Be My Strength

Dinner (4)

Dinner (4)

3After talking for a little more, they decided to join everyone in the living room. Kai Xin sat next to DX whose arm automatically wrapped around her waist while Ghost chose to sit next to Callum after the guy looked at him with big hopeful eyes.     

Just as they were getting comfortable, An Qi Yan noticed Ghost's bloodshot eyes and asked, "Did something happened?"     

Ghost smiled and shook his head before explaining to her that he had an allergic reaction to the dust in the kitchen.     

"There's dust in this mansion?" asked Kai An from where he was sitting on the floor next to the couch that An Qi Yan was sitting on. There was plenty of seats for him to sit on but he said that there was nowhere more comfortable than the floor.     

He was confused when he heard Ghost's explanation for the bloodshot eyes. He had never lived in a cleaner place than the Du Mansion.     

"The staff can be lazy sometimes," murmured DX as he continued to read a work report on his email. His curt tone ended whatever follow-up questions that Kai An wanted to ask. He had lived here long enough to discern his brother-in-law's mood.     

The twins had to go to school earlier tomorrow so they were sent to their room earlier than usual.     

After a while, Kai An had a mischievous thought and turned to Callum and Ghost before asking, "So, when are you guys going official? Should we throw you a coming out party any time soon?"     

Kai Xin laughed while An Qi Yan sighed, "Please forgive my inappropriate son..."     

Callum turned to Ghost and looked at him with much expectation before asking, "Wife, so-"     

Before he could finish his sentence, the man interrupted him by saying brusquely, "Don't force me to kill you..."     

With a sigh, Callum turned back to Kai An and shrugged, "You'll know when you know..."     

He noticed that Kai Xin would glance over at Ghost every now and then during the night. If it was before, he would not think too much about it. However, now that he knew that there was something between those two, it was hard for him to continue on as if he knew nothing.     

DX told him that the two were not lovers but then, he could not help but feel a little resentment towards her. Ghost was often so cold towards him but he was hugging her earlier and showing her affection that he had never shown him before.     

As he glanced at the man, Callum thought, "Is he ever going to show me that kind of affection?     

Knowing that Callum was staring at him, Ghost glared at him before whispering harshly, "Stop staring at me, you perv!"     

To his surprise, Callum did not retort and merely looked away. His lack of reaction surprised Ghost. Usually, he would have at least smiled back or grovel, but for some reason, Callum was acting normally.     

Ghost frowned at Callum as he wondered what the latter was up to again.     


After everyone left, Kai Xin and DX went back to their room to get ready for bed.     

While they were in bed doing some last minute reading, she suddenly sighed loudly and placed her book on the nightstand before snuggling closer to him. She had been pretending to read for the last 15 minutes as she tried to think of a way to talk to him and she finally gathered enough courage to talk to him.     

As he glanced at her, he smiled before asking, "What?"     

"Erm...I need to talk to you about something important..."     

Placing his book aside, he laid down on the bed and waited for her to settle comfortably in the crook of arms before asking softly, "What do you want to talk about?"     

"How long have you known about Guang Ying?" asked Kai Xin.     

He shrugged, "For quite some time now..."     

"Erm, there's nothing between us...So, please don't get it wrong..."     

"I know..."     

She frowned at his lackadaisical attitude when he replied and groaned, "Damn it, Du XiAn! Why are you so chill about it? I want you to be jealous!"     

When he heard her reply, he laughed, "Should I send someone to beat him up? Is that what you want?"     

She shook her head, "Well, no...Not really...I just want you to be jealous a little."     

After a while, she added, "Anyway, why didn't you talk to me about it?"     

He gave her a quick peck on the lips before saying, "If you are ready to talk, you will...You've always been like that..."     

Lately, she would randomly call out his name and whenever he turned to her, her lips would be parted as if she wanted to tell him something. Everytime, after a moment of hesitation, she would either ran away or laughed it off.     

He knew that she was fighting an internal battle of her own and thus, chose to give her all the time that she needed.     

She moved and knelt next to him. As she cupped his face between her hands, she asked curiously, "And you've never thought that there's something between us before?"     


Pouting, she slapped his chest before pointing out, "And why not? He's good looking, and I was told that I'm kind of beautiful...By you, actually..."     

He laughed at how she was annoyed by the stupid thing. He flicked her forehead playfully before saying, "First of all, you are not just kind of beautiful...You are the most beautiful person in the world...and second, you are not the kind of person to date two men at once...You are too lazy for that...Lastly..."     

Grabbing her hands, he pulled her closer. When their faces were inches apart, one of his hands slipped into her pants to give her b*ttock a light squeeze before he continued in a low seductive voice, "...everyone knows that once you go Du XiAn, you can never go back to anyone else."     

She laughed out loud at his amendment and usage of the phrase "once you go black, you never go back".     

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