Be My Strength

Dinner (3)

Dinner (3)

0Callum was wondering what took them so long and came to take a look. When he heard a soft sobbing voice, he was about to charge into the kitchen when he saw them hugging each other.      0

He felt as if he was intruding and thus, he stood outside. He took a quick peek and sighed before he leaned against the wall next to the entrance of the kitchen.     

"Is she the person he loves?" thought Callum sadly. He had not expected this. Then laughing inwardly, he slapped his forehead repeatedly as he scolded himself for being dumb.     

"XiAn was so hostile towards him back then...I should've known that it was because of this...He knew that Guang Ying has feelings towards her..." thought Callum sadly. He was wondering why Ghost changed his mind about the dinner so easily and now he knew.     

"He only came because of her..." murmured Callum.     

Suddenly, he heard someone calling out his name, "Callum..."     

Callum turned and when he saw DX, he panicked. He immediately pushed the guy further out before DX could see anything else. In a hushed tone and an awkward smile, he said nervously, "There's nothing inside. Nothing is happening here! Let's go back to the living room. They are probably having fun without us there!"     

He was afraid that DX might flip if he saw the scene. Even if he hated to see Ghost with Kai Xin, he did not want DX to hurt him. Knowing DX, the one he would hurt would be Ghost.     

However, DX stopped him and said, "You are still as dumb as ever...I've seen them..."     

Frowning, Callum asked, "And you are not angry?"     

"I'm upset that I'm not privy to their world...But I'm not angry..." said DX calmly. He took a last glance towards the kitchen where the two were still oblivious to them before he walked away from there with Callum following behind him closely.     

"Are they..." asked Callum as he glanced back. He was a little afraid of the answer.     

Callum shook his head before saying, "Not lovers...but more than friends...Honestly, I'm not too sure what is their relationship is like..."     

"And you didn't ask?" asked Callum curiously. He was surprised by DX's reaction as it was unlike him to leave a stone unturned.     

DX took a second to ponder over his answers before answering Callum honestly, "When you are older, you'd realized that it is useless to force certain matters...That sometimes, it's better to let things flow naturally...No matter how much we want to know about their relationship, if they don't want to tell us, we can't force them..."     

When Callum gave him a confused look, DX patted him on the shoulder and said, "Even if it hurts...You'd have no choice but to be patient and wait for them to talk to you themselves...That's a job that one has to do when one is in love with a person who has been broken before..."     

Confused, Callum who had no idea about the things that happened to Kai Xin could only stare at DX's back as the man walked in front of him. However, he understood the meaning behind it.     


After roughly 10 minutes of crying, Ghost finally released her from his embrace. Her shirt was wet at the shoulder area where he cried into earlier.     

Walking towards the sink, he splashed some water onto his red and blotchy face before saying, "I think we need to go out now. Your fiance is not going to sit still for long..."     

"Ghost...You felt better now?" asked Kai Xin as she peered at him.     

He nodded. His face was dripping wet with water and he wiped it off with the sleeve of his shirt before turning around to face her. However, no matter how he cooled himself down, he knew that it would be hard for him to explain the bloodshot eyes if anyone asked about it.     

"The last-minute invitation to dinner...Is it because you want to ask me if you can tell him about us, right?" asked Ghost as he looked at her. The anger and sadness from earlier were gone for now.     

"I don't want to hide things from him anymore...but I don't want to break my promise to you," answered Kai Xin truthfully. Both DX and Ghost were important to her and she did not want to be placed in a position where she had to choose one of them.     

With a sad smile, he reached out to caress her face before saying softly, "You are very cruel, Daisy. You are going to give away the only secret that we shared..."     

"I know...I'm sorry..."     

With a sigh, he pulled his hand away. After a while, he agreed, "I've expected this day to come sooner or later...If you want to tell him, then so be it...But Daisy...He already knew that we know each other..."     

When she heard him, she gasped, "What?"     

DX had never hinted or did anything out of the ordinary. She frowned as she thought, "If he knew about us, why didn't he tells me about it?"     

Not knowing the real intention behind DX's silence, Ghost shrugged, "He confronted me previously...I think he has an idea that I've been helping you since the beginning..."     

He told her about his meeting with DX. Once he was done, she said, "I told him before that I can't tell him anything until I talked to my 'special friend'...I'll talk to him about this later...Ghost?"     


"Are you fooling around with Callum?"     

"No...I don't know..."     

"He's a good man. If you're not serious about it, please let him know..."     

When Ghost did not answer her, she added, "I know that you've been harboring feelings for me..."     

"Have you ever...?" asked Ghost. He did not have to finish his question because Kai Xin knew what he was going to ask.     

As she leaned back against the countertop with her arms folded, she answered him, "Yes...I've thought about us being together before..."     

"If I've known that my mother was...I'd have acted earlier...Then, you'd have been mine..." said Ghost. However, he had a feeling that he was lying to himself. Even if he knew about his mother's death from the very beginning, he would be afraid to keep Kai Xin to himself. From the very start, he was meant to be alone.     

When she heard his words, she disagreed with it. With a wry smile, she added, "Ghost...I don't think our feelings for each other are the kind of feelings that people in love would have..."     

She pulled him down slightly and kissed him on the cheek before saying, "I think that we were both looking for an anchor...Someone to keep us sane and alive...That day, if you didn't stop me from jumping, I'd have been dead...You gave me the reason to stay alive...and because of your help, and because you were the only person I can talk to back then, I started to feel something for you..."     


"But after I met Du XiAn, I realized that the feelings that I felt when I'm with him are different from the feelings that I felt when I'm with you. That's when I know...that what I thought was 'love' is actually different from the kind of love that one has for another..."     

He clenched his teeth together and shook his head slowly before gritting out, "No. You are wrong!"     

With a wry smile, Kai Xin pointed out, "G, you called me Mama whenever you were heavily intoxicated...You thought you are in love with me but the fact is that you are looking for a family...A replacement for your mother...You've never been in love with me as much as you love the idea of me being in your life forever..."     

When he heard what she said, a series of events flashed through his mind. From the time they first met, everything he had done for her, his obsession with keeping her safe no matter what...Everything boiled down to his youth.     

He had spent years blaming himself for being unable to protect his mother and over time, he started to feel that he was responsible for Kai Xin's safety and wellbeing.     

Kai Xin reached down and took his hand before saying, "I'll always be in your life, G...I won't ever leave you...So, you don't have to worry about it, alright? You are finally free from them...Please! Go and live the life you want..."     

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