Be My Strength

Winners take the court

Winners take the court

1After school, on Friday, Jack and Lyle were playing basketball with their friends when a group of 12-year-old students walked towards them. Their leader, Maximus was the son of the ambassador from Country Z.     

The twins had met him before when they attended his birthday party. Every now and then, their grandmother would force them to go for the birthday parties that were organized by the ambassadors or the rest of the upper echelon that she thought would benefit them.     

"Oh, it's you guys…"     

"What do you want, Maximus?" asked Lyle before he passed the ball to his brother.     

"We want to use the court. You guys should go back to class."     

"We booked the court until 6 p.m. If you want, you can play later."     

Maximus sneered and with a finger, he poked Lyle's chest, "I want to play now..and I hate sharing with kids…"     

"It's too bad for you. We booked it first," said Jack.     

"How about this? 2 v 2. 15 points. Winners take the court," said Maximus.     

The twins looked at each other and their friends. When their friends said that they were fine with anything, the twins nodded. Looking at Maximus, they said in unison, "Winners take the court!"     

Maximus laughed as he paired up with his best friend, Drake. He was confident that they could beat the twins. After all, they were both in the school's basketball team and they represented their school in the state championship as well. In addition, they were at least a head taller than the twins.     

The match was intense and the twins proved to be tougher than they look. Their coordination was top notched as they zipped past their opponents' defense.     

Even though they were short, they managed to jump higher than the two 12-year-old and their skills were definitely way better than their peers.     

After 20 minutes, Maximus and Drake were already panting heavily as they tried to block the Lyle. Meanwhile, the twins barely broke a sweat.     

Their friends snickered as they watched the older boys got pummeled by the twins. The older boys did not know that when the twins played with their friends, they would never play seriously. It was always merely for fun and they would cut their friends some slack so that everyone could have fun together.     

Maximus and Drake knew that their juniors were laughing at them and it angered them to be embarrassed by two younger kids. They thought that Lyle was the main player and they completely surrounded him so that he would have no chance to shoot or pass the ball.     

When Lyle saw Jack moving from the corner of his eyes, he smirked. He got into position and pretended to shoot. When the other two jumped to stop him, Lyle quickly crouched down before dunking the ball between Maximus' legs.     

Before the two even realized what had happened, they heard the cheer coming from the twins' friends.     

"SCORED!GAME OVER!" shouted their friends as they ran towards the twins to congratulate them.     

One of them pulled his pants down to moon his seniors as he yelled, "STATE CHAMPIONSHIP MY A*SS, BRO!"     

His friends laughed while Lyle went over to pull his pants up as he muttered, "Why am I friends with idiots…"     

Maximus stormed over to Lyle and pushed him with so much force that the older twin fell down.     

"HEY!" snapped Jack before he pushed Maximus away from Lyle.     

Maximus grabbed Jack up and snarled, "You guys cheated!"     

"Let him down!" yelled one of the twins' friends.     

The kid who mooned Maximus and Drake snapped, "SORE LOSER! You shouldn't challenge anyone if you can't afford to lose! Why don't you take your f*ucking blonde hair back to your own country?!"     

Angered, Maximus dropped Jack and went over to grab the kid's collar. However, before he could land a punch on him, someone stopped his fist.     

"Let him go," warned Lyle as he pushed Maximus back.     

Taken aback, Maximus narrowed his eyes at Lyle. He had not expected Lyle to be strong enough to stop his fist.     

"You've lost. Leave now!" said Lyle calmly as he stood in front of his friend.     

Maximus wanted to pick a fight but Drake pulled him back.     

"Let me kill that brat!" snarled Maximus as he tried to shrug his friend's hand off of him.     

"Your dad will kill you first! Enough, let's go!" warned Drake.     

Maximus looked at Drake. His friend was right. His father would get angry at him if he picked a fight with someone from the Du Family.     

He spat, "I won't bother myself with dirt like you. It's sad enough that your new mother is a who*re!"     

"MAXIMUS!" snapped Lyle. He would not allow anyone to deride Kai Xin!     

Jack looked at his brother and worried that Lyle would lose his temper, he stood between those two.     

Knowing that he managed to rile Lyle up, Maximum sneered, "Go and ask her then! It's all over the Internet! Not only she slept with many men, she even takes pictures. There are even videos of her doing it with 3 men!"     

By the time he was done talking, Lyle was seeing red and he pushed Jack aside before rushing forward.     

Sensing the killing intent, Drake pulled Maximus behind him and blocked Lyle's attack.     

In a calm voice, he said, "He's not lying. Go and search the forums!"     

"F*ck off!" yelled Lyle as he kept his eyes on Maximus.     

"Why? If she's afraid of people talking about it, then she shouldn't have done it!" snarled Maximus as he remained behind Drake.     

"Max! Shut up!" snapped Drake as he blocked another attack from Lyle.     

Even though he was ranked higher than Lyle when it came to martial arts, he had seen him sparred before and he knew that the boy in front of him could be dangerous if provoked.     

The two of them managed to land a couple of hits on each other before they heard someone shouting, "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!"     

It was Principal Jackson who yelled at them. One of Lyle's friends was worried that they might get into big trouble and he sent the principal a message to let him know.     

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