Be My Strength

To borrow the knife for murder

To borrow the knife for murder

3Behind Han Ye stood a man dressed in an army suit. Luo Yin saw him sitting by the windows earlier and thought that he was a customer of the cafe and hence, he did not pay any attention to him.     4

If he knew that there was a bodyguard, he would not have acted out as he did. Luo Yin sighed inwardly as he thought, "You idiot! Of course, he would not allow her to walk freely!"     

Whenever DX left the country, he would leave Han Ye behind with the instruction that he was to look after Kai Xin.     

In order to give Kai Xin some space and privacy, Han Ye stayed inside the car which was parked near the cafe.     

However, he had sent someone who was currently disguised as a customer of Cafe X. The moment he received the message from the guard in disguised, he rushed over immediately.     

"Young Master Luo, I did not expect someone like you would be visiting a small cafe like this," said Han Ye with a smile on his face.     

Luo Yin looked around to make sure that DX was not around before saying, "I heard that there are lots of cute chicks who would visit this cafe but I guess the rumor is wrong."     

Han Ye looked at Kai Xin and when he saw her bruised wrist, he turned to face Luo Yin before asking, "Young Master Luo, I don't think President Du would be happy if he finds out that you are the reason for the bruise on Ms. Zhen's wrist."     

"Ah, she's just a woman. I'm sure Du XiAn won't care. If he wants, I'll pay for whatever treatment she wants…" smirked Luo Yin as he leaned against a table. His smug face bothered Jane so much that she wanted to throw something at him.     

"Young Master Luo, the Du Conglomerate has enough money to pay for any medical treatment but on behalf of President Du, I'd like you to apologize to Ms. Zhen now," said Han Ye while he maintained the professional smile on his face.     

Luo Yin narrowed his eyes at Han Ye as he asked, "And who the f*ck do you think you are, Mr. Han?"     

"This is an order from President Du."     

"Do I look like I'm afraid of President Du?" asked Luo Yin before he burst out in laughter.     

Han Ye put out his hand and the man behind him placed his phone on Han Ye's hand.     

Han Ye showed Luo Yin the video clip where he grabbed Kai Xin's wrist. Once he was done, he said, "Given that election season has begun, do you think that your father would be happy if the news that his son was filmed bullying President Du's woman got out?"     

Luo Yin tried to make a grab for the phone but Han Ye stood aside and tripped Luo Yin who fell on his knees.     

"I don't need you to get on your knees, Mr. Luo, but it's a sight to behold for sure," said Kai Xin as she held Jane's hand tightly.     

When she recalled how he forced her to get on her knees and made her serviced him, she felt an urge to slap him but when she saw the look that Han Ye gave her, she held herself back.     

Luo Yin spat and he tried to stand up but Han Ye placed his hand on his shoulder. As he pressed Luo Yin down so that he was still kneeling on one knee, Han Ye said calmly, "Please apologize to Ms. Zhen now."     

"F*ck you!" snarled Luo Yin. He tried to fight back but Han Ye was a lot stronger than him and he ended up kneeling on both knees.     

"Han Ye!" snapped Luo Yin as he struggled against the man.     

"Please apologize to Ms. Zhen now, Young Master Luo," said Han Ye calmly.     

Luo Yin's face turned red when he saw the customers who were taking photos of him. He had never been humiliated like this before and he swore that he would get her back for this.     

"I'm sorry!" gritted Luo Yin as he clenched his fists tightly.     

Kai Xin nodded at Han Ye who pulled his hand back.     

Luo Yin stood up and glared at Han Ye before turning his gaze to Kai Xin as he cursed, "You'd regret this, Little Kai Xin."     

They watched Luo Yin stormed out of the cafe before turning to look at each other.     

"Are you alright, Kai Xin?" asked Jane worriedly as she checked on her best friend's wrist.     

"I'm fine…" reassured Kai Xin as she pulled her hand away from Jane.     

"It's better if we get it checked out," said Han Ye.     

She shook her head, "No, I'm fine. It's just bruised...It would heal soon enough."     

"Who is that man, Kai Xin? He's so scary," asked Jane as she picked up their bags.     

"Jane, if you ever see him, stay away from him. He's dangerous," warned Kai Xin. She would never forgive herself if Jane was hurt.     

Parked opposite the cafe, Ye Tian was sitting in a rented car with tinted windows. He smirked when he saw his cousin stormed out from the cafe and entered the Rolls-Royce that was waiting for him outside.     

"So easy…" thought Ye Tian. He had merely texted Luo Yin that he saw Kai Xin and as per his prediction, Luo Yin came to take a look.     

Based on what he knew of Kai Xin, she was not going to tremble in fear. Unlike the 14-year-old Kai Xin, she had a strong backup now and she would not hesitate to use her lover to crush Luo Yin.     

Luo Yin was already in a mood after he found out about the meeting between Kai An and Naomi Nakamura. Ever since they were engaged, he had been sending people out to follow her.     

All Ye Tian had to do now was to sit back and wait for Luo Yin to organize the downfall of his own family.     

"To borrow the knife for murder…" murmured Ye Tian before he burst out laughing. This was going easier than he had anticipated.     

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