamura looked up and when he saw Kai An, he frowned slightly before turning to his daughter, "Naomi? Who's the man with you?"     

"Father, this is Zhen Kai An. He's President Du's brother-in-law," answered Naomi Nakamura politely.     

General Nakamura stood up and walked around the table before stopping right in front of his daughter. He glanced at Kai An who was standing next to her before saying, "I don't recall attending Du XiAn's wedding before."     

"I'm sorry, sir...I mean, General! My sister is engaged to President Du," explained Kai An.     

"So, you are not the brother-in-law yet," said General Nakamura with a hint of disdain in his voice.     

"No. Not yet, sir."     

"What do you want?" asked General Nakamura as he observed the young man standing before him.     

Kai An glanced at Naomi Nakamura before looking back at the general. General Nakamura was well-built and for a man his age, he could be considered as attractive.     

The diagonal scar that cut across his right cheek and ended just above the corner of his lips made him looked scarier than anyone Kai An had ever met.     

"I-I," Kai An stammered. His throat was parched and he could feel the sweat forming on his palms as he tried to think of the words to say.     

"I don't have all the time in the world to wait for you. Come back when you've figured it out," said General Nakamura before he turned around.     

Just as he was about to walk back to his seat behind the desk, Kai An pulled his sleeve. When General Nakamura glared at him, he immediately released his sleeve before apologizing profusely, "I'm sorry, sir! I'm just a little nervous. Please let me try again. My name is Zhen Kai An and I'm here to court your daughter, Naomi Nakamura. I hope you'd give us your blessing."     

General Nakamura turned around and looked at his daughter. When she nodded, he glanced back at Kai An before saying, "My daughter is engaged to Luo Yin, the Young Master of the Luo Family. You are too late, boy."     

Kai An protested, "But they're not married yet! Please give me a chance, General Nakamura! I'd make Naomi the happiest woman on Earth!"     

General Nakamura scoffed and waved his hands around as he said, "Look around, boy. My daughter was raised in a mansion and she was given the very best that money could buy. What could someone like you provide for her? I'm not about to let my eldest daughter marry a man who has to rely on his future brother-in-law for things."     

"General Nakamura, you are wrong! I've never relied on Du XiAn for anything. I have got a good job as a sports doctor and I owned my own clinic. Maybe I can't give her what you can, but I can give her my everything!" said Kai An as he reached out to hold Naomi Nakamura's hand.     

"No! No daughter of mine is going to marry someone so far beneath our station."     

"But General Nakamura!"     

General Nakamura slammed his hand down on the desk before snapping, "There would be no discussion on this matter. My daughter is engaged to Luo Yin and there would be no breaking of engagement here. End of discussion. See yourself out before I call for the guards."     

"General!" Kai An was frustrated. The man did not even bother to listen to him properly.     

When he glanced at Naomi Nakamura, he noted the sad looks in her eyes when she shook her head to indicate the futility of his action.     

As she walked him to the foyer, he asked, "Is your father always like that?"     

"He never listened to anyone…"     

Kai An took her hand and placed his hand on her cheek as he said softly, "I won't let you marry him…"     

She nodded. However, in her heart, she knew that it was unlikely that he would be able to do anything. She was afraid that if he kept doing this, her father would get mad and that he might do something to Kai An to scare him off.     

Placing a kiss on her lips, he whispered, "Don't be scared…I'm sure that one day, he would see that I'm the best man for you."     


Later at night, when DX woke up and saw the message from Han Ye that Luo Yin managed to get near Kai Xin, he was furious! Without a care for the difference in time zone, he immediately gave his assistant a call.     

At that time, it was 5 a.m. in the morning and when Han Ye saw the ID on the incoming call, he knew that he was going to receive a thorough sounding.     

True enough, the moment he answered the call, he heard the annoyed tone in his boss' voice when the latter snapped, "Are those men idiots? Didn't I tell you to keep those bastards away from her? What do I need an assistant for?!"     

Han Ye winced as he pulled the phone away from his ear. After taking a deep breath, he placed it back against his ear as he explained, "President Du, I had to place them further away. Ms. Zhen noticed them and she was uncomfortable with the idea of being followed…"     

"Then think further ahead than her! How can you place her in such a dangerous situation like that? And that man! Why is he not doing anything? I don't need a video of it. If that Luo bastard dares to get near her again, just kill him. What if she gets hurt? What if -"     

With a silent sigh, Han Ye interrupted him, "President Du! She said she felt as if she was an animal in the zoo and she gave me an ultimatum. Either I call them off or she's going to think of a way to escape. She was never in any real danger. I was nearby and I went there immediately after I received the message."     

DX cursed. He paced around in the penthouse room of his hotel in New York as he thought about his works. Once he was sure that he could join the meeting via a video call, he said, "I'm coming home immediately after the 5 p.m. meeting today. Book the earliest available flight for me!"     


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