Be My Strength

Dinner (5)

Dinner (5)

4He smiled before reaching down to caress her belly lovingly. When he felt a nudge, he grinned, "See? Even our daughter agrees with me. She just told me so!"     

"Du XiAn! I never knew that you'd be so shameless!" laughed Kai Xin before she laid back down next to him. When he continued to grin at her, she added, "Don't be so full of yourself...She's just more active at night..."     

He placed his ear on her belly before whispering, "Phillip said she can hear us if we talk..."     

"Yeah, that's why you can't scold me. Otherwise, she would know..."     

"As if I'd even dare to scold you..."     

"You are distracting me! Damn it! I need to tell you something..."     

Still with his ear pressed against her belly, he said, "That you've been plotting to use me since the beginning? Or that you organized the whole incident that happened during my birthday party?"     

When she heard him, she gasped, "You knew?!"     

He pinched her nose lightly as he pointed out, "I've got a friend who has been using me since I was a boy. Trust me. I know it when someone is using me..."     

"And you are ok with it?" said Kai Xin in a high pitched voice that was caused by him pinching her nose.     

When she slapped at his hand, he released her nose and kissed it better before saying, "You placed him in the room, but you didn't make him hurt you. Shangguan Xing deserved everything that I did to him. If I had known back then what he did to you before, I'd have taken more of his limbs away instead of only one arm...As for the aphrodisiacs, I'm sure Luo Guang Ying had something to do with it. Am I right?"     

"You are scary..."     

He raised a brow at her, "I can be scarier if you want..."     

"No. Continue to be my teddy bear, please…" said Kai Xin as she hugged his arm. Then, in a small voice, she said, "Don't hurt him, please..."     

"I won't kill him...Without him, our daughter won't exist here...I can't promise you that I won't break any of his bones though...That stunt of his placed you in such danger!"     

"Without him, I won't be here as well..."     

"That's what you think...Without him, you'd still be mine...It might take me longer to convince you to go out with me, but I'd still get you to be my woman..."     

"Bit full of yourself, aren't you?" murmured Kai Xin before she turned away from him. She smiled when he hugged her from the back.     

He placed a kiss on her shoulder before asking, "My beloved little minx...When did we first met?"     

"Four years ago...Almost 5 now..."     

"For you, maybe...It's actually around six years ago...That was when I first saw you..." said DX. When she turned back to look at him questioningly, he started to tell her about the first time he saw her.     

Once he was done, Kai Xin frowned, "Why didn't you tell me about it?"     

"You have your own secrets, I have my own…" said DX. He brushed his knuckles against her cheek while adding, "But no more secrets from now on...Alright?"     

She agreed. It was so tiring to keep the secrets and she felt as if a burden was lifted now that she had come clean to him.     

As he looked at her reddened cheeks and the way her chest moved in the sexy lingerie she was wearing, a desire soon arose within him. Leaning in, he kissed her softly on the lips before whispering, "It's been a couple of days since you've fed me…"     

She understood what he meant. After all, with the way his eyes were glowing with hunger, it was hard to miss it.     

"En…" answered Kai Xin.     

With a grin, he helped her out of her lingerie before taking off his own shirt. Just as they were about to get hot and heavy, Kai Xin suddenly thought about something and pushed him away, "There's another person!"     

With a loud curse, DX stopped himself from going down on her. She laughed when she saw his expression that was blaming her as if she took his favorite toy away.     

To placate him, she kissed him on the lips before saying, "Let's get everything out first…After that, you can have as much as you want..."     

"You want to get everything out but I'm trying to fill something up here…Can we talk later?" groaned DX as he glanced down at his hardened member. It had been more than a week since they last played and it was throbbing by now.     


He groaned and laid back down. Before Kai Xin could say anything, DX interrupted her, "Lu ZiYan. Owner of AVENGE. Codename: Thousand Hands God...The person who has been hacking into my system..."     

She stared at him for a few seconds before frowning. Turning away from him, she sighed, "... I give up. I thought I have plenty of secrets, but I don't! You already knew everything!"     

DX grinned evilly. He pulled her buttocks closer to his crotch before leaning forward to whisper at her ears, "I was only guessing but you just confirmed everything for me..."     

She gasped and turned around. Slapping his chest, she pouted, "You tricked me!"     

He pushed her back down and pinned her hand above her head while laughing, "Can't help it. You are too gullible."     


After a while, he asked, "Did you know that Lu ZiYan graduated from Elite High School?"     

However, she was vexed about being tricked earlier and refused to talk to him. After a bit of coaxing, she continued to talk to him and she told them about how she first met Ghost and Phantom.     

Listening to how she almost killed herself, DX's mind was no longer about making love. Instead, he pulled her closer to him and hugged her tightly before murmuring, "You silly woman...Don't ever do that anymore..."     

She smiled, "I was in pain and I can't think straight..."     

He listened as she continued to tell him about everything that went on with her life after what had happened.     

"Kara...How well do you actually know them? Luo Guang Ying and Lu ZiYan...Can you trust them?" asked DX before a yawn hit him. He glanced at the clock and noted that it was almost midnight.     

Kai Xin thought for a moment before nodding sleepily, "I trust how you trust Han Ye...They won't hurt me..."     

DX wondered if he should tell her about the fact that Phantom's received a huge sum of money not long after the incident. No matter how they tried, they were unable to trace where the money came from. It had been 12 years since then so it was not weird that they could not find anything about it. Even though it was frustrating, DX knew that there was a limit of what he could do.     

Just as he was about to say something, she had already fallen asleep in his arms.     

With a sigh, he pulled the blanket up to cover her naked body. As he looked at the peaceful expression on her face as she slept, he was reluctant to tell her about it.     

He did not want her to worry about this, especially after everything she had been through. At least for now, he wanted her to just relax and enjoy herself.     

He rubbed her belly softly as he whispered at it, "I'm not wrong to keep this quiet right?"     

When he felt the nudge, he smiled.     

Before he fell asleep with her in his arms, he thought, "It's better if I wait until I have a definite answer...I'll definitely tell her then..."     

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